• Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    A few weeks ago I saw a spirit of fear that had been released across the body of Christ, to hinder the people of God from moving forward. As I awoke this morning I felt the Lord saying that the people of God need to be “on guard” and “purposeful” to stare fear in the face and through declaration and renewal of the mind. I felt an almost sense of “urgency” from the Lord that His people need to be “on guard”. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t entertain any thoughts or vain imaginations that raises themselves against the knowledge of God. “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets…

  • News,  Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized

    Website Update

    Hi there everybody We are happy to say that our new website is up and running, and back to its former glory (we hope) Right now I (Kevin Vawser) am testing the posting system, and we have fixed (completed) the migration of subscribers from our old account to our new. I have also rectified our donor page error, with the link to our paypal page fixed and made clearer, so sowers can again make donations through this portal in a once off and monthly subscription. I apologize for the missed posts, have decided to re-post the missed posts from 1/8, and I will ask Lana to re-post today’s. Blessings to…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    The curveballs that have entered your life, the “spanners that have been thrown in the works”, the unexpected pathways that have presented themselves before many of you, out of nowhere, the place of things not happening the way you expected… are platforms before you. The Lord is using these “unexpected” things to bring promotion into your life. How you steward your heart and attitude towards these “unexpected” things will determine whether you walk through these “curveballs” as a victim of them, or see a great turnaround and a new level of promotion before you. The Lord is testing many hearts through these “curveballs”. To bring forth a greater level of…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    A few weeks ago I saw a spirit of fear that had been released across the body of Christ, to hinder the people of God from moving forward. As I awoke this morning I felt the Lord saying that the people of God need to be "on guard" and "purposeful" to stare fear in the face and through declaration and renewal of the mind. I felt an almost sense of "urgency" from the Lord that His people need to be "on guard". Don’t let your guard down. Don’t entertain any thoughts or vain imaginations that raises themselves against the knowledge of God. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    FROM STOP AND PAUSE.. TO PLAY!!!! This morning I had an encounter with an angelic host. I saw this beautiful one, and he stood before me and held in his hand a remote control. With a smile, he pressed the PLAY button. The words flooded over me “Where the pressing of this season has caused a stop, caused a pause, these areas are being released and PLAYED. Where there has been a divine stop and a divine pause, now is the time for the DIVINE PLAY.” In his other hand I saw he was holding a DVD. As I looked at the DVD, the words flooded over me “VISIONS OF…