Prophetic Words


In the midst of the increase and release He is pruning His people. Do not be discouraged by the pruning for He is conforming you into His image.
He is making room in your life for greater wholeness, peace, joy and healing. He is fine tuning you to be more sensitive to His leading and hear His voice.
Giftings are receiving huge upgrades as the people of God “embrace the process”. He is pruning you to keep you moving. Moving forward into the wonderful plans that He has for you to proposer you and not to harm you. (Jeremiah 29:11)
The pruning is part of promotion so be encouraged. You will not only step further into wholeness, peace, joy and healing, but the things of the past, the things behind will no longer entangle you. You will know freedom you have never imagined.
You are moving forward into an abundant land where you will no longer feel you are standing on shifting sand but stand strong with deep conviction you are held by His beautiful all loving, providing, protecting, faithful hand.
The pruning process is actually answering your prayers for breakthrough, manifestation of His promises and increase … But the greatest part of all is in the pruning you shall know Him like never before and LOOK MORE like Him than ever.
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  • van mason

    Hi Lana ! Thx for Abbas heart thru you I would like you see if Daddy has a Word for me! Blessings-Psalm 84:2
    Sent from my iPhone

  • Darcy Stroud

    Thank you Jesus for fulfilling all my hearts desires that you placed in my heart..upgrades’s all good Amen

  • Elsabie van der Westhuizen

    Praise the Lord for confirmation through this word. Jeremiah 29:11 was given to me when we lost our eldest son. Ever since He used this word many times to remind us that all we are forever under the wings of our Father. Whatever happens to us, whatever sifting we go through, or tests and trials, He is always in total control. He has always one major goal, His image in us. The revealing of the sons ( heios – sons / mature ones, the fullness of Jesus Christ in His Body) so that His Glory may fill the earth.