Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
A few days ago as I was waking in the morning I heard the word “FALSEHOOD” very clearly.
When I got up I looked up the definition of FALSEHOOD and it said:
FALSEHOOD: The state of being untrue, a lie, lying (Google)
Over the course of the day I was seeking the Lord about what He was saying, and suddenly I saw the word FALSEHOOD in a vision, but I saw the hand of the Lord take the word and seperate it, so it became:
The Lord then showed me the enemy attempting to put these “FALSE HOODS” over people. Like a sweater with a hood, like a cloak with a hood, I saw the enemy attempting to put these “hoods” on many in the body of Christ. It covered their mind and it covered their eyes. In this season of increased clarity and insight, the enemy is attempting to blind God’s people with lies and deception.
The thing that struck me was many of these FALSEHOODS that many had been FREE of and now suddenly these FALSE HOODS are coming back, these lies and accusations are attempting to find a place again.
The Lord showed me many were crying out “I’ve dealt with this, I thought I got past this, NOT AGAIN!!!”
The reason the enemy is attempting to put these FALSE HOODS over your mind and eyes again, because we are transitioning and the Lord is releasing greater insight for the remainder of this year, but also for 2018. The enemy is attempting to bring these FALSE HOODS over God’s people again to create CONFUSION, but the Lord is making His way and His vision VERY clear.
Where the enemy is attempting to bring such CONFUSION, God is releasing CONFIRMATION after CONFIRMATION of His new directions for the remainder of this year and into 2018.
I saw a spirit of CONFUSION specifically coming against REVELATION for 2018. Many starting to receive downloads from the Lord regarding 2018 and then suddenly a spirit of confusion coming and sending them spinning, leaving them questioning "Was that God I heard?" – where the revelation of God has come and is coming regarding 2018 – the confusion is hitting but know CONFIRMATION of the Lord is coming in RADICAL ways!
The Lord is releasing supernatural vision of what is on the horizon to His people that are leaning in to see. There is an increase of clarity and vision right now and I see Him “making paths straight”. Where the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy, where the enemy has put up roadblocks, the spirit of confusion has come against His people strongly, where the enemy has attempted to hinder breakthrough and direction, the Lord is making paths straight with the release of the increase of vision and clarity, and you will see that you are going to carry more than you ever have and with greater ease and empowerment of His Spirit than you have ever known. Where the enemy has tried to ground you, you are going to catch the wind of His Spirit and move in a greater level of empowerment of the Spirit of God than you have ever experienced before. Rivers of grace you have never experienced, to carry more.
The Lord spoke to me recently and told me that many are in the VALLEY OF DECISION and I saw many were looking at things and seeking the Lord about things and His direction. This confusion had come against many, and I saw many looking at options and hearts desires and looking at “which ones to lay down”.
I saw Jesus walk up to them in this vision and He was holding a huge puzzle board and it was bigger than they expected. He smiled and said “It’s so much bigger than you realise” and He began to take all these different options that were before them and hearts desires, all that He had been confirming, and He began to fit them in different ways on this board. Where many of God’s people thought “it had to be one or the other”, the Lord was showing them it was “both”.
On the top of the puzzle board I saw in gold engraving it said “INCREASE”.
I felt the Lord’s heart so strongly to encourage those of you who are in the valley of decision where there are so many options before you, so many hearts desires and you are attempting to make a decision on which way to go, what to put your hands to, asking the question “how will it all fit? what has to go?” – I want to encourage you, keep seeking the Lord, because the plan He has for you is BIGGER than you expect and just where you don’t know how it’s all going to work ‘together’, hand it to Jesus, dive in and trust Him and allow Him to fit all the pieces together.
Many hearts desires He has given you are about to flourish all at once, don’t worry about how you are going to carry it or how it will fit. Hand it to Him, He has it all worked out, and in the beautiful divine puzzle of your life and next season He is putting together, there will be greater ease and joy as you see Him put the next pieces of the divine puzzle together.
"O Lord, our God, no one can compare with you. Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with you! And you think of us all the time with your countless expressions of love – far exceeding our expectations!" – Psalm 40:5 – The Passion Translation
"Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you, were I to speak and tell of your deeds; they would be too many to declare" – Psalm 40:5 – New International Version


  • Heather Guerry

    Thank You for allowing God to speak through you! God is the orchestrator of perfect timing! He is so Amazing, Im in complete Awe!!

  • Jacqueline Celona

    Very right on, satan trying to cause second guessing and to bring back battles from the past that have already been won, but more clarity and wisdom have been attained from going through those battles.
    I say yes and amen that destiny is about to break through powerfully and that ole devil cant take what the Lord has promised.
    Thanks for prophecying that word forth!!

  • Michael

    He is faithful! Always in all things faithful! In fulfilling needs, granting the desire of the hearts of His beloved, FAITHFUL! In restoration, in healing, in righteousness, in kindness, in grace, in justice, in mercy FAITHFUL!! He is drawing us to John 14:12-15, His works and greater, conduits of Him, of love to a world in need of the next great awakening! That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” 2 Corinthians 2:9 JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW, FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO!!

  • Darcy

    This is a great word, confirmation just getting it, but I have a question about the terms you use when “leaning in to see” ? Exactly what does this mean?
    I can only see what the Holy Spirit shows me. I have dreams and snip it dreams I don’t remember ,or he wakes me up before it’s over, or, I see it and then it’s obscure.?
    Are all of these for later?

    • Julia

      Hello.. I’m not a dream expert but I would say the dreams from God are the ones you will remember and will stand out to you. If you’re unsure just ask God for confirmation. Keep a journal/ pen and paper by your bedside to jot it down in case you forget.

    • mackeysback

      Dear Sister, every Heavenly Vision of Truth will Reveal Jesus Within it or it could very well be empty with vanity. When the Lord Himself Speaks He is ALWAYS directing our Inward senses as in our Souls body to His IF IF IF He’s the One Indwelling Spirit Inhabiting Her. Be careful for many dreams are disguised with another spirit as even angels of Disobedience (demons) come before us with a form of godliness as do many so-called Christians only they have NO INWARD LIGHT where Christ is and where He must be Lord within the Holy Place as in the bride or our souls are His body called the church. Passover and Pentecost are the TWO Spiritual Experiences that “MUST” take place within our Inner Most being So as to both See and Hear what Jesus is Truly saying in these last of the Last days as we are NOW Transitioning into the Mature Man of Perfection even as He Himself is Perfect. God the Living One Bless you with ALL Spiritual Blessings that are IN Christ Jesus Amen

  • Judie Gutierrez

    Wow seems like what I’m experiencing .ive been so confused lately .I was gravely sick for about 10 years .been out of bed for about a year and a half . I feel confused about the way. Many puzzle pieces to put together..yes I have given all to the Lord everyday. Thanks be to God in Jesus .Love of my life! Thank you for putting this word out here , you are a blessing to me,God Bless you❤

  • Carol

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this word! I have been feeling this way for a while. As I was reading your word, the word befuddle came to mind. I look forward to reading your prophetic messages. Everyone of them targets what I am sensing in the spirit. You are a true blessing to me and to the Body of Christ!

  • mackeysback

    A Spiritual False Hood is to be “DECEIVED” As in Hoodwinked – influence by slyness
    beguiled, juggle
    cheated, rip off, chisel – deprive somebody of something by deceit; “The con-man beat me out of $50”; “This salesman ripped us off!”; “we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme”; “They chiseled me out of my money”
    2. hoodwink – conceal one’s “TRUE” motives (identity) from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions “BE WATCHFUL” so as to gain a FALSE end “COUNTER” to the Living God as counterfeit ; “He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well”
    bamboozle, lead by the nose, play false, pull the wool over someone’s eyes, snow
    deceive, lead astray, betray – cause someone to believe an untruth; “The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house with FLOOD Insurance.
    My thought is that words even the truth is a DECEPTION if the vessel of Ones own Soul is Not SOLD OUT to our Inward Master who is the Spirit so the Inside of the vessel which is our Soul as is His body “WITNESSES” as One Spirit with our Lord as He alone Sits Upon Her Throne as the Souls Great Great Lord “YES” and Her King Amen.

    • mackeysback

      The Spirit and the Soul “Must” agree and say Come Lord Jesus Come as these TWO are becoming ONE Perfect Man IN Him as is ONE Spirit Amen…. Many FALSE Hoods are simply there because the god of this world has kept mans “SOUL” In the Blindness of the sensual world of his own natural senses Until we/he passes Over Into Christ so our SOULS can become EMPOWERED to both “See” and Hear exactly and Precisely what the Lord who is the Life Giving Spirit at Word WITHIN Ones Soul is Revealing. If the soul has NOT yet Received this POWER Called God Internal Pentecost then I would say be sure you have given her as your own Life to the Lord Jesus so the Promise of His Coming which is His Spirit can DWELL Within You as in your Soul as a TWOFOLD Witness from God as is His Spirit and your Soul becoming that ONE Life Giving Living Spirit with NO MORE DECEPTIONS Amen

      • mackeysback

        This is what our Lord meant when He said wherever “TWO” are Gathered together IAM is in their midst as in the Soul of my Bride-church “NO” Harlot Drunk on the word or blood of my people “Witnesses” but “SOBER” Souled so these TWO Faithful as Truly Witnessed as ONE NEW CREATION where the Lamp-stand of the Spirit of Jesus is INDWELLING Her as in her midst!! May God the only TRUE God give you/Us understating to Flee to those Mountains above where Christ is Indwelling His Holy Ones is my Prayer Amen

  • Annie

    This is difficult to believe in the natural as we are in houston.but I pray that my faith will increase to believe .I believe God’s hands are on this city he loves.we will get a 2nd Chance to repent and turn back.he is coming soonand he is preparing his ? bride
    Keep Houston in prayer

    • 22Annie43

      I like your name… I had a Faithful poodle by that name… named after my middle name,,, All to say that our God is ALWAYS IFAITHFUL… I’ve heard a prophetic Word that Texas will Lead them and I’m wondering if this is that path to RESTORATION AND UNITY FOR OUR NATION… GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU ALWAYS… GIVE STRENGTH AND HOPE FATHER, IN jESUS NAME… Pat

  • Michelle Hoverson

    I had a dream the other night with your name prominently in it– when I awoke I couldn’t figure out how I knew the name. I haven’t been recieviving email updates from you in over s year- then today I see this one and it REALLY spoke to my heart. Michelle

  • (Sam) Setiawan Widjaya

    Yes, Lord Jesus….let me hand over to you all the details and just press in deep. Thank you for removing this “false hood” from the enemy.

  • Ursula

    Yes I have been going through this. What career path. Where I should go or do. Believing God tonmakr ot plain and that He put the puzzles together for me. Need increase in our lives desperately.

    • Ursula

      “To make plain to me” sorry for the typos don’t know how it did this…lol. But believing in God. Studying and preparing for what o believing He wants me to do to bring abundance to my household.

  • Kathy

    (A vision in 2016 about a year ago)
    I saw the darkness, like smoke-like clouds covering the USA. A darkness that looked dense, but then began the small pockets of Golden Light poking through, like fairy lights; soon the pockets grew bigger and bigger and bigger. Then all of the country was covered with thick, golden liquid (The Holy Spirit). He told me that He was pouring out his Holy Spirit upon the USA and He would was breaking-up the lies and the oppression that has blinded and bound the people of this country. He said we have permission to take back our country and make it whole again! People all over the USA are being filled, afresh, with His Holy Spirit.
    “Do not be silent any longer for My Hand is upon you! Be BOLD, Be Brave. I have prepared you all your life for this work and as you have asked of me, It Will Be Completed!”

  • Tree

    Lord, You know. You know how timely and perfect this word is. Forgive me for trying to figure it all out in my head. You are God and I am not. You know where all the pieces fit together. I declare my trust in You and how You will fit everything together in your perfect timing for Your glory. I declare I will be content while I wait… and You will strengthen me to bear whatever lies ahead.