Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


As we go deeper into the garden of delight and intimacy with Him, He is bringing hearts desires into FULL BLOOM. I saw a sign over the desires of many that said “COMING SOON” and the sense that the Lord is not only bringing hearts desires into FULL BLOOM but He is unveiling “THINGS TO COME” (Jeremiah 33:3) that are going to move many of God’s people BACK into hope as they encounter Him again. 
As you first encounter Him as your true hope again and the “COMING SOON” dreams on His heart for you are revealed it will open up new avenues of adventure you haven’t even considered. Where there have been chains of pain and financial strain, He is bringing breakthrough and healing to be able to move freely again.


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  • heidii

    Amen, Confirmation unto me, For this Month Of March 2016 will be a Turnaround for many, who have remained Faithful,, Trusting, Enduring, Waiting, Watching, Holding Onto his promises, Not letting go, A time of Joy, hearts desires met
    fulfillment into All the promises of God, Spoken over your
    life coming to fruitation, in the fullness of Time, which is Now. I declare it and decree it in Jesus name, Yes March 2016 will be an awesome glorious month of Jubliee Glory to God our Father, for it is Now here at last.