Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
I have said many times especially when I am teaching on hearing the voice of God, that I ‘pay attention to repetition’. That has been one of the keys the Lord has given me in recognising the language of the Spirit and how He speaks in my life.
So over the last few weeks, but especially in intensity in the last week, I keep seeing the word "ADVENTURE" or slogans about "ADVENTURES BEGINNING" and the Lord spoke to me and showed me a door that is before many in the spirit right now and written on the door are the words "THE NEW ADVENTURE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN….."
We are in a season of transition, crossing over, we are moving into new things, unlike any other time we have experienced. What God is doing is SO glorious.
All throughout this season, I have had this stirring excitement in my spirit that the Lord is doing so much behind the scenes that we don’t even realise or recognise.
He is planning things FAR GREATER than we could imagine or even asked for. He has been planning things so much bigger than we have dreamed, and I keep saying it, and I will say it again.. the enemy is attempting to put dread on God’s people that the ‘new thing’ or the ‘change’ may be bad or not good, but the EXACT opposite is true.
Surrounding this new door of adventure I saw angels and they were discussing the goodness of God and they were exclaiming to one another ‘Do they (God’s people) realise the magnificent things that He is preparing for them? Wow!’ and then they would decree 2 Corinthians 2:9:
"This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard before, things beyond our ability to imagine – these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers."
Friends, there is a decree being released in the spirit right now "A NEW ADVENTURE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN…."
What God has been ORCHESTRATING is about to SUDDENLY MANIFEST in MOMENTUM. You will SEE, you will HEAR, you will STEP IN to what God has been doing. The things He has been showing you, and the things He hasn’t been revealing yet, but as you STEP IN, this NEW ADVENTURE is going to be more amazing than you have ever experienced.
I heard the Lord say:
"Night is suddenly turning to day. Those below are suddenly being lifted above. Despair days are suddenly turning in destiny days. Don’t try and make anything happen. It will SUPERNATURALLY occur, the phone will ring, the door will open, the connection will be established, the offer will come, the email will arrive, the letter will be delivered, I am setting this up, I am setting this up SUDDENLY and OUT OF THE BLUE!!!!"
There is shifting of the gears taking place right now in the spirit. There’s a shifting of assignments, there’s a shifting of mandates. There is a shifting of positioning. There is a shifting and changing of the guards taking place. There are promotions taking place. There are strategic positionings taking place. There are rearrangements taking place. There are redirections taking place. There are reroutings taking place. There are greater levels of increase taking place.
I heard Him speak again:
"The new adventure is UPON YOU! You are going to go where you have never been. You are going TO DO what you have never done. You are going to MOVE in a way you have never moved. You are going to LOVE the way that I FLOW IN and THROUGH you in this season."
"THE TAILORMADE CHANGE is upon you!!!!!!!!!!!"


  • SeeingEyeGirl1

    I am ALL IN for however the Lord chooses to roll this out in my life!! I am almost giddy with expectancy for the revealing of what He’s been orchestrating and setting in place. Just want to walk in the FULLNESS and VICTORY that will advance HIS Kingdom.

  • DeAnne Newton

    The Kingdom of God is upon us. I;have waited and have been greatly processed, and have been refined by our maker. His timing is perfect the lover of our souls. I love Papa ssssoooooooooooo much!!!! I can’r wait for Daddy to show up and show out in this worlds system. We must do what we see our Father doing!!! Shalom to you! .

  • vanetta stanford

    Confirmation!!!!!!!! Yaaaas LAWD! A few weeks ago, I heard the Lord say “I am redefining your position.”

  • Ford

    God bless you, Lana. I thank God for putting you in my path and I receive, believe and agree with your prophetic word in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

  • Diana

    Praise God for his unsearchable greatness❣️
    To clarify:1Corinthians 2:9 and such a beautiful scripture promise it is. Oh for faith to believe and receive all he has for us! Thank you dear sister, may God continue to Bless you richly. You are a great encouragement to the Body.

  • Lea Nocas

    I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas. Or an orphan soon to have parents.
    Or a refugee soon to have a home!
    Like Fiona in Shrek the Musical, I have sung, “The waiting, the waiting, the waiting, waiting, the waiting! ” Now, I can sing, “I know it’s today!”

  • patricia


  • Rebecca Sanchez

    Yes Jesus! I had a dream that I went out, tried in a few dresses and finally bought a yellow dress. I even danced in it to make sure it was the right ones for the occasion before I bought it, then I went to the side of a bustling road and watched my breakthrough happen as the Lord gave me insight to focus in on certain people and events all around me line up at the exact moments to bring about a grand collision (almost like a spy trained to see his strategy play out through certain people as he watches his stop watch count down and looks at the scene through his binoculars.).. A great orchestration of events in chronos timing to bring about his perfect Kairos time that would finally collide to launch my breakthrough. I knew I was in my celebration dress ready for the homecoming of my prodigal husband that I’ve been praying would return to me for years. I know when God sets this all into motion, nothing will stop Him! I’m ready for this next chapter of our lives! In the dream I even watched my husband but his own suit and dance in it, like he knew he was also going to attend a homecoming celebration when God finally set into motion the events leading up to his return.
    Thank you Lana!

  • Robearh

    Thank you Father God, for you are in complete control of my life. I anticipate A New Beginning, Change is upon me. Victory is assured.
    I expect your Goodness to overtake me as you have promised and prepare for me, for it is indeed a Good thing. Hallelujah, Glory to
    God. Amen !

  • L.M.

    I receive in Jesus Name!!!! FULL RESTORATION AND MANIFESTATION OF GOD’S PROMISES IN MIGHTY AND GLORIOUS WAYS. Joy is coming back into my life, where there has been lack and stolen goods,they are being returned 100 fold I Decree. My health and FINANCES are returning in Mighty and Abundant Ways I Decree. Car issues are being Resolved,I Decree Restoration and Ressurection in ALL Areas of my life. I can’t wait to take a vacation. I haven’t taken one in 10 years!!!! Alleluiah. I’ve been stuck for soo long. I am singing over this Prophesy Over My Life. Bring It On, Thank you Jesus!! I Look Forward To It!!!!!

    • Ford

      L.M. – I am in agreement with you, as my family and I are going through a similar storm as you. Everything the enemy has stolen from us (finances, property, employment, rest, peace, joy, trust) are all coming back 100-fold! Thank you, Jesus. Praise the Lord. Amen and Amen.

  • Rosie

    Oh my God!!! What an Awesome God we serve. I receive this Word and I am in great anticipation of the manifestation. Amen.

  • Diana Burton

    What an encouraging word. I have long confessed that God is able to exceed anything we could ask or think. I have to admit, of those things I have been standing for, I was only thinking of God meeting that need, not exceeding it. Above and beyond anything we can ask or think. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for this word from the Lord!

  • Rhonda Kitabjian

    Amen Lana!!!! September 1st I will be on 2 different networks broadcasting the message of sharing the love of Jesus and I just feel in my Spirit everything you wrote is about to happen. Even when I think – is there something I can do now.. the Lord says Rest! God bless you and your ministry.. you are a gift to Gods family. Ox

  • Janet Garcia

    Amen, I receive this your prophetic words are so true and always so helpful for me in this season of my life. I’m still in great expectation of what the Lord is doing for the body of Christ and my personal life. Lana, your ministry (I know you’d give the glory back to the Lord) has been blessings me for quite some time and I finally wanted to say. Thank you for being a true prophet and woman of God! Love J

  • Jeanette Lewis

    I’m sooooooo humble right now!!! Like a child waitng for her Father God !!! to embrace me in His shelter arms. I feel very special as a little girl at the age of 56 yrs. Old. Our royal gifts lies ahead of our paths. Thank you Father for this word of comfort. God !!! Bless you woman of God !!! Lana

  • Jeanette Lewis

    I know God!!! said He is the one Who is Fueling and He’s the one whose’s going to transform and has chosen and shapen me into the woman He has created me to be. I recevied all His goodness right now in the blood of Jesus Christ for my family as well. Amen

  • Beth Miller

    Lana please pray for our situation; my husband Keith is seeking the next step in his career however all doors continue to shut, including one today that is with the company I currently work for. He was laid off November 2016 so this has been a very intense time at our home. We have been seeking God’s direction and we are ‘all in’ to what He directs. However at age 57 with an excellent resume is not effective to date. Your heart reflecting God’s heart has kept us focused on leaning into Father God and not looking to man to provide. We know God will be true and He is working on our behalf. Claiming this word today for our situation. We excitedly await this next adventure to begin. Thank you. Beth Miller and Keith Miller.

  • Lele Saufoi

    I’m excited and can’t wait to go on this Adventure. Thank you Jesus for speaking through your servant Lana. I believe I receive and I take this word for me and my family in Jesus powerful awesome precious Name, Hallelujah, God is awesome, I just can’t contain the excitement in this Word. What a Mighty God we serve. Be blessed blessed blessed woman of God.
    Lele Saufoi

  • Jean Pinkham

    Praise the Lord!!!! I give glory, worship and praise to our God and KIng, and declare His promise of the Victory and Answered Prayer of many years is at the door. I believe He is going to do more than we can ask or think. My husband and i and family are candidates, we claim His promises for our children and their families. We are ready and expecting the glory at any moment!!! Hallelujah!!!!

  • Karen

    Wow. I am just completing one last step of my journey and the Lord is dealing with all the emotional toil as to step forth and be a warrior for His Kingdom took some training and more to come. I too feel the breakthrough for my destiny is upon me, at the very door!! Glory and thank you Jesus for Lana as she helps the bride continue in faith and victory!!

  • Rivka Napenda

    Lana you have been speaking things the L-rd has been saying to me, some of them are the exact words. It seems that I’ll be saying some of the things, then the following day, I’ll read your entry, and there it is, in parts, almost verbatim….G-d is sooo amazingly gracious to always confirm what He places in my heart, and in this season He has drawn my heart towards you, and yours is one of the voices resonating deeply with my own. I have had some physical struggles for more than 10 years, and while the L-rd has done partial healings, I’ve known in that place of knowing, that this is the kairos in which the “suddenly” will occur. Thank you so much for your heart of obedience and your sacrifice for the Kingdom and His beloved. L-rd bless and keep you and your beautiful family.

  • jesh stg

    Three years ago Gid told me “to see the changes as an adventure” – and he placed us life long city slickers in the country side – it was painful! but he’s is the best psychologist, turning things I would have been resistant to, into an “adventure.” Okay, am ready now- a new adventure!

  • Roz Campbell

    Praise God Lana what a word I receive this. Seems like every time I want to do something to get out of this time the Lord says it won’t come like that. I’ve learned even when it seems nothing is happening HE’S doing something GREAT. Amen

  • Gabriel Hanson

    Beautiful. . . I receive this in the name of Jesus!!! Looking forward to the New Adventure. . .Thank you so much for writing this and all the wonderful encouragement from the Lord!!! Fabulous Blessings on You and your loved ones!

  • Melissa

    This is such a timely word. The Lord showed me a vision of twin babies – it was an image of an ultrasound where the babies were just in their forming stages. This prospect of new birth reminds me so of what you are saying Lana. The adventure begins…

  • Victoria

    Praise God!!!!! this word From God is lining up with the word that Holy Spirit has given to me wow God is Great and His Word shall come to pass and is already working in us
    I receive it embrace it and walk in it bless you.

  • Patricia O'Neill

    What a wonderful ,awesome,encouraging Word . So blessed and excited to know His wonderful workings in my life and the lives of others . Thank you for speaking and sharing into my life.

  • Lillian Russell

    This lines up perfectly with what God showed me and spoke to me. It also confirms prophetic words that were spoken over me. On the day of this posting God told me to move from one ministry to another and I’m following him. Thank you Lord for the confirmation and encouragement!!!

  • MyBelovedRuth

    Amen! I receive it in Jesus name!
    I want to see Your glory like Moses did
    Flashes of light and rolls of thunder. I want to walk in Your presence like Jesus did.
    Your glory surrounds me and I’m overwhelmed but I’m not afraid. Show me Your glory, show me Your glory, my God…
    I long to look on the face of the One that I love Long to stay in Your presence, it’s where I belong!

  • Pastor Tony A. Palmer Sr.

    Woman of God This is One of The Most Accurate Words from the Lord Yeshua I’ve been a part of and I’d like to say a thank you for your Obedience in paying the Price in order to deliver it!
    Will Update you on Return from the Virgin Islands where Myself and Two of my Ministers are about to fly out to tonight 24 August 2017 to St Thomas in Specific.
    I truly solicit your prayers while going on assignment for o assist the Saints in Regaining What the enemy has called himself stealing! My Ministers names are Mikki Wade originally from Congo Africa and Philippe Toussaint from Quebec Canada & im Tony A Palmer Sr. Just a servant of my Lord and Savior retired military now ripping apart the kingdom of darkness as my Savior instructs me along the way by introducing Him to those who are lost and those who have been in religion!
    Please pray for us and the family we are assisting James and Rebecca! May Yeshua be Lifted up and Glorified! She needs her health completely Restored mine body & soul on every side by. Wong made Whole! They are to go eventually and assist in New Zealand the Body of Believers there Lana!
    God bless and stay with your ear to Daddy’s Mouth!
    Much love and prayers
    Pastor Tony A. Palmer Sr
    No Greater Love C.F.M.

  • Sharon

    REsidual Income in Yeshwah’s Name! Amen
    I was viewing today’s post (Sunday 28th August) and Holy Spirit dropped that word on my heart whilst you were prophesying the Re- Blessings. I receive them all, Amen. Thanks a mil Lana, and God Bless you all.

  • Julia

    Yesterday, 21 Aug., I noticed 2 things:
    1. “SHINE” music video at KFC
    on a bus ad.
    I never notice things like this for spiritual reasons so God must’ve made me extra alert 🙂
    1. Speaks to me personally re my calling.
    2. Reminded me of this word from Lana.
    I recently dreamt of my father teaching me how to cook a new dish at his old fast food joint, away frm my regular familiar section (A new thing/job/task), giving step by step instructions as I went. He will be our guide as he leads us into new unfamiliar roles which may even take us outside our comfort zones.
    God bless

    • Fiona Alexander

      Hi Julia,
      Your dream may mean that your Heavenly Father is showing you how to put the word of God together in a new way and not just the old way of reading the bible. There is a dream interpretation book ‘The Divinity Code’ that can help you piece dreams together so you can understand more of what the dream means.
      Bless. you!

  • R Carter Thomas

    I Love how you allow the Lord to use you. When I read what you prophesy it stirs me up!
    I’m transitioning now, and currently in the process of moving my business/ministry to a new location. I have been saying, I’m so excited to see what God is doing with this New Thing in my life, my family’s life and the life of the community I’m moving into.
    My Pastor (Bishop Pitts) is currently mentoring 2 of my friends in this community and they talk to about how much their lives have changed since he has started to speak into their lives. Thank you for being a voice and not an echo.