Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser 

The Lord has been speaking to me recently for those who have been through intense fires of adversity over the last season.
The Lord showed me that many faced fires that almost “took them out”. Many faced intense fires of adversity where the enemy came ferociously to steal, kill and destroy and many were left in that place of wondering whether they were ever going to make it out alive. The fire was so intense, and the Lord showed me that these fires of adversity were some of the most intense battles of their life. For many they were fires that catapulted them into dark nights of the soul, others into a level of warfare they had never experienced, others feeling like it was this demonic assignment of assault in every direction and breakthrough seemed further than ever. Many faced the battle of their lives to keep their hope in the Lord to bring deliverance.
Many have moved into the deliverance of the Lord out of these seasons, and others are now being delivered from these fires of adversity. The Lord is moving powerfully to deliver and vindicate His people.
I heard the Lord say:
“It is a new season of favour! My favour is falling on what I forged in the fires of adversity.”
When I heard the Lord say this, it was like the heralding of a season shift – a season of radical, unprecedented favour upon those who have been in this place of adversity. The Lord showed me that in the fires of adversity the hearts of His people were turned like compasses to the true north of Jesus more than ever before. It solidified and concreted their life in Christ, their dependence upon Him and the reality that man does not live by bread alone but by every Word that flows from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)
The Lord showed me SO many different things that He forged in the fires of adversity that His people have even yet to see. The Lord did a deeper work within the hearts of His people as they looked to Him for help (Psalm 121) and deliverance. As they held onto Him and His faithfulness when the enemy was trying to kill them and break them and hold them from their destiny.
The Lord showed me that there were MAJOR deposits of heaven that took place in the fires of adversity within the hearts and lives of His people that many have not even begun to see in its fullness yet. I saw there was such a deep deposit that took place in these fires of adversity by the hand of the Lord, in the midst of the place of the enemy’s plans to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), they found the fourth man in the fire. They found Him in a way they have never found Him before – our beautiful Jesus. In that place, He made deep deposits that some have already been birthed and others are being birthed now. This birthing HAS taken place for many in books, music and new creative expressions and the birthing is going to continue for many in different avenues in this season. What the Lord has deposited and forged in the fire is going to FLOW OUT in NEW DIRECTIONS and EXPRESSIONS and it is all carrying NEW WINE! Beautiful, new, fresh, costly, weighty wine that is going to see the hand of the Lord release that will make room for NEW OPPORTUNITIES.
I heard the Lord say:
“Many are about to see that the fires of adversity tried to kill them, and it was a level of suffering and trauma in the assault of the enemy coming against them, but the FAVOUR that I am now opening up and this new season of FAVOUR that I am leading them into is going to FAR OUTWEIGH the trauma they endured.”
The Lord showed me that He was SO MOVED by the FAITHFULNESS of many hearts towards Him in the fire. When the enemy came so strongly, when everything was going crazy, and so much was shaken, lost or broken, their hearts remained FAITHFUL to Jesus. Their hands still lifted in praise to Jesus for who He is. In the intense fire and intense darkness, they still stood on His Word, they still held on, they still whispered His name in the night hours when terror surrounded, His heart was moved.
The season has now changed and the favour that is opening u and about to open up has not even been conceived by His people. (1 Corinthians 2:9) The enemy tried to kill them, strip them and stop them, now the winds of favour and increase of the Lord are blowing upon them to bring radical increase, opportunity and favour. There are significant season shift to a season of great REWARD from the Lord upon many.
I saw a tremendous ease and joy in the favour the Lord is releasing being released to His people. Where many have felt they have been in such a deep place of warfare and these fires of adversity for so long, there is a new level of EASE AND JOY being released to them in the FAVOUR of the Lord.
There is going to be more than double portions!!!! There is going to be such significant acceleration and suddenlies, such REFRESHING JOY is being released to many through the radical outpouring of His favour.
The radical demonstration of His favour is going to see the resurrection power come back to areas of the heart of many that were bruised, shaken and tormented by the fires of adversity. Life is coming back to those parts of the heart. The dryness is being washed out by the outpouring of His Spirit and joy! Resurrection life is coming back to the dry bones of dreams that died in the fires of adversity. They are now coming back to life within hearts. The favour the Lord is releasing and what He is setting up and positioning is going to raise the faith of many, the expectation of His people, the joy and excitement to believe that this is just the beginning of the wonderful plans and restoration He is releasing into their lives.
The enemy thought he won…. he didn’t! The favour of the Lord being poured out now is going to remind him over and over and over again that he should not have messed with you and remind him of his position… DEFEATED!!!!!!!! Where he assaulted you, now there will be RAPID INCREASE!!!!!


  • Elmarie Richards l

    Confirmation! !! I receive this word from God with excitement and gratefulness. Yes breakthrough and favour have been released because we have a good, good Father!!!! Praise Jesus!!! Bless you Lana.

  • Cheri

    Once again Lana, God’s timing through you is astounding. I’ve been warring through the night, yet again, in my living room, in Minneapolis, MN. It’s now 5am…sheesh!! Another long day ahead. I’m waiting for demonic deliverence and internal Light, Life, and Truth to be released through His spoken Word, to my broken, tattered heart. The enemy is stark raving MAD, and I am hard-pressed on every side…PRAISE THE LORD, IT MUST BE TIME HALLELUJA!! HE IS RISEN, IT IS FINISHED. Bless your beautiful heart Lana❤

  • Nahomie Riche

    Yes Lord Yes. There’s so much I want to say about this Word from The Lord but I’m having a hard time putting it in words. It has spoken to me on so many levels. It brought tears to my eyes. The Lord has spoken to the deep places in my heart..and during Passover celebration too. I’m speechless. One funny thing though that came to my memory is the ending of this prophectic Word. There were many times I was shouting at the devil DEFEATED! I mean really shouting it! I even told the devil a few times he’s going to wish he never had messed with me in Christ Jesus. The Lord allowed me to have some humor in times of battles to! But it is very true the enemy is a defeated foe of ours and we are a major threat to him in Christ. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. The battles has already been fought and won by The Lord God Almighty by The Mighty Lord Jesus. Our battle is to stand in faith of that though it may get very painful. Our lives are in the hands of The Lord God Almighty in Christ Jesus.
    Can’t wait for my tribulation time to be over at the set time of The Lord. Can’t wait to see The Lord..❤ I hope He will visit me this Passover Season. Thank you Lana very much God bless you

    • Terry Vos

      Nahomie, I love your heart response. You echoed what my heart is crying out for as well. Thank you for putting this into words. Bless you!

  • L.M.

    Thank you Lord. I receive this in Jesus Name. Amen. I want my inheritance back that was stolen from the enemy. My Joy and Reward Comes From The Lord. I Await His Deliverance . It’s been so dry and barren, my Soul yearns for God’s Deliverance. I Await and Receive All The Fruit and ALL The Bounty. These Days of Being Assaulted By The Enemy is Over, and I Receive God’s Full Favor. COME QUICKLY LORD , COME QUICKLY. MY REWARD COMES FROM THE LORD. FAVOR AND INCREASE IS MY INHERITANCE IN CHRIST JESUS.

  • Natasha K

    Yes!!! Yes!!! And Amen!!!!!! May The LORD bless you and bless you indeed Lana. And may He enable me to often lift you in prayer.

  • Sandra

    Thank you Lord Jesus for being with us always through the Fire my family endured during the last season. I decree and declare the favor of the Lord be upon us all and believe the word is for us. Bless David, the head of our household for his solid obedience to you and his faithfulness to never let go of you even when it seemed like the fire was blazing higher than his understanding. Rain blessings and restoration and favor to his Spirit Soul and Body. All I can say is Thank you so much Lord. I love you Lord!
    Thank you Lana for your obedience as the words from the Lord have blessed our family on a continual basis. Praying Blessings and favor to you and God’s ministry through you for your obedience!!

  • Ford

    Yes, Jesus! Praise the Lord! I receive this Word deep into my spirit. I decree that our seven years of attack from the enemy are over! Restoration and recompense are ours now. I also pray for the Bush family who lost their beloved Mary yesterday. Let your light shine down on them and bless them indeed. Blessings to your and your family, Lana. In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

  • Connie

    Praise be to God ????????Jesus ????????Holy Spirit ??????oh my God Great I am ?????? Worthy to be praised ????????The devil has been defeated ????????Hallelujah I receive this for me and my family in Jesus Name ??????Father God bless my sister Lana and her ministry ??????For her boldness and love for you ??♥️

  • Susan Robb

    YES!!!!!!YES !!!!!! YES ! Amen!!! Agreed!! Hallelujah to the King of Glory !!! Our God!!!
    Our magnificent Jesus!! Our precious Saviour !!!

  • Pinky

    This was so personal tp me as well as the prophecies in the last m,onth! Lana does not know but I have a debilitating bone disease and it is devastating after being a dancer and martial artist I cant walk any more. The prophecies abotu dry bones I recieve for myself in the lieral way as well as the trauma and dark seasons being delivered! We just sent a donation check and pray for naa and Kevin every night!

    • CeCe

      Pinky, because of Resurrection Power, this is not the end of your story! Be continuously open and expectant of deliverance and healing. Our God is amazing and able. Lord Jesus, asking You to show forth Your power of healing in Pinky. Surround Pinky with Your Grace and Your Presence. Amen

  • Meshack Baloyi

    Good day Lana the word is spot on inline with exactly what is happening and has already happened in the past, may the Lord continue to use and bless you up bless us.

  • Derrick L

    Lord, Thank you for your prophetess Lana, to speak so accurately in our lives ! Glory to your name Jesus!!!

  • Robearh

    Be unto me Lord, as you have Spoken it to be. Hallelujah !! I Receive your Now Prophetic Words, Spoken this day. Resurrection Power and Demonstration. Joy, Joy, Joy, Peace, Peace, Peace,
    Abundance of thy love, and Favor, upon my life. Not my will but thine in my life Lord God. Rapid Increase. I declare and receive it in Jesus name Hallelujah !! Great Reward, is upon me Now !!
    Thank you Lana, for sharing this day, the Father’s heart to us. We love you !! Blessings, Increase, Favor, Abundance of his love upon thee, as we declare and decree it in Jesus name Amen !
    Shalom !!!!!

  • Yolanda Lujan

    Amen!!! In agreement with all of God’s servants in Jesus Name .To God be all the glory. Thank Lana for sharing God’s encouraging words that He gave you to share with his servants. Blessings! ???

  • chrisbriscoe10

    Spot on. My Spirit with God’s Spirit confirm, “SPOT ON – I RECEIVE THIS WORD AS MY RHEMA WORD, FOR ME AND MY FAMILY! Thsnk you, Lord, and thank you, Lana for being a postwoman.

  • Stella Lu

    I was sitting at a grocery store when I read this. I couldn’t stop reading and crying for I know this is HIM who was speaking to me through you. I made myself a fool crying in the store in front of all the strangers, but I just couldn’t control it.
    Lana, you are such a blessing to HIM and to us. This is powerful Word of God!!!
    You have blessed me, how can I bless you?

  • Ad

    Thank you Lana. This word of yours is 100% spot on in my life at this point. Have just gone through the fire and slowly coming out. The fire was indeed so intense I experienced what Job did when he cursed the day he was born. Totally humbled and floored by the experience, and the fact that He heard my cry for mercy. Mercy, mercy, mercy, Lord, give mercy, was the only prayer I could pray at one point. He indeed gave mercy. Hallelujah, praise ye our King. Thank you again Lana.

  • wanda

    Thank You Lord for these Prophetic Words Spoken into my life. I receive them with great joy, comfort and anticipation, in Jesus name. AMEN!

  • Cathleen Priester

    Father may it be as you have said, I know in my heart this Word is true, all for Your glory because I can’t keep quiet about all that you do! From gas mysteriously appearing in my tank when most needed, to the miraculous salvation of my husbands soul and the new life you’ve given us. Thank you so much for Your resurrection power and the reminder that the battle is already won, I will speak life and walk harmoniously in victory. Lana thank you for always being available to deliver His messages, we are truly thankful.


    Amazingggggggg Lordddddddddddd Lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Fatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I raiseeeeeeeee my praiseeeeeeeeee to youuuuuuuuuuuuu <3<3<3<3

  • Scott

    Your prophetic words are so timely and coincide with the teachings of Graham Cooke which is a bonus. Thanks Lana

  • Southern Forester

    Thank you, Lana, for this word!!!
    My season of adversity started 15 years ago after the space shuttle Columbia broke-up and fell across east Texas. After 35 years, my marriage broke-up… and after 35 years of work I really enjoyed, I felt like I was going to die on-the-job if I didn’t leave… So, I retired and left for bible college where I heard the word over and over and over!!! My heart was sooo shattered, that I didn’t think I still had a heart… and the physical manifestations of problems were so great that I didn’t know if I would live or die.
    But, I chose to live…
    However, the enemy continued to attack and afflict me… The past year or so has been almost as bad as the beginning 15 years ago. Before I completely overcome a severe physical or emotional affliction the enemy had attacked me with, I got attacked with another one… I have bound, broken-off, and cast out those of the realm of darkness and loosed healing (Matthew 16:19) countless times.
    I’m sooo ready for this season to be over!!!
    But, I’ve grown to know Jesus… experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit… and I’ve grown to believe in the written Word… more than I ever imagined…
    And, the Holy Spirit taught me spiritual warfare!
    We actually have two offensive weapons… the sword… and the bow and arrows… The two weapons are simillar!
    The sword is the “spoken word” (in the immediate area) and the bow and arrows are the “spoken word sent”!
    Thank you!

  • Debbie

    I have only just read this word – I’m a little behind schedule. Oh but God’s timing is so perfect.
    I had tears in my eyes when I read this, it was as if it was just for me. I am humbled by this word. I take this word and I say YES to it and to Him who has saved me. I stand on His promises and His word. Thank you Jesus for saving me.
    Thank you to Lana for sharing the Father’s heart with us again, bless you.

  • Michelle

    This reads like God is speaking directly to me. The enemy tried to ACTUALLY take me out! AND, the circumstances surrounding what happened were the direct hand of God in the events! I take this word and I am going to believe on it. I have been in the process of writing a book for the last 4-5 years and circumstances keep delaying my progress. So, I am declaring a new season of getting that done! Because I know that’s where my blessing lies. Thanks Lana for putting these messages out there for us to grab hold of…it’s the “floating branch” that we grab onto in the raging river of life.

  • Dorothy Johnson

    I receive this in Jesus name right now i’m being attack by the enemy . walking in faith and believe the favor of God on my life. Please pray for my Dorothy AMEN