• Prophetic Words


    I saw many in distress over obstacles before them. Obstacles that were causing hindrance, division, havoc, stress and hope deferred. I then heard the words “VICTORY IS ASSURED”. As you live IN HIM you are VICTORIOUS in Him! Victory is assured! It may not look HOW you expect or WHEN but as you keep your eyes on Him, He will use all things for good and you will come out BETTER than before. The battle here is for your heart. To sway you from your devotion to Him. Stand firm and undivided in your focus upon Him. Obstacles may be screaming but heaven is declaring BIRTHED VICTORY! The obstacles before…

  • Prophetic Words


    There will be a celebratory ROAR from the people of God as doors open for many revealing what God has in store and nothing will close the God ordained door. Doors that are now opening are doors of old – what you have been prepared and called for. All has been leading to such a time as this – greater Kingdom building release. Keep your eyes on Him! All hindrances in your path will be removed as the King of Glory moves. I saw a door with the words “NEW BEGINNINGS” written on it. He is faithful, He will fulfil His Word. Don’t lose hope!!! There is a new beginning…

  • Prophetic Words


    I saw many of the people of God I confusion and not sure which way to move. Many of the people of God are waiting on heavenly direction confirmations and breakthroughs in provision. Many have received direction from God but the provision has tarried so confusion has set in as to whether they have heard right. The Lord is loosening confusion and it is falling away as He releases His EXTRAVAGENT confirmations. The Lord is training His people to understand the language of the Holy Spirit. Pay attention to what He highlights. He is releasing multiple EXTRAVAGENT confirmations so His people will know that they know that they know it…

  • Prophetic Words


    I have had the theme of alignment on my heart all year and have felt that there is a specific alignment happening this year for the body of Christ as they seek Him. Alignment in their relationships with Him, alignment in destiny and purpose/callings and alignment with fulfilment of promises and provision, This is indeed a time of promotion, and the Lord is looking for those who are devoted to Him and what He is doing in the earth. He is looking for those who are hungering for more of Him and living in expectant surrender. He is moving powerfully in this new day. I saw a picture of a…

  • Prophetic Words


    I saw many feeling the “pressure” of transition, the waiting, obstacles and unfulfilled promises getting heavier. Especially this week the “pressure” and “tension” has seemed to increase dramatically. There is significant opposition within the last week for many as the enemy is fighting the “alignment” that is happening right now. The enemy is fighting the alignment coming into believer’s lives and the deeper alignment between God and His people. Do not be distracted. Do not look to the left or to the right. Keep your face as a flint towards Him. The river of breakthrough is flowing and the enemy is attempting to bring obstacles but many shall see mountains…

  • Prophetic Words


    “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying “This is the way… Walk in it.” – Isaiah 30:21 I sensed many laboured with questions.. “Which way, Lord?”, “What do I do?”. Many have tried certain things and walked certain ways and they haven’t worked. Many have done all they can to position themselves for breakthrough but have been left tired, disappointed and weary. I had a dream this morning where I heard the Lord reciting Isaiah 30:1 with such love and compassion. He is bringing directive, confirmative alignment. He wants His people encouraged and not in fear for He is…

  • Prophetic Words


    The areas that you feel have suffocated you, overwhelmed you, hindered you from flying and moving to the next level… As you have remained surrendered to Him and held His hand, you will now raise the flag that says “CONQUERED”. You are moving into a greater level of freedom as you continue to remain sensitive to His Spirit and leading. He conquered the grave and in Him you are MORE than a conqueror and you are going to step further forward into the victory that is already yours. The battle to keep you “grounded” (not in a positive way) and hinder you from flying has been so intense because you…

  • Prophetic Words


    What you are beginning to see unfold, the favour that is being released, the opportunities being presented and the breakthrough that is picking up momentum… IS JUST THE BEGINNING! He has started the “heavenly ball” rolling and as you continue to live surrendered and delighting in Him, you will see Him lead you into overflow beyond what you have imagined. You will be given much more than you have dreamed so you may overflow and see the spirit of generosity explode over your life. This is just the beginning! For many have felt that they had been forgotten, but lately have begun to “see” the release happening. This is just…

  • Prophetic Words


    I have had the sense on my heart the past few days that a greater revelation of what heaven has designed and intended for you in this season is going to be seen clearly and heard loudly. It is going to be different to what has been expected, more twists, more turns and what could seem to be “delays” are really lead ups to an explosive glorious abundant heavenly display. “New day” is what many are hearing from the Lord for this season. That is exactly what it is, a new day season, that what the Lord is doing and releasing is so fresh, so new and vibrant in the…

  • Prophetic Words


    Many have been feeling like their wings have been clipped. Caged and not able to “fly”. Praise is clearing the frustration and haze in your heart. Praise is shifting the atmosphere around you and no matter what circumstances threaten to try to constrain you, you will move forward in great peace and joy (contentment) without restrain. Many are feeling anxious, restless and frustrated in transition. The pains of growing and transition are bringing pressure. Praise is the key to move through these stretching pains and FLY even before you see circumstances shift. The Lord is bringing His people to a place of greater freedom. It Is time to fly and…