Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


In worship this morning I saw many of God’s people and they were getting more and more dismayed with the ‘storms’ that surrounded them. In the midst of the storm, I saw the accuser of the brethren and he was whispering the lie “the storm around you is a sign that you have got it wrong. You were wrong to believe for great breakthrough, look around you, look around you. You got it wrong.”
Suddenly, I saw Jesus, and He came and stood in front of the enemy with His back to him, Jesus paid him no attention. The storm continued to rage and I saw Jesus reach His hand out to His people and with the joining of hands, He began to settle the ‘storm inside’ hearts, where peace, hope and dreams had been lost, and He spoke and began to revive His people. As the peace inside them began to be settled by His sweet beautiful words of love and hope, the people of God were being strengthened again to step into their circumstances and begin to take authority again.
These are the words I heard in the vision:
“2016, is the year for the KEY and the PEG. 2016 is the year to see the GREAT UNLOCKING and extension of your tent pegs. You have not heard wrong, you have not heard wrong. 2016 is a strategic pivotal year for what I am building in you My people, and the enemy is attempting to “take many of you out” before the year even takes off. The storm around you is NOT a sign you have got it wrong to believe Me, and believe My Word and the vision that I have given you, it is a SIGN That you are ABOUT to sing a new song. You are about to sing a new song of the great unlocking. The enemy is whispering “look around you, look around you” but I am shouting with expectation and hope “LOOK AROUND YOU, LOOK AROUND YOU”. You will be filled with AWE at what I am going to do. The storm is the VERY SIGN that you are moving in the right direction. You are moving in MY direction. Do not allow the enemy to take you out now, for you are moving into new lands where you will sing a NEW SONG of unlocking. A new song where you WILL see the KEYS I have given you finally bring an unlocking and as the unlocking takes place so will a greater extension of your borders. I am going to BUILD through you greater things than you have imagined. The one way that you can be “taken out” at the beginning of this year, is by believing the lie that you have got it ‘all wrong’ and give up. You will give up right before the greatest empowerment and move of My Spirit.
I know so many of you have been waiting such a long time for breakthrough. There has been disappointment after disappointment for many of you. There has been hope crushed for many of you, and many of you are feeling like you are in the pit of hope deferred, but let Me tell you, I have NOT left you. Hope may have been deferred, but I am moving in power to move you to HOPE RESTORED.
In this season, I have PRESERVED you, I have strengthened you even when you didn’t realise, I have carried you, comforted you and encouraged you and now I am going to RELEASE YOU. Many have been “taken back” by the continued and even increased opposition that has come upon them in 2016, but that is because you are STEPPING IN, YOU ARE STEPPING IN! You have been hearing for a long time “breakthrough is coming”, “breakthrough is coming”, “breakthrough is coming” and there has been wave after wave of opposition. There is now a GREAT WAVE of BREAKTHROUGH that is coming into the body of Christ CORPORATELY. There is a momentum of breakthrough that’s going to extend through the body of Christ, and the breakthrough’s are going to happen not just for one suddenly, but a CORPORATE SUDDENLY. A corporate breakthrough, such a HUGE wave of breakthrough and provision across the body of Christ that is going to be TESTIMONY to My power.
Many of you have felt empty, have felt heavy, have felt like each day is still a constant struggle, and for many of you, you have been feeling more weary and broken than you did at the end of last year, but I say to you that in the next 10 days as you My people press in, fast and pray there is coming a GREAT refreshment and revival upon you that is not only going to re-establish you, but stronger, with greater capacity, in greater increase and flow of My Spirit than before.
Many of you will have testimonies of My creative power in your life. The next 10 days is crucial in the re-establishment process. Over the next 10 days there will be an elevation of the physical realm being extended and elevated into the spiritual realm. Many of you will experience a divine paradigm shift. A sudden establishment of My government and My principles suddenly manifesting in the natural around you. Do not look at circumstances and be dismayed that some are getting ‘worse’. Keep pressing in, it’s just being extended to testify to a greater breakthrough of My power.
Do not give up now. Press in!!!! Fast and pray for I am going to bring a great re-arranging. Move into these next 10 days with a surrendered heart, allow Me to move in the way I need to, and establish the structures, healing, impartation and extension that I need to. Do not be ‘caught up’ in how you ‘think’ I need to move, but trust in Me, and KNOW that even if it is not what you expect or how you expect, I will bring a great re-establishment and impartation over these next ten days that will be foundation and crucial for the building of My government in and through your life.


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  • Phyllis J.

    God Bless you Lana!! This is exactly how I have been feeling. Entering into 2016 with great expectation trying not to be anxious about what lies ahead. But thus far this year, in only these 8 days, it seems like it has been one thing after another. It’s such a challenge to remain encouraged so I am so thankful and grateful to God for His kind words of encouragement.
    Many Blessings upon you and your family in this season especially as you are preparing for travel.

  • Myrtle

    As I read this I was saying..yes this is how it feels…yes, I am weary….yes, I am waiting and watching things only get worse with more disappointment….but deep inside I know that God is still there..He sends me little things that lift my spirit and give me strength to continue. He is my strength…through all the many ordeals and situations that I am dealing with …and have dealt with…I trust Him….and believe He is able to do what He says He will do…thank you for sharing this.

  • brenda hook

    This morning I told The Lord my trusting for breakthrough was DONE yet seeking my faith to be strengthened then he sent His word through you and so I shall continue to press in .thankyou lana .
    From another weary one.

  • Deborah Lobo

    Hallelujah! Amen n Amen! To the Glory of God our Father! Thank you Jesus! God bless you Lana n thank you.


    I thank you Father God, for an on time word this new day, for all you have spoken here, and Yes, it has been tiring
    in the waiting process, yet through it all, through all the
    pain, the suffering, the trials, testing, of my Faith, I have
    endured the afflications in this walk with you, for many years when you first spoke to me, what I had ask you for
    in Faith, for breakthrough, all throughout my years, I have kept the Faith believing you would bring it to pass someday, and that someday is Now, this year 2016 and even now as you have spoken it here, for the next 10 days starting Jan.10 through Jan.19 I expect you to come through, as I will not give up. I will keep on pressing into you and your promises to come to manifestation in my life. I have cried out to you so many
    times, and yes you have heard me, now this is my moment to rejoice, for I take you at your words. I ask you again to bring it about what I desire to fruitation at a much sooner date this year, prepare my heart to receive all, give me wisdom, your strenght to cope a little bit longer, to hold on, for it is unbearable to go much further, help me Holy Spirit of God, as I am leaning on you, my helper this day. I thank you Lana, for sharing this beautiful words of the prophetic, to lift, to encourage, to strengthen us all as we have read these words, the Father’s words, from the heart. Awesome God Bless you ever more.

  • Heidi Dawson

    You have helped me so much this year. I have had so many dreams and things happen that have been truly hard to understand yet, my relationship with God has grown so full of hope and promise and quiet teaching and love. Thank you for listening and loving God. It truly is amazing what is ahead. i can’t wait.

  • Cecile Jo

    “tears” OMGoodNess precious one! How quickly ABBA sent confirmation I JUST 2 days ago was questioning Him regarding these very issues! THANK YOU for your obedience to Him and us! HUGE HUGS!

  • Dena

    I just want to thank you for being obedient to God and bringing confirmation. Gods word through you is always right on. I have had one struggle after another since about August of 2015 and Gods words through you have so encouraged me to stay the course, when in I have felt like I can’t take one more attack or I’m going to go crazy! So I pray God blesses you, your family and your ministry.

  • Brenda Boyd

    A great word Lana. I have been under physical attack since New Years eve, finally diagnosed with pneumonia for which I am taking meds. I know that God is healing me, slowly but it is a time of renewal.Thanks for being a blessing.

  • Carol

    This is an amazing word!! So true to what is going on. I believe and receive this. Thank you so much for sharing. Thank you Lord Jesus!!

  • Fianne

    On 23 December, when I went to bed, the clock said 00:25. I had the strong impression that something is going to happen in 25 days, on January 16th. Well, that is in the 10 days you speak of now…! I am full of anticipation of what God has in store for us!
    Thank you for sharing your encouragments.

  • Sylvia

    Your words have been a constant source of encouragement and this one especially hit the mark for me. I had just heard powerful prophetic words for the year of advancement and increase and then stepped into a whirlwind of physical issues that I am still waiting for test results for. My main mental battle was feeling like I had ‘missed it’. So, this word realigned my faith and I am so grateful how God uses prophetic voices. Thank you!

  • margaret Lee

    God bless you Lana,a true prophetess of God. Last week in my vision, I saw the treasury box , suddenly it was open! It is amazing how timely and accurate your prophetic words are! Recently I heard “DOUBLE” in my dreams. I am so excited for the confirmation ,to help me to discern time and season. Yes Lord, please stir up more of Your anointing in my life ,the anointing break the yoke.
    I will intercede for your ministry that God will release new Heavenly host to partner with you. Be blessed!