Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


“NO weapon formed against you shall prosper” – Isaiah 54:17
I felt a warning in the spirit today on the heart of God as a very strategic assignment has been sent against many in the body of Christ and I felt the Lord wanted to uncover this assignment.
This spirit of death that has come against many in the body of Christ has come to attempt to steal vision, steal hope, and cause the people of God to withdraw.
This spirit has been released looking for areas of the heart and mind, entry points to begin to stir up feelings of despair, feelings of wanting to give up, fear of death, fear of sickness and fear of the changes that are happening right now in the body of Christ. Stand against this spirit through your declaration of the Word. Don’t give into doubt, stay in the faith lane.
This spirit has been released because you are actually moving into the new realm of breakthrough. A new realm where John 10:10 shall take on new light, new revelation that Jesus has come to give you LIFE and LIFE IN ALL ITS ABUNDANCE.
The Lord is training many “on the job” as to they schemes and wiles of the enemy. The Lord is releasing greater discernment, greater clarity and insight to the people of God to see the attacks of the enemy UNCOVERED and FOILED before they happen.
There is a level of BREAKTHROUGH and ACCURACY of sight and discernment in the Spirit right now like the Church has not seen before and the enemy is fighting hard to stop His people from moving into it.
I felt the Lord saying many have been battling with these intense feelings of fear, sudden fear of the ‘changes’ ahead, and an anxiety of ‘what is coming next’. Many have been battling irrational thoughts and a deep unsettledness that is leaving them wondering what is going on and what they have done wrong. This spirit is attempting to hinder vision and clarity and many to feel that they have done something wrong so they will withdraw from the place the Lord has called them to stand and to believe. This spirit is attempting to ‘shut down’ the people of God and to steal their vision and strategy the Lord has placed in their hearts for this next step before them by whispering in their ears that ‘it’s all too hard’. Let me encourage you, NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR HIM and you are partnering with HIM and the enemy is SO afraid because you are actually going to see your IMPOSSIBILITIES shattered.
These giants have arisen in the land because you are moving into your PROMISED LAND.
You are moving into new realms of life. New realms of revelation and manifestation of what LIFE really looks like in Him. What Jesus actually purchased for us at Calvary. There are DEEP levels of spiritual revelation opening up for the people of God and DEEP levels of manifestation of LIFE all around as opportunities present themselves before the people of God that they have “only dreamed of”. Dreams are about to become a reality. The people of God left with a giddy excitement and heavenly surreal feeling of being in a place that ONLY GOD could have got them.
Your future is full of hope!!!! Jeremiah 29:11 IS YOUR KEY!!!!!! Don’t let this spirit of death steal your vision, make you withdraw and cause you to not continue to move forward as you are now crossing over into new territory.
I saw Jesus standing before the people of God that have been battling with this spirit of fear and foreboding and He handed them a journal and said “It is time for these to be filled.”
These journals hadn’t been written in before and as He handed them to these ones, there was a sense all over me of a ‘new season’. Like when you buy a new diary signalling the start of a ‘new year’, these journals carried with them pregnant expectation of a “new season” a “new shift” had arrived.
STRATEGIC revelation, prophetic accuracy on greater levels and insight are about to be released like a flood to those who are seeking His heart.
He then spoke again “Many are worried about the increase of the enemy’s attacks against them and in the world, but I have overcome the world and in Me, they are overcomers. Greater shall be the prophetic accuracy released in this season that is going to begin seeing attacks of the enemy uncovered and foiled before they are able to cause great harm and devastation.”
I saw as the Lord began to share His heart and the people of God wrote down the strategy and revelation He was releasing, I then saw it beginning to manifest in the natural in ‘suddenlies’. The enemy may have accelerated his attack, but the Lord has accelerated the manifestation of His promises and breakthrough into your life.
“Focus on Me, you are about to SEE like you have not SEEN before.”
The enemy may be screaming at you, but you are COMING TO LIFE as you press into Him.


  • in.whom

    Dear to my heart is the song in the Spirit that came quite unexpectedly, but wondrously: “The husbands love their wives as Christ loves the Church. The husbands love their wives as Christ loves the Church.” It was an “it is so” kind of Word. Had an encounter with the Lord years ago, and the only word I could say to express it was, “it is so”!! Shalom, shalom,

  • Phyllis

    Bless you Sis Lana!!! I know many have spoken this to you before regarding the timely release of your prophetic word and this one is spot on!! I have suffered from severe panic and anxiety attacks in the past and Satan is attempting to shoot these fiery darts at me again. But, I rebuke his attacks and stand firm behind my armor, for it will protect me. I purchased a brand new journal a few days ago and now I know why!! I will seek the heart of the Lord and wait for Him to speak. Such blessings!!
    Many blessings upon you and your family.

  • heartpeace

    Yes!!! He will breakthrough and we will overcome! Hallelujah….Jesus is Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings, HIS will be done, By the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, we will overcome, ‘we’ (the body of Christ) are COMING TO LIFE, and WILL NOT succumb to the spirit of death. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

  • in.whom

    This is a few hours later after the song in the Spirit: “The husbands love their wives as Christ loves the church. The husbands love their wives as Christ loves the Church.” While weeding in the back garden, a delightfull discovery was made. The first two Rose of Sharon blossoms had blossomed!
    It’s second year in the garden by the back of the house; there are a great, great many buds on that shrub! The two soft pink Rose of Sharon blossoms bloomed side by side on the same stem. Inside the blossom is bleeding red! What’s that leaning on the center stem of the shrub? A rounded rock with one word on it: Hope!! It had fallen forward. I stood it upright again for all to see!
    By the bedroom window, the weeds nearby had grown so very tall. There were two varieties of weeds behind the house, and so close to a half chopped cedar tree. Someday we will be pulling the cedar tree out by the roots with a tractor! There was a real searching going on getting to the root of the these weeds, to at least chop them off. The roots were so deep I could only chop the weeds down for now. It took four trips to dump the wheelbarrow of weeds near one of the barn sheds.
    Our Father is a gardener!(John 15:1) He loves to see living things grow and develop!! “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)We love You and what You have created God!!

  • Joyce Goodman

    It feels as this was all written for me. It so amazing how God speaks to us through others. And just when we need it. Thank you.

  • Vicki Williams

    Thank you for posting this message. I have been dealing with this spirit since the beginning of this month and its no joke. The attacks against myself and family members have been vicious, unlike anything I’ve seen before. The Lord revealed that it was the spirit of death and it was especially targeting me and my eldest child. This message is a confirmation and I appreciate your obedience in posting it. God bless you!