Prophetic Words


I have felt such an anointing over the song “No longer slaves to fear” by Jonathan and Melissa Hesler. I have sensed the battle raging in the spirit as the enemy has increased his attack against the people of God because of what God is doing right now.
God is breaking fear!
Strongholds of fear that have kept the people of God captive for decades, and for some their entire life. God is moving powerfully in this season to break fear off His people.
The fear that has kept them crippled, hindered, hidden and tormented. For many, they have fought and fought fear, but have been unable to gain much ground before it rears its ugly head again.
I believe that the Lord is doing a worldwide corporate breaking of fear right now in this season, as it is time for the Church to take her place and fear has held her back for too long.
I saw many of the people of God hindered and held down by fear. They had these figures of fear attached to their backs. As they tried to move forward, the fear would push them further and further down, until they got to a place where it took all their strength to just keep standing, let alone trying to move forward.
I then saw the Lord and He took a beautiful golden whistle and BLEW it. As He blew these beautiful bubbles were released from this whistle. They were big bubbles and in the center of each of them I could see the Cross. That old rugged Cross and from the center of the cross emanated the most glorious bright light that was so welcoming and inviting and it filled the entire bubble with COLOUR. Rainbow colours. These bubbles were so attracting because they emanated such LIFE.
I saw these bubbles carried by the breath of God, knowing exactly in which direction they were going and they hovered over the people of God and then suddenly they BURST.
IT RAINED REVELATION! It was like the people of God were standing under a waterfall of the most glorious colours I have ever seen. As they were being saturated in this revelation they were COMING ALIVE. The revelation of the Cross, of His glorious LOVE and LIFE that He purchased for them at Calvary was bringing them ALIVE in the LIFE that was already theirs.
As revelation was poured out, it was like acid upon these fear figures. They could not handle the revelation and they began to scream and shriek and RELEASED their hold and FLED and the people of God were coming BACK TO THE LIFE that was already theirs from the foundation of the world.
"His perfect love is casting out all fear” – 1 John 4:18

I then saw Jesus walk up to the multitudes of His people that have been caged, crippled, tormented and hidden by fear, one by one and He handed them a basket. In these baskets were the most glorious fruit I have EVER seen. The colours SO vibrant and they were just radiating joy and life. They looked SO alive I thought they were going to jump out of the basket and begin to dance.
The people of God began to eat this fruit that the Lord had given to them and as they ate, wounds were being healed, broken things were being restored, hope was abounding.
I then realised they were feasting upon revelation and blessing. The revelation of His goodness and love was contained within each piece of this fruit as they ate. Each blessing of restoration He had given them was opening their eyes more to Him and their IDENTITY in Him.
He turned to me and said “Fear has kept my people hidden. It is time for My people to take their true position. It is time for My people to LEAD”.
I knew what He was saying. It was time for the people of God to take their place. As we enter into some of the greatest seasons of revelation and depth of intimacy with Him we have ever experienced, we take our place.
Whatever area of life the Lord has assigned to us, anything He has given us, it is time for us to lead. To show the world how to live life and thrive in HIM.
It is time for the Church to lead in the world. As the world is becoming more and more fearful, the Lord is now breaking fear off His people on a worldwide corporate scale to rise them up in courage, boldness and confidence to take His message of hope and love to this world. To be light when there seems to be so much darkness around.
A movement of love is spreading across the world. A people rising up who know they are radically loved and radically LOVE and are free from fear.
Stand tall in this season, do not be afraid when the Lord brings you to a place of facing those fears, because He is leading you to a place of LIFE you have not known before and the WORLD is going to reap the benefits of your freedom. People will come to know Jesus because of YOUR testimony of freedom.
Fear is hitting hard in this season. Many have felt greatly opposed but that is because there is great promotion.
You are being set in motion moving deeper into the life and things of God KNOWING YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD and as you receive these deeper revelations, FEAR WILL NOT TOUCH YOU!
You are moving into who you were created to be!!!!!!!!
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  • Donna (@uniquelynew)

    Again, I cannot thank you enough for your posts. It’s like you are in my prayer journal answering my questions. I have been on my face, praying for a release of fear from myself (which I have suffered all my life and I am so tired of it) and my family. Thank you for your encouragement and your words that are obviously straight from the heart of God! Thank you!!!

  • Ken Wiseman

    awesome and timely word! this is something that has been hounding me for awhile and I have stood against it and was wanting something from the Lord to push fear back. like I said, awesome word from an awesome Father! blessings Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:04:09 +0000 To: [email protected]

  • Editor

    Reblogged this on An Outstretched Hand and commented:
    Sharing this very encouraging prophetic word from Lana Vawser. I pray that it blesses you as well. When you have the chance, read more of her posts. She is a gift in the Body of Christ with a genuine prophetic voice.

  • Bella

    This is very good. This morning I was sitting with the Father and one of the things He gave me was ‘fruit’ and He told me to eat it and there was all of these delicious kinds of fruit, even ones I hadn’t had before. Lana speaks of the Lord giving fruit to His people in this word.

  • Cindy Cavender

    This word in particular was a word in due season. Yesterday, I went to a meeting for where God has called me to serve. Yes, I faced fear as I went but I still went and as I reflect on that meeting there is joy in my heart because the fear that once held me has lost its grip. I am continuing to face this demon with tenacity that Jesus defeated fear at the cross. I think the biggest thing is renewing our minds to the truth, as you said getting the revelation and then walking in that. I have had so many scenarios lately that have caused me fear in the past and am having to face it head on. A little challenging at times but keeping my eyes on Jesus.
    I wanted to share something God showed me a few weeks back. Psalm 93:4 says The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea. As a young girl I was pushed under the waves and it created a fear in me. I carried that memory until recently. Also there were some skates (stingray family) that caused me some fear several years back. Needless to say, I would go timidly into the ocean. This particular day it was my husband and I. There was a courage I had not known to venture into something new and go surfing with my husband once again. As I ventured out I could feel the anxiety rising and I heard the Lord say I want you to trust me more than you trust your husband. No evil will befall you. So I took those steps courageously but with some hesitation. I sensed the Lord’s nearness. That particular day my shoulder was causing me pain. Well the Lord allowed each wave to come to me so I didn’t have to paddle to catch a wave. Then there was a particular wave that must have had more force and been bigger than the last and it triggered that memory from childhood. I caught my breath. Then as I was riding the force of the wave on either side of me was still with its intensity but the wave underneath me seemed less in force. I heard the Lord say I am still Lord over the waves. Of course He has taken me to Psalm 93:4 again since and I can see how He let me see how He is mightier than the waves of the sea. That is an experience with Jesus that I am holding fast to and reminding me of His faithfulness and goodness to me.
    In Christ,