Prophetic Words


WHOLE WOMAN 12 month online school starts NEXT THURSDAY July 13th and I am SO EXCITED!!! There is going to be a powerful and special move of God amongst His daughters in this online school, we are hearing the Spirit of God say, that what He is going to do in this next 12 months, is unlike anything we have ever seen before. That His daughters are stepping deeper into their kairos moments and season, a season of greater wholeness.

We have created this beautiful “WHOLE WOMAN” online school space from an assignment given to me in a dream as the Lord spoke to “GATHER THE WOMEN,” and I knew in that moment that there was a special move of the Holy Spirit RIGHT NOW to see women arise into wholeness in Him and arise into greater realms of the plans and purposes of the Lord for their lives.

The Lord then spoke the words “WHOLE WOMAN” and I could feel the weight of the Lord’s decree over the season to take women into deeper realms of intimacy with Him, to bring healing to hearts, deliverance and freedom from things that have held them back; awakened into identity, permission to run in His vision for their lives and build with Him in greater ways, walking in holy confidence and conviction.

They were well-watered gardens, flourishing and thriving. Barrenness, dryness, containment, stagnation, weariness, confusion, hurts and weights of the past were no longer containing them, but moving them into an accelerated place of thriving in wholeness in Christ and arising for such a time as this. It’s a time of birthing and multiple births. 

The Lord showed me no part of their hearts would be left untouched by the outpouring and rain of His Spirit and Glory. Wholeness, recompense and restoration in all areas.

The Lord also showed me that He is gathering women and bringing them into “ONENESS” with their tribe and deep community and I believe that our next online school WHOLE WOMAN is going to see the Lord draw women deeper into community and finding their tribe in deeper oneness.

The Lord spoke to me that WHOLE WOMAN ONLINE SCHOOL was to run for 12 months, so this is our first 12-month online school.

He said 12 months because it’s time for His daughters to arise into their governmental authority like never before and to make room for the MAGNITUDE of what He is going to do in this space.

So we invite you to join us!

This is going to be a life-changing, transforming time together and I have some of my favourite people joining me for this incredible time together of seeing the Lord bring His daughters into greater WHOLENESS in Him.

I am VERY excited and expectant to minister alongside some of my incredible, powerful sisters in Christ who are carrying His heart and His prophetic revelation for this new era.

We hope you can join us, register at:

Excited and Expectant to dive deep with you into all God has for you amazing women of God,
