Prophetic Words


I saw atmospheres shifting, walls around hearts breaking down and breakthrough in supernatural accelerated ways – happening in hearts as His people pray in the Spirit.
Burdens are lifting as the people press in and pray in the Spirit.
Press in and spend time praying in tongues and watch how the Spirit of the Lord is going to bring forth freedom and breakthrough.
In situations where the people of God don’t know what to pray or what to do, pray in the Spirit as heaven’s wisdom and the power of the Spirit will invade and meet earth in your life and bring clarity, freedom and breakthrough as you pray the echo of what the Spirit is saying.
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  • R Lukianiuk

    Lana, thank you for the encouraging words from God. Thanks for being faithful to Him. There’s this little 1year old girl Angelica that has leukemia. .doctors deciding what to do. May start chemo on Mar 19…please pray for this family and for healing for her and for their expenses to be covered. Large family.
    And I have prayer request for my son Andrew that he would end his relationship with this girl cuz it’s not of God’s will. Thanks Ruth

  • Kailash Agnihotri

    A when you never know situation? Zechariah 2;5 and the other verses, Romans 8:16, or if missing out on St John 14;21,23. Rarely. Yeah, this is saying things on the unknown. Thanks.

  • darcydowning

    Amen. God is lifting already and had me perform a prophetic act by “cleaning my windows” outside after reading your latest word and it’s still mud season. But this isn’t about earthly things, this is about pulling heavenly truths down from heaven so they can manifest here on earth. Praise God. I confess, I have idly sat praying, not using my gift of tongues. Oh Jesus, you ruin me and in that short of time I have experienced significant revelation and understanding and I know it’s just the beginning of so much more. Thank you Jesus for this sister, show her more. Show us all, more.
    This is from the WINDOW WASHER
    “…cleans its edges, grooms it for
    the end, then shaves it off
    and flings it away. Which is
    splendid, and merciless. And all
    in the wrist. Then, he looks at us.
    We makers of filth, we splashers
    and spitters. We sitters and watchers.
    Who like to see him work.
    Who love it when he leaves
    and gives it back: our grim hideout,
    half spoiled by clarity.”
    by Christopher Matthews.

  • Yvonne Caza

    Thank you so much for your emails!
    Quite encouraging!
    Question: what does “humble yourself in the sight of The Lord really mean?
    Sent from my iPad