Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser 
As I woke this morning I kept hearing the Lord saying over and over “There is a promise of MORNING!! There is a PROMISE of morning! There is a PROMISE of MORNING!!!”
I instantly hear Psalm 30:5 all around me..
“We may weep for the night, but at DAYBREAK it will turn into shouts of ECSTATIC joy!”
As I have pondered this verse, I have felt the “heaviness of the day” many are walking right now and the ‘crying out’ for this “heavy day to break”.
Again the words surround me ‘There is a PROMISE OF MORNING!!!!” Immediately I have a vision and I see a FIELD FULL of SUNFLOWERS! Sunflowers all around and the sun is SHINING SO brightly! The sense surrounds me that not only is the PROMISE OF MORNING upon the people of God, where there has been MOURNING and lots of WEEPING, that the Lord is bringing forth the LIGHT OF DAY leading His people into a land of PEACE AND JOY!
There was such a sense of REFRESHMENT in the atmosphere. A REFRESHMENT of JOY!!! But not only CONFIDENT expectation of what He’s doing and about to do, but ECSTATIC JOY!
DEFINITION OF ECSTATIC: Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement. (
Where things have been so hard, such a battle, so tiring, so “up and down” and more “down than up” lately.. the PROMISE OF THE MORNING is MANIFESTING and it’s going to happen SUDDENLY! You will be SURPRISED by the SUDDEN MANIFESTATION of the PROMISE of MORNING!!!!!
As we keep our eyes on Jesus, our heads lifted high, KNOWING where our help comes from (Psalm 121:2) I felt the Lord saying that He is not only increasing joy, and bringing refreshment, He is renewing faith, and in our faces towards Him like sunflowers face the sun, there will be a sudden growth, increase, freedom and breakthrough.
The Lord doesn’t promise us a life without trial and trouble, but He promises the FULLNESS OF JOY comes from Him! Many have been cultivating that life of JOY (confident expectation of Him and Him moving) and they have been cultivating in the the “night season”, but you are now going to see the FRUIT of your SOWING of choosing to REJOICE and put your faith and trust in Him. You are going to see the FRUIT of those seeds planted of thankfulness and expectation in an OVERWHELMING FEELING of happiness, joy and excitement.
You are going to RUN through the field of sunflowers in the Spirit, the bright new day bursting forth, the morning breaking forth, the sun shining on you and restoring you. You will run with peace, freedom and complete bliss in the change of season and the PROMISE OF MORNING!!!
He is leading you NOW into YOUR MIRACLE MORNING!!!!
“Lord, I will exalt you and lift you high, for you have lifted me on high! Over all my boasting, gloating enemies, you made me to triumph. O Lord, my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me! You brought me back from the brink of death, from the depths below. NOW HERE I AM, ALIVE AND WELL, FULLY RESTORED! O sing and make melody, you steadfast lovers of God. Give thanks to Him every time you reflect on His holiness!” – Psalm 30:1-4 (The Passion Translation)
(Photo by

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  • Rae Graber

    Praise the Lord, it’s true! He has suddenly turned my night mourning into a new and beautiful morning and I’m beginning to bloom like a sunflower. The sunflowers are blooming!
    Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

  • Michael Grotkiewicz

    Lana I’m so glad God showed me your prophecies. They have been keeping me going everyday and I do believe what you are hearing is from God especially your latest post about promise of morning. I’m 43 years old and I have been waiting for this for 23 years I agree with you in prayer please keep up the great work your brother in Wisconsin USA.

  • Deborah Lobo

    Amen. Thank you Jesus. Your Glory Father??
    Lana, I am exhausted, please keep me in prayer. Thank you n God bless?

  • Rhoda

    Luke 17:19 …Your faith (your trust and confidence that springs from your belief in God) has restored you to health.
    Joel 2:25-28
    The God of restoration and blessing
    Ecclesiastes 11:5 & 6
    Lord may we be generous sowers of good seeds, knowing that if we faint not we shall reap a reward.

  • ME

    A couple of days ago, the Lord told me to get up and read my Bible. He took me to the book of Esther. He said, “this is going on today. ” the more I read it the more my heart could see the truth in it! They were SO JOYFUL when the tables were turned! What a bounty our GOD has for each of us!

  • Susan Rose

    Hi, Lana. I want to share a vision God gave me yesterday that aligns with what you’ve posted today….. “I see many white suns rising from the horizon beyond my front yard. Among them is a larger sun that rises above them, leading them upward into the new day. I see large flowers in the foreground, looking taller than the suns because they are very near. The suns rise ever higher into the sky. All are brilliant white, and the large sun has become even larger in comparison to the smaller suns. The smaller suns are barely seen because of the brilliance of the large sun.”

  • Robear

    Thank you Abba, Shouts of Joy Happiness, Laughfter, Singing, Resting, Trusting, on you. I love you, Yes, Yes, Awesome Yes Rhema Words.

  • Rose

    Before sunrise came, The SON rose IN MY HEART! “The Presence of The LORD is HERE!” I said excitedly to my husband, who was also awake…
    An old Imperials song burst from the deep, “Satan is a liar and he wants to make us think that we are paupers when he knows himself we’re children of the King! So lift high your mighty shields of faith for the battle HAS BEEN WON! We know that Jesus Christ IS RISEN and the work’s already done – Praise the LORD! He can work through those who praise Him – praise The LORD – for our God inhabits praise! Praise The LORD! For the chains that seek to bind you serve only to remind you, that they drop POWERLESS behind you, when you praise HIM!”
    I am experiencing a very decisive breakthrough:) BTL

  • Rose

    I’m laughing now! 🙂 You’re talking about sunflowers~~ SON FLOWERS!
    …and my name is Rose!
    This is a very lovely day.

  • Tamara Kuchera

    This touches me so deeply! Two years ago I saw two Mourning Doves on my deck railing. They are rare to see sitting like that, especially two of them! They were warming themselves in the Spring Sun. The Lord spoke to me and told me He was turning my MOURNING into MORNING. I have been declaring this daily since. Thank you for this word!! It truly resonates with me and I will be praying it for the Body of Christ and you too.

  • TT

    I have been seeing SUNFLOWERS before, as you posted this word, and, still after…..everywhere! I kept thinking ?? what does this mean and then, you posted this message. The heaviness has been extreme. Again, He reminds it is in the ‘choice’ to keep close, to know He is close, that He is working, this is part of the process of the transition….and the POWER is always at work. In it, I am seeing glimpses of the change He is working in me as He opens that up for me to see. Thank you, Lord….let your glory light transform me. Romans 13:12