Prophetic Words


“As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage. Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset.” – Exodus 17:11-12
I am still feeling the heart of the Lord for those who are weary. The Lord is ministering to the weary at a deep level right now. As I was in worship today, I was hearing the story of Moses and his arms becoming so tired he could not longer hold them up.. so entered Aaron and Hur and kept his arms up and kept him steady.
I specifically saw “leaders” today that were tired. They were leaders in the Church and especially those operating in the fivefold ministry. I saw many leaders were weary from the “battle” that has been surrounding them. I then saw leaders in the corporate world, leaders in the marketplace, and then I saw the words “those carrying great influence and being released now into places of greater influence”. (authors, worship leaders, business leaders were just some of what I saw. Those already in place, and those entering their platform of influence) What I saw was twofold. A weariness from the battle and contending, but also a weariness sent by the enemy to drain life and vision.
Over all “groups” of people I saw this weariness I saw it coming to steal the VISION of the people of God. To bring about a “draining” and such an exhaustion, discouragement and discontentment that they would take their eyes off what the Lord has told them to do and the vision they are to run with. “I am bringing refreshing to your heart and soul. There will be streams in the desert, pools of refreshing before you. I am doing something new. STAY ALERT.” “Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19 Weariness is attempting to steal perception, sight, discernment and insight, but it will NOT be stolen as you keep standing. Help is on the way! You will be strengthened and CLARITY will come to you!!! You will SEE and you will FORESEE!
It was then I saw before my eyes Moses and he was so weary and Aaron and Hur came and held his arms up. The Lord is sending people around these leaders, those who are weary, those to hold up their arms through this battle. Those to keep them ‘steady’ through this turbulence. The Lord has placed a gloriously heavy (in a good way) breakthrough anointing over many leaders on the frontline in this season. It is being poured out now, and the victories that are happening in the lives of these ones is being released over congregations, business, people in every day life “TENFOLD”. The enemy wants these leaders to have their vision lost and their standing withdrawn so this breakthrough anointing will not be released. We are entering into seeing greater manifestation of the breakthrough anointing, such glorious victories (Psalm 44:4) The Lord is sending aid! The Lord is bringing people around you to support you, encourage you, love you, pray for you and stand with you through this battle. You are on the verge of victory! Leaders you are moving forward. Just when you thought you couldn’t take another step, He has sent you aid in some beautiful people to surround you. The victory you are contending for is not just FOR YOU, it is for those the Lord is using you to influence and care for and love.
INTERCESSION OF THOSE HOLDING UP YOUR ARMS IS LIFTING YOU INTO NEW REALMS The “Aaron and Hur’s” that have been sent to support these leaders and encourage and love them, as they are interceding for them, I saw them being carried by prayers and the wings of the Holy Spirit into new realms of refreshing and encounters. Encounters, great strengthening and refreshment coming through worship especially. New realms await you!!!
To the “Aaron and Hur’s” those of you that know the Lord has called you for such a time as this to hold up the arms of leaders in your life, can I encourage you continue to pour our, continue to love, continue to pray, continue to stand in the gap for them as the Lord is empowering you, strengthening you and releasing great grace upon you, an overflowing to give away. As you give, love, honour and encourage the leaders in your life the Lord is seeing it all, and your reward shall be great. You are sowing for yourself a great season of harvest. The Lord has seen your faithfulness and your beautiful serving and you will be honoured and rewarded for your faithfulness to Him and those He has asked you to stand with. You will not miss out.
I saw an attack over leaders and they were words, so many poisonous words, curses and false accusations being spoken against them. Words of death being sent towards them as “darts” to bring a crippling and a death to vision and spirit. Those of you being called as Aaron and Hur’s in this season for your leaders, I saw BLESSING in your mouths. I saw as you released words of LIFE over your leaders, words of honour over your leaders as they were faithfully serving the Lord, BLESSING was being poured out upon their lives. They were being showered in blessing and healing was coming to them. Weariness being broken. Your words have such power. There is a heavy anointing of blessing on your words. As you speak these words of life so generously, continue to pour out of a heart of love, honour and generosity much will be given unto you. (Proverbs 11:24-25)
Leaders, keep standing! Weariness will be broken and as you stand in Him, you WILL prevail! The enemy is trying to sway you, because before you are your GREATEST DAYS!
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  • Cindy Cavender

    This word was timely. The last few days have been intense and the weariness but GOD – God has had me in worship the last several hours and it feels like He just restarted my heart, it is coming alive. Only Jesus!!! and our precious GOOD heavenly daddy.
    Thank you for being His voice in the earth!

  • Barbara T. Worthy

    Dear Mom,
    Received this earlier this morning, was going to send it to you, and wow, after getting your email and that you said you only shared your situation with Carolyn and I….it made me think of this, had to send it tonight. I pray we can be Aaron and Hur for you. To love, support and encourage. And I know you have many others who love and intercede for you!
    Love you!!!