• Prophetic Words


    I felt to encourage the forerunners in this season. I saw many forerunners coming up against attacks in their bodies, and random attacks on health that have begun arise to attempt to keep these forerunners from moving forward in all the Lord is releasing and then will be released upon the body of Christ as a whole. The enemy is attempting to steal vision, hinder birthing and release through these forerunners through ‘crippling’ issues with health and for some they have arisen suddenly and without warning. The battle has been fierce but be encouraged you are moving into a BUT GOD!!!! The “BUT GOD” heavenly reality is going to be…

  • Prophetic Words


    I saw envelopes falling from heaven, it was raining these most beautiful envelopes with gold seals on the back, and as I looked closer at the seals I saw there were scepters on each of these seals… a letter from heaven, I thought. I knew whatever was contained in these envelopes was from the King of Kings. These envelopes were falling from heaven and they fell into the Bibles of the people of God. As I opened one of these envelopes this piece of paper shined with such bright light, it was almost blinding. As I looked closer I saw it was an invitation to the people of God into…

  • Prophetic Words


    I saw many of the people of God approaching the throne with heads down, unhealthy fear, condemnation and disappointment. I sensed the Lord saying that the revelatory truth of Hebrews 4:16 has been stolen from many of HIs people: “So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.” – Hebrews 4:16 – The Passion Translation. I heard the cries in many hearts as they have been in the “waiting” and have been in the “battle” and the battle has wearied them so much that lies have begun to…

  • Prophetic Words


    I saw many have been feeling the “uncomfortableness” of pruning and have been finding the process tiring and difficult. But I want to encourage you that there is an intense pruning happening right now in the body of Christ, and when the Lord leads His people into a time of pruning it is to cut away all that is hindering you. It is for your good. It is to extend you on the inside. It is to prepare you for promotion and greater favour. The process right now, although painful, embrace it, for what may feel like a wilderness is the place where you are going to FIND HIM and…

  • Prophetic Words


    Dictionary definition of the word KINK : a sharp twist or bend in a wire, rope, hair, etc During the night last night I was awakened and before my eyes I had a vision of a vacuum cleaner hose and it had a HUGE kink in it. I saw something else happen but want to share first what I saw this morning. Then this morning I had another vision and it was of a garden hose and it had a KINK in it. It was then highlighted to me that a vacuum cleaner “sucks up” and a garden hose “releases” water. So in saying that, the last part of my…

  • Prophetic Words


    “The angels stooped down to listen as I prayed, encircling me, empowering me, and show me how to escape. They will do this for everyone who fears God” – Psalm 34:7 – The Passion Translation I have had this verse on my heart for a few weeks and felt an encouragement for the people of God, and especially those who have been feeling desperate and defeated. Those who are looking for a pathway of escape and freedom from the pressure and difficulty they find themselves surrounded by. I sensed the Lord saying that there are angels that are stooping down and they are listening to the prayers of God’s people.…

  • Prophetic Words


    I have felt the Lord speaking to me about vindication lately and the phrase ringing in my heart and spirit lately has been.. “I AM THE LORD WHO VINDICATES” I then saw many of the people of God and they were trapped in what looked like prison cells. They had been placed in circumstances where they felt caged in, untrue words and judgements spoken against them, situations turned suddenly against them to bring them into a place of “condemnation” in the eyes of others. Many have been feeling trapped by the opinions of others especially in the areas of contending for the promises of God and visions the Lord has…

  • Prophetic Words


    God is now birthing visions and dreams and there is a financial release to put "wheels" on dreams God has given you. I felt this a few months ago and I believe the Lord brought it back to my heart again in this past little while. The "hindrance" of finances to move forward with the vision the Lord has given to many is now being removed. Finances will no longer be an issue into putting into practise the "blueprint of heaven" the Lord has released. BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING There is a financial breakthrough happening in the body of Christ now where decades of debts and stolen inheritances are…

  • Prophetic Words


    Lately I have had the verse burning on my heart Psalm 16:6: “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” There has been great alignment, and contending happening within the body of Christ in this season. A great stretching, that at times, many have felt like they could not have possibly been stretched any further. STRETCHING I saw many in this time of great stretching and in the past couple of week especially have felt “stretched” to the limit, but while the stretching has taken place, there has been a bubbling excitement like butterflies in the pit of stomachs at the heavenly…

  • Prophetic Words


    I saw many across the body of Christ, men and women who have been in a “midwifery” position in this season. Where they have been alongside those who have been birthing. They have been alongside those who are moving in great favour, who are seeing the promises of God fulfilled and manifested in their life. They are moving through the transition of the “birthing” and intense “labour pangs” and have now moved into the last stage of “pushing” that is seeing the baby coming into “being”. These midwives male and female, have given over and over and have stood faithfully besides these ones who have been birthing continually giving and…