Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


A wonderful friend of mine, Caryn Allan, sent me a message with something that she saw in the spirit concerning angelic hosts which confirmed what I had seen and also released an impartation for me into a deeper encounter with Him to see more of what was on His heart for frontliners and forerunners and the five fold ministry. 
This word comes out of that place.
The Lord has placed the frontliners, forerunners and fivefold ministry on my heart heavily lately. I have been releasing a few words for these ones as I have felt the heart of God and His encouragement for them, and I’ve been given a glimpse of what He is doing amongst them. 
Again, I have had them on my heart, and I felt the Lord speak “Frontliners, Forerunners, Five Fold, you are moving forward with a company of angels.” 
I saw these ones surrounded by angels and each one of these ones were assigned to a different task in assisting these ones as they move forward.
The Lord was releasing these people on the front lines into new areas of increase and favour and there were specific new assignments being released to each one of these and they were handed sceptres of great favour for these new assignments.
These new assignments that were released would require greater resources, greater covering, greater assistance, greater revelation and strengthening. 
As these doors began to open one after the other for these frontline leaders that have especially been through the battle and fire lately, a relentless opposition, they were now moving into new realms and taking new ground with these new assignments, and I saw the Lord standing before them with a smile on His face and I heard Him say “I’ve got this. I’ve got your back. All is taken care of”.
I was then taken back to the scene with these angels surrounding these frontliners, each angelic being with a specific task. As I watched I saw a great exchange from these angelic hosts to these frontline leaders. 
The angels that I saw around these frontline leaders were similar to the ones that my friend Caryn saw.
This company of seven angels that have been released to these frontline leaders are:
1. AN ANGEL OF FINANCIAL PROVISION: To help provide for the needs to fulfil the Lord’s calling and the new assignments before you.
2. ANGEL OF FAMILY: The protector and gatherer of the family to keep these ones and their families safe.
3. ANGEL OF WISDOM: To guide you in all decision making with special insight and revelation from the Lord.
4. ANGEL OF GRACE: To release the grace of God wherever you go and your foot treads. 
5. ANGEL OF FAVOUR: Favour released that these ones shine unto people to draw them closer to Jesus and the heart of God.
6. DELIVERER ANGEL : I saw this angelic host as HUGE, a warrior, one that helps fight battles on behalf of these ones.
7. ANGEL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: This angelic host held a burning coal in its hand and amongst the journey into these new assignments, at times it would place the burning coal upon the tongues of these frontline leaders to bring a greater purification of their messages and their declarations releasing the fire of God upon their hearers and partnering with the Holy Spirit to awaken these ones to deeper revelation that they have the righteousness of Christ. 
As these frontline leaders moved forward into their new assignments, they were surrounded by this company of angels. Everything was taken care of. As these leaders were moving into the new assignments, realms, levels and ministry grounds the Lord was opening up, I saw an EIGHTH angel join this company.
As I wondered what the eighth angel’s role was, the words came to me “He is the ANGEL OF BREAKTHROUGH ushering them into a NEW BEGINNING.
As these frontliners are walking into new assignments, new grounds, and new realms, angels of breakthrough will accompany them to not only bring supernatural breakthrough, miraculous openings of impossibilities and seas suddenly parted so they could operate at greater levels and move through at levels they have never known. They will release greater levels of breakthrough to those they minister to. 
There may be new pressures, new challenges and new levels of warfare but there is a company of angelic hosts that have been assigned to these front line leaders to assist them in greater ways than they have ever seen before. Angelic activity around them is going to a whole new level. These angelic hosts are not to be worshipped, nor will they allow themselves to be worshipped but are sent from the Lord with specific assignments releasing these frontliners with everything they need into the ‘new grounds’.
As the enemy had sent intense assignments against these frontliners to stop them from moving forward, the Lord has released His angelic hosts with greater assignments to restore, accelerate, increase and strengthen His people. 
For moving forward with these company of angels into this new season is going to far outweigh the trouble of opposition they have faced or are about to face.
He’s got this! 


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  • Sabrina

    Thank you, Lana, for always sharing what the Lord has shown you. It has brought so much encouragement to me in this battling season. I look forward to your posts everyday. May God bless you!

  • Jan

    Lana, thank you so much for continuing to meet with God and send these words. Yes, the journey has been hard, but having daily perspective emails that help me to understand what is going on and that get me excited and praising God again have made all the difference. It feels as though God has sent a coach and mentor to come alongside and cheer me on so that I don’t give up as the challenges continue. I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God poured out to me every day through the words that you send out. They are specific and true and are propelling me forward. May God bless you and cover and protect you and yours as you minister to us. May he expand your tents, broaden your influence and pour out to you every good gift as you serve the body of Christ. As you give, may you also receive what you are giving away and more. Blessings overflowing to you!

  • Nancy Slocum

    Lana – Great word, sister! Amen and amen! I receive it NOW by faith and with all of my heart I step into it in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you for your radical sensitivity and obedience to Jesus!

  • Jessie Laine Powell

    what awesome news to hear. The battle has been fierce. This is such amazing news. I sense the angelic host going before me and the special call on my life to go and win back the mountain of art’s and entertainment in the market place. Thank you for this word so much!!!!

  • in.whom

    This is a confirmation of this word of angels ministering to the heirs of salvation! Yesterday, I was walking along thinking about the testimony I had given about finding a feather in my path at various times since the Fall of 2014; until now in August of 2015!!
    I’d walk to the barn and a feather would be in my path. Another time I’d walk out of the barn and a feather would be on my path. While walking to the hospital and another time from the hospital, a feather was on my path.
    This past Sunday, I walked out of the barn and looked in the sky. There was a feather falling two feet above me. I took one step forward and put my hands in the air and the feather landed in my hands! That feather was 2.5 inches long with an inch of down at the bottom. It was a light gray feather with a large black oval on the one side of the feather. Three other small down feathers were singly in my path before I got to the house from the barn!!
    The next day I was just thinking about these feather incidents and immediately looked and there was a feather in my path once again!! Later in the day, a feather in my path again. Thank You Lord!! “He shall cover with you with His feathers. And under His wings you shall take refuge; HIS TRUTH SHALL BE YOUR SHIELD AND BUCKLER. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday…For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.”(Psalm 91: 4-6, 11, 12)
    Today, after all these years doing chores in the barn, a cow did kick right in front of me, but did not touch me! Thank You Lord for Your angels You have given charge over me.
    Truly there is much, much more that Your angels are doing in the lives of these spoken about in Psalm 91: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”( He is THAT close that we are under His shadow, the shadow of the Almighty!)
    ” I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; MY GOD, IN HIM I WILL TRUST. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.” (Psalm 91: 1-3)


    We my wife and I had one of these recently visit us with a message. It imparted a message. The message was for us not to harden our hearts for what is to come.

  • MonaLisa Theriot-Jones

    Lana, Oh So True! I Love This Revelation from The Father! It’s been over a year ago I awaken early for worship and prayer, as I was praising God I looked up into the sky as the sun was rising there were three angels coming down toward me. The Angels were focusing on me, I was so excited about seeing the angels and decided to go into the house to get my phone. I took my eyes off them for three seconds and when I stepped back out the door they turned into clouds. After that morning, when I take pictures and videos, I am seeing supernatural activities and know that I have entertain angels at the supermarket. I know that God has sent angels to help me move forward in my calling and true destiny. There are many road blocks, I will not give up on this race. The Victory Has Already Been Won! Thanks And God Bless!!

  • Melissa

    I was sent this link from a sister in the lord and the and the prophecy dated 8/19 and 8-18 were speaking to me. The lord has shown me to step forward and go to a nation that I have never been to. By faith my husband and I and our son will go fowArd and visit I’m not sure what the lord has for us exactly but we need all the angels at this time . I see that God
    Has opened the doors and all He calls us to do will be possible though obedience and faith. The lord has shown that there are spiritual gifting – may He strengthen those gifts.
    Please pray- as time is nearing and our flight is soon.
    Thank you