Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
I had an encounter recently where the Lord showed me a whole lot of rooms where “FINISHING TOUCHES” were being put on CREATIVE MIRACLES.
As I saw these rooms there were clocks on the back wall of these rooms and the clock had almost struck MIDNIGHT!!!
The atmosphere surrounded me of heaviness and despair in the “WAITING”. That many have been crying out for restorative, creative miracles and instead of things getting BETTER and the signs of HOPE and BREAKTHROUGH starting to show, things were actually looking like they were getting darker and breakthrough further away.
But as I looked into these rooms I saw the Lord working with angelic hosts and they were putting the “FINISHING TOUCHES” on these creative miracles to see them released onto earth and into the lives of believers.
These miracles that were coming to the people of God were CREATIVE MIRACLES. They weren’t ‘touch up’s’ or ‘repairs’, they were COMPLETELY NEW REPLACEMENTS from situations and closed doors to miraculous replacements of brand new organs and divine health.
The sense surrounded me that where many have been waiting in the darkness for so long, waiting for the light of day, the breakthrough… where many have been crying out for ‘restoration’, not only is He going to restore, He is going to REPLACE in the area you have been crying out for with something BETTER THAN BEFORE. COMPLETELY NEW!!!
I watched as the “time arrived” for these creative miracles to manifest in the lives of believers and I watched as angelic hosts worked with the Spirit of God to bring these miracles into being in the natural. As the breakthrough of these CREATIVE MIRACLES and the AWE and WONDER of a GOOD FATHER that they were testifying to as they exploded in the lives of believers leaving them undone by His kindness and His heart of Ephesians 3:20, I saw YEARS OF DISAPPOINTMENT BROKEN and HEALED in AN INSTANT!!!!!
The very areas of SO MANY YEARS of disappointment that had ushered in the lie in the heart of many believers of “this just must be my lot in life…” THOSE VERY AREAS, those areas of such despair, heartache and disappointment, where the TARGET of their next greatest DIVINE APPOINTMENT!!!!
The VERY AREA where their has been such death, destruction, such loss, such decay, such pain, such disappointment, such despair was the VERY AREA that JOHN 10:10 was about to MANIFEST in GREATER FULLNESS!!!
I saw many “sitting down in defeat” in weariness and despair from so many years of believing and contending to only be knocked down again by lack of breakthrough. The very place of almost giving up, I heard the Lord say “IT’S MIDNIGHT!!! THE NEW DAY IS DAWNING!!!” TOTAL DIVINE TURNAROUND displaying Zechariah 4:6 LOUDLY “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord!!!!!!”.. A RADICAL NEW DIVINE DISPLAY USHERING IN A DESTINY DAY!!!!
I saw many of these areas of “decay” in the lives of believers where there has been lack of breakthrough and there seems to be a continual breaking down. So much prayer, so much contending, yet the wait continues… the enemy has come after those places with intensity and he has come ferociously because that VERY AREA is LINKED TO YOUR DESTINY!!!!!
You are about to return to your FORTRESS you prisoners of hope! He is about to restore to you DOUBLE! (Zechariah 9:12)
I saw the LION OF JUDAH coming FEROCIOUSLY into these areas of the lives of God’s people and ROARING His authority over it all and THE DECAY FLED!!! The ENEMY FLED and in it’s place opened a DOUBLE DOOR OF DESTINY!!! Some of these decay areas of your life where curses have been, are about to become some of your greatest DIVINE DISPLAY areas. The Lord is going to move powerfully THROUGH YOU in the very area the enemy tried to stop you and kill you, to SET MANY OTHERS FREE!!!
Where the decay has continued to spread… His ROAR is bringing about the DIVINE TURN.. to OPEN UP YOUR DOUBLE DOOR OF DESTINY!! You just watch and see how what the enemy meant for your harm, the Lord is about to now SUDDENLY turn for your good!!! (Genesis 50:20)
Hold onto your hat!!!!! You’re in for the most glorious creative miracle and double door of destiny in your life that you have EVER seen.

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  • Deborah Lobo

    Hallelujah!!! Amen!! Blessed be the name of the Lord!!! Thank you Jesus!??
    Thank you Princess. God bless you ?

  • Jossmary Rojas

    Oh! Beautiful daughter Lana. I take these words for me today. Thank you for being there with the words that came out of the heart of God for so many people including me. His humble servant. I receive this miracle today and it’s a new begining for me and my family. I am free, I am loved, I am protected and anointed from my King Jesus. I give Him praise. Thank you Jesus. Thanks again prophet. Blessings to you. Sister Jossie. From Puerto Rico.

  • Rina

    Amen and thank you Lana, I will hold onto my hat! After the exciting first lap of my roller coaster ride that lasted a week there has been a week of slump in momentum and no provision, but the Lord is saying that the next lap will take my breath away. I suppose it is because it is the Double Door and the Double Portion that I have been waiting for! God bless you! ☺

  • Susan M

    Praise the Lord & Alleluia! Thank you so much Lana…I cannot tell you how this word speaks such deep ‘divine’ volumes, echoing many long years of the faith journey I’ve been on…Amen to His ‘all things new’ and creative miracles and double restoration. What a mighty God we serve!

  • Pricila Morgan

    I really appreciate your insight, your Prophetic depth with the Lord. I am wondering if God has said anything to about today Av 9?

  • Elizabeth Ricci

    Praise the Lord we are receiving the Jubilee Year blessings from our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.The enemy is defeated and God is triumphant.I thank you Lord what you will do for us.My years of pain losses torment sickness is being restored by my King of kings.Amen.God is never too late our awesome God is always on time.God bless you Lana.

  • Carol

    Im sure that when I speak I can speak for many; Were going ol’ Thomas on this one.”When I see it then I will believe. Prov 13:2
    As a person who has their finger on the pulse of the church; I can tell you what you say is true “instead of things getting BETTER…things were actually looking like…getting darker and…further away.”
    This was supposed to be a year of breakthrough and with only 3 months left in the year people are sensing its not gonna happen. Well he always has the ability to prove us wrong, but well see, wont we?

  • Elsie Bouwman

    You have collected my tears in my bottle, are they not written in your book? Started seeing some things in the spirit while reading the message. The John 10: 10 part is, “for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross.” “THE GREATEST TURNAROUND IS BEING MIRACULOUSLY BIRTHED”–that part I saw Esther and Mordecai. “sitting down in defeat” I saw “when I am weak then He is strong.” Also saw Sarah, the mother of all nations. “knocked down again” saw Jesus struck by soldiers. “It’s midnight” I saw Cinderalla leaving the ball. “TOTAL DIVINE TURNAROUND” I saw the photo taken at nephew Adam’s outdoor wedding: sitting waiting for it to begin! Heard again, the song, “My roar is the roar of a roaring lion.” “Hold on to your…

  • janet murray

    This resonates..divine turnaround..year of Jubilee. Where hopeless is where have break-thru and destiny. Thanks.
    I heard yesterday..Ps.16:6 “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Indeed, my inheritances is beautiful (goodly, bountiful).
    I studied Jn 15: amp. all this morning of a hand that is like branches growing out of stay connected, in onesness with God. reall all this
    Ps. 91: protection.. I printed all 3 chapters to meditate and declare from.
    Trump..we win and Pence wins for 8 more years. 16 years of amazing U.S.A.

  • Robear

    Glory, Glory, to God, be the Glory, for Great things he has done. I thank you my awesome loving Father, my daddy, my best friend, my comfortor,
    for your words spoken this day. I delight in knowing your goodness to perform all in which you have spoken to me, for this indeed does speak to me. I hold onto my hat, as you have spoken, for indeed it is finished, it is forthcoming as I decree it to be so for me, in my life, nothing but greatness,
    goodness, shall follow me all the days of my life in you. Powerful Prothetic words spoken this day, truly awesome, Wow ! Amen !

  • Sfrisby

    Thank you Lana, this word has brought reassurance and rest to my weary heart. I’ve been crying out in pain for what was stolen from me years ago in my walk with the lord to be restored. It has been a long fight and I’ve been trying to hold on believing my “something big” was around the corner for I can’t heal this part of my heart and I’m not string enough to to go forward. It’s coming, reassurance that it’s coming. For so long it would seem around the corner and then a severe storm would hit and the enemies harrassment had been vicious! I’m waiting lord!!! Thank you Lana!! Thank you Jesus!!! I know you hear my desperate cries!!!” Waiting for I want to walk in the desitiny he has for me!!!

  • Robyn

    Receive! Receive! Receive! A long time ago in my prophetic walk with the Lord I was taught to receive prophetic words spoken over me so as not to allow doubt and miss out!
    I began walking out Ephesians 3:20 and Ephesians 2:10 a year ago – words spoken in the middle of the night by the Holy Spirit concerning a seriously broken promise and closed door. Another door opened quickly, much bigger, more exciting, more challenging, greater rewards and harvest. I’m also experiencing the double portion – the Jubilee year of blessing! Yes, a cross comes with the promise! But His grace is sufficient! Daddy God is so wonderful! HE IS THE KEEPER OF PROMISES, IN HIM IS YES AND AMEN!!! RECEIVE, RECEIVE, RECEIVE! Bless you Lana, all glory to…

  • Millie Bertilson

    So blessed by your posts!! Praying for you & yours! Thank you, Hawsers, for your willingness to serve our wondrous Lord, & King!!!
    Millie Bertilson

  • Marilee Alm

    woke up with these words 2 DAYS AGO. You are filled with the Holy Spirit and were healed yesterday. I do not know all I was healed of an iron defency and some female issues–which we all know can be life changing. Also, sensitivity to salt I do feel much more energized and “normal”. There might have been some emotional issues as well. Thanks for this word!! Blessings

  • Charlene Bontrager

    I actually do believe this. It is not too good to be true. I continue to be set free and grow in knowledge and truth, and these Words here ring TRUE!

  • Liz Williston

    What a powerful word for those of us who have been praying and keeping the faith. Thank you Lana, thank you Lord.

  • Victoria Scott

    Amen!!!! I receive, for myself, and anyone who has suffered hope deferred in long waiting season (I’m 43 and not married yet, but it is on its way), no it is not easy, but my trust is in my Heavenly Father. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for this confirmation. Many blessings and protection to you and your family!!

  • Angie

    I recieve the creative breakthrough and FOUBLE DOOR OF DESTINY In JESUS name!!!!!!!!!! Let it be done in the lives of my children and myself– set free from the prison and restored 7 gold what the enemy stole.
    Thank you Jesus

  • Rhonda "Sara" Tharp

    Amen! There are 2 issues (double-doors) in my life that seem dead, that doctors have said “no hope.” BUT GOD has said otherwise!!! Let God be true and every man a liar! I have been contending heavily this month for breakthrough. God said, “It is never too late…Ask Abraham and Sarah… Ask Lazarus… Ask Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry Bones.” With God ALL things ARE possible… to him who believes! Leave your “believing switch” on. It may take a while to go through the assembly line, but it WILL be completed, as sure as you stand there waiting! 🙂