Prophetic Words


This morning as I was waking up and was in that half dream, half awake state, I saw two HUGE double doors (two doors set in one frame). I then heard the words:
"Double ancient doors swinging wide open, releasing MORE THAN BEFORE."
In this season many things that the Lord has stored up for His people that has either been stolen, missed, broken, or forgotten about was being released as the people of God continued to rest in Him. Using rest as their weapon of warfare. Resting in deep trust and confidence in Him and His promises.
As I pondered this dream this morning, I felt the Lord speak again.
"In rest, shall My people receive their greatest harvest yet. Many have felt that as they rest in Me they are not being active in faith, they are not contending, they are not moving forward, but in RESTING in Me, more is being released than in striving. Resting in Me is a choice to TRUST. A choice to place faith in Me and allow Me to do all that I desire to do to work in and through them. As the people of God rest in Me, not only are they moving into seeing the greatest harvest they have seen in their personal lives but it is a powerful weapon of warfare. Resting in Me is bringing deeper intimacy and this confidence and trust in Me is pushing back the forces of darkness. For one who does not trust another, cannot rest in their presence. Resting in trust in Me is a seed and key activating and unlocking release of past and present harvests."
As these double doors are swinging open, generational blessings that have been withheld and squandered are being released. Keys are flowing through these open doors that were stored up for the people of God before the foundation of the world. Keys of revelation that have been stored up are now being released that are unlocking destiny’s, greater realms of influence, favour and new levels of breakthrough for such a time as this.
Long awaited harvests are being released to the people of God positioned in rest, but double what they had believed for originally. There is "more than before" being released through these ancient doors.
I also saw doors in the past and snakes entered through those doors and stole life, hindered and contained and found places to ‘hide’. Instantly I knew these snakes represented lies of the enemy that had entered into the lives of the people of God and had found a place to take root and hide and brought about a great hindrance and death and dryness to that area of their life. Since these lies took root in the past those areas of lives have not budged or had any sort of breakthrough. I saw the Spirit of God bringing these lies to light and the people of God were repenting and aligning their minds with the mind of Christ and hearts with His Word again and truth was entering in. As they did this these lies were being broken and a HUGE FLOOD was being released through these ancient double doors. What had been missed in the past because of lies that raised themselves up against the knowledge of God and His goodness and the identity of the people of God, were being broken and God was now restoring but restoring to even MORE than before. God’s heart of restoration demonstrated. His goodness and love as He released greater blessings upon His people for the struggle they endured. He did not condemn them for being caught up in lies, but continued to pour out His love and goodness to lead them on the journey to bring them to the place of ‘seeing’ and repentance to see these lies broken and MORE THAN BEFORE given to them. What a good good Father.
Many have looked back into the past and seen specific circumstances and situations that they can pinpoint brought a change in their lives and momentum and breakthrough went from a flood to a trickle and in some cases completely stopped and the ground turned hard and have become discouraged because nothing has shifted from that point. God is REDEEMING that circumstance. He is redeeming it and double doors are being open over the lives of the people of God as they stay in rest.
Your rest in Him is bringing forth the greatest harvest you have seen yet. Your rest in Him is a seed of faith, of trust and confidence that is activating long awaited harvest.
Double ancient doors are flinging wide open to release more than before over your life! Rejoice!


  • evgesther3

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ? 
    Evg. Esther 
    Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S® 5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  • [email protected]

    Thank you Abba Father! Thank you for Your Word through Your chosen ones. This is confirmation of a picture the Lord gave me about a Door and was like He opened the Double Door and stood in the middle of it. And was like coming down from heaven, onto the earth, it was in the clouds, but Coming down!” I Am the great I Am and I open Doors and No man can shut them!”It was during my personal time of worship and Praise . What an awesome Daddy in Heaven we serve! Hallelujah! Have a blessed day and week. Glenda.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by Virgin Mobile

  • Beverley Estes

    THANK YOU for this word as for 6 years it is been resting in HIM and studying, talking to HIM and asking HIM what HE wants me to do. He has given me some assignments mostly to train me in praying for the sick. One man HE ask me to pray for and anoint with oil I did and in 3 weeks the Dr. did test to see how it was going and he was completely healed. He had been given less than a year to live. Great victory for the LORD our Faithful one. Now HE has given me a dream and told me what HE wanted me to do with it and that was pray and anoint with oil, a pastor who has bone cancer but the Pastor will not agree for me to do as God has ask of me. I have ask him 3 times now. Have any suggestions?
    Blessings Beverley.

  • paulette24

    I’m just looking at the highlighted scripture in this text, it’s so powerful..try and read it several times…it will sink in your spirit and give you rest. Even if there’s a short 4-5 words that catches your attention, try and memorize it and repeat it to yourself often over the next couple of days. If fear and anxiety comes…tell the devil he is a liar And speak that whole scripture twice out loud…
    Sent from my iPad

  • paulette24

    Thank you for your faithfulness. This is so timely and ministering to others in my finally as well. Some are so exhausted and this word is speaking life right now!!
    God bless you Lana
    Sent from my iPad