• Prophetic Words

    BASKETS OF WISDOM – Lana Vawser

    BASKETS OF WISDOM The past few days I have been carrying a massive sense and urgency in my heart for the people of God to be asking the Lord for wisdom. James 1:5 has been burning on my heart and my prayer has been for the Lord to grant me wisdom in all that I do. “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” I have had a sense on my heart that there is such an abundance being released now, such an increase, and such a harvest that there is…

  • Prophetic Words

    It Is Not Time To Give Up, But Watch His Goodness Erupt

    People of God, the Lord knows that you are weary. The Lord knows how hard the waiting has been, and how uncomfortable the transition has been. I saw the Lord and His eyes were FULL of compassion and love. He understands, and even when you don’t understand, all He asks you to do is keep holding His hand as He has a marvelous plan. I saw the Lord holding “party poppers” in His hand and with a huge smile of joy and expectancy like a parent about to give their child a gift that they KNOW is going to bring such joy to their hearts, the same expectant joy was…

  • Prophetic Words


    Over the past few weeks I have had the sense that there is going to be a dramatic increase in angelic encounters. A greater awareness of angels around about the people of God. Then today while in worship I saw angels dancing around the people of God and I knew that as they were dancing they were ‘ushering’ in something greater and new. I then saw they were coming to the people of God with three things. Those who were standing with eyes fixed upon were going to begin to be invited into encounters with a company of His angels. These angels were sent from the Lord to bring 3…

  • Prophetic Words


    I had the word “enrich” on my heart which means: 1. To supply with abundance. 2. To adorn or decorate. I saw the Lord supplying great abundance to His people. Provision was flowing in great measures. The windows of heaven were opening and great abundance flowing especially in the area of finances. Provision is going to flow for the vision the Lord has given His people. He is taking care of things very well and you will have all that you need to accomplish what the Lord has put on your heart. He is now putting WHEELS ON DREAMS! Dreams that have been delayed or the people of God have…

  • Prophetic Words

    Say YES!

    Saying YES to God and walking through the doors He is opening is not only going to see amazing opportunities and increase released but a whirlwind of favour released upon you that will carry you to higher places than you have imagined. It is going to be bigger, better and more glorious than you are even thinking. Favour will be stewarded well as you keep your roots deep in Him. EFFECTUAL doors are opening and the whirlwind of favour that is being released is not only going to lead to numerous breakthrough’s but also set things up ‘suddenly’. Things are going to happen a lot quicker than you realise as…

  • Prophetic Words


    I sensed many doubting the power of their prayers as they are feeling like they are not being “heard”. They feel like they have been in a dry and weary land for so long without breakthrough. “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” – James 5:16 This morning in a dream I saw a explosion of great colours and in the middle of the explosion was the word BREAKTHROUGH. He is on time and has not forgotten. Keep walking in righteous and know that your earnest prayers are about to birth the answers. Fulfilment of His promises, divine wisdom and direction is being…

  • Prophetic Words


    Do not doubt, He is bringing a new level of restoration into your life. You will receive double for all you have endured. The Lord knows you are weary and your faithfulness, trust and obedience has not gone unnoticed by Him. What has been broken, stolen and lost in your life, He is restoring to you above and beyond what you had before. There is a multiplication happening and will birth in the restoration. God is restoring and will give you eyes to see the new day dawning.

  • Prophetic Words


    This morning I walked past the table where my husband has all his necessary ‘bits and pieces’ for a model plane he is building. My eye was drawn to a can of spray he uses on the plane called “BLAST ACCELERATOR”. Immediately, I sensed the Holy Spirit say that there is about to manifest a “BLAST of ACCELERATION”. That HE is the BLAST ACCELERATOR as true long lasting acceleration can only come from Him. I felt an encouragement from heaven for those who are weary and have stood firm, prayed and believed and are so tired of the “waiting” that a blast of acceleration shall be released upon them. That…

  • Prophetic Words

    The Lion Of Judah Roared…And Sowed Seeds Of Light – Lana Vawser

    THE LION OF JUDAH ROARED….AND SOWED SEEDS OF LIGHT “For He sows seeds of light within His lovers, releasing a harvest in the souls of the righteous. Seeds of joy burst forth for the lovers of God!” – Psalm 97:11 – Passion Translation Again, I was taken back to an encounter with the Lion of Judah. He roared upon His people who were tired, weak and feeling dismayed in what else to do to be positioned for long awaited breakthrough. I saw Him roar again and out of His mouth flew seeds of light that were like balls of fire. These balls entered the hearts of His people and there…

  • Prophetic Words


    Australia, you are about to ROAR!!!!! I had the words on my heart “Australia you are about to ROAR”. I sensed the Lord saying that Australia is being positioned now and into 2015 to begin to ROAR with the goodness and love of our God. Prophetic voices are going to spring up from Australia with such boldness and authority that is not only going to change the atmosphere in this nation but nations words are released to. The ROAR of testimonies of His goodness and what happens when His Glory falls as proclaimed There is a great shaking happening in Australia right now to bring Australia into alignment with her…