Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
Recently I had a dream and the Lord showed me that there was a powerful move of His Spirit that has begun but is going to significantly increase in this season where there is going to be a sweeping of MASS deliverance in the body of Christ.
“He is my faithful love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer. He is my shield, and I take refuge in him; he subdues people under me.” – Psalm 144:2
As I have sat on this dream for a while and have been leaning into the Lord, I had a vision and I saw the Lord “stepping onto the scene” (lives of God’s people) like a mighty warrior.
“The Lord is a warrior. The Lord is His name.” – Exodus 15:3
In this season the Lord has been speaking to me about how He is about to show up as the King of Glory and the Mighty One in battle – our Warrior King (Psalm 24:7-9) and He IS and is going to show Himself SO strong on behalf of His people in this season. The Lord is showing Himself strong as our defender, our deliverer and the great Warrior.
The dream and vision I had was not signalling a small breakthrough for God’s people or the body of Christ, it was heralding a major shift in the body of Christ, in the season, ushering in a MASS deliverance in the body of Christ. There is going to be a a major increase of deliverance in this season for God’s people. Things that have held them back, areas where the enemy has taken up camp, strongholds that just haven’t shifted, demonic oppression, torment, mental torment caused by demonic spirits and a spirit of fear, suddenly losing their hold.
In the vision I had I saw the Holy Spirit moving powerfully through the body of Christ in such acceleration, so swiftly, yet so gently, yet powerfully and I saw people all across the body of Christ getting set free and delivered from demonic strongholds, oppression, attacks and sin. Major, major deliverance was taking place. The Lord was showing up STRONGLY and POWERFULLY. As He moved the atmosphere was testifying John 8:36:
“Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” – John 8:36
There is about to be a POWERFUL INCREASE of freedom in the body of Christ, for God’s people. Many of God’s people have been tormented their whole lives. They have been caged their whole lives. They have been captive to things their whole lives. They have been crying out for freedom and deliverance their whole lives, and the decree of God in this dream and vision is these things are now coming to the surface and they are being broken. The areas where the enemy has taken up camp, the enemy is now fleeing as the Deliverer – Jesus Christ steps on the scene in POWER.
There are going to be major increases of testimonies in this season of freedom and deliverance for God’s people. The DELIVERANCE MIRACLES are upon us in significant ways. It is not just 1-2 people, or “here or there”, this was a corporate move of the Spirit of God bringing MASS DELIVERANCE.
Where the strongholds, curses and oppression of the enemy has caused things to be “out of alignment” and not the way the Lord intended, through this major move of His Spirit, there is going to be SUDDEN realignment and recalibration releasing a great outpouring of restoration.
The Lord showed me that there is an increase taking place in the prophetic ministry right now in significant ways where the Lord is increasing INSIGHT and revelation of prophetic STRATEGY for deliverance. There is going to be significant increase of the prophetic word of the Lord being declared and sent forth and MAJOR deliverance taking place over God’s people.
There are going to be incredible demonstrations of the power of God bringing deliverance through prophetic words in significant increase in this season. Signs, wonders, miracles and I saw creative miracles taking place in greater increase as the prophetic word of the Lord is decreed and delivered. This increase of prophetic insight was being released from the heart of God and totally focused upon Jesus and the victory that we have in Him. It was not a focus upon the enemy, but a greater increase in the wisdom and discernment from the heart of God bringing radical insight and deliverance into the lives of people all across the world in Jesus name.
The prophetic ministry and deliverance are going to be operating in greater increase in this season accompanied by great signs, wonders and miracles testifying to the power of God’s Word and His decree.
The battle has been raging for many right now and in the body of Christ because of this mass deliverance that is increasing in greater ways in the body of Christ.
The Lord gave me a word at the end of 2016 about a season of VICTORY upon the body of Christ, a greater manifestation of the VICTORY that is ours in Christ. It has been happening, but it is now SIGNIFICANTLY increasing and gaining momentum. There is MOMENTOUS victory upon God’s people and the Church right now.
The Lord has shown me a lot lately that the “watchman anointing” is significantly increasing. The Lord is increasing eyes to see and discerning the strategy of the enemy like Elisha heard the plans of the King in his bedroom (2 Kings 6:12)
The Lord is releasing greater insight and strategy that is going to see the enemy lose his hold suddenly in places he has occupied for a long time in individuals lives, families, churches, cities and nations.
But the Lord is also releasing such an increase of discernment moving the body of Christ further into the position of “offence” rather than “defence”. The authority of Jesus Christ is going to be demonstrated and released through God’s people in ways we have never seen before as this great awakening takes place. The increase of strategy, warnings, and divine insight is not something to be feared, but a promise and indication from the Lord of MAJOR deliverance, freedom and victory.
The Lord showed me areas in the lives of some of God’s people, families, marriages, churches and ministries that have been in a place of deep barrenness and no matter how much they press in and no matter how much they contend, this “barrenness” never breaks. The Lord showed me that in some of these areas there have been demonic strongholds and curses placed there that have hindered radical fruitfulness.
I saw the Lord sweep in like a mighty wind, the power of His Spirit came like WIND and FIRE and in different ways the Lord moved I saw these curses and strongholds suddenly breaking.
These places of intense barrenness LITERALLY changed OVERNIGHT, such MAJOR deliverance and freedom took place by the Spirit of God that ABUNDANT FRUITFULNESS manifested in SIGNIFICANT ACCELERATION in these areas. (Amos ‪9:13-15‬ MSG) The testimonies were so glorious! Testifying to the name, authority and power of Jesus Christ to bring freedom, deliverance and restoration. These barren places were no longer barren and held MORE FRUITFULNESS than could ever have been imagined. A testimony to His goodness, love and power.
In this MASS DELIVERANCE that is increasing there is going to be SIGNIFICANT INCREASE of testimonies of the BREAKING OF BARRENNESS!!!!!!!!
Does not my word burn like fire?” says the LORD. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)
In this major move of the Spirit of God bringing MASS deliverance the Lord showed me that the body of Christ is being awakened to the POWER of the Word of God. That the Word of God is like fire, it is like a mighty hammer to shatter.
I saw as God’s people were positioned in the Word, I saw the Lord breathing upon certain passages of Scripture and they were turning into KEYS and HAMMERS. The Lord was highlighting these Scriptures were the KEYS to bring the deliverance. To bring the breaker anointing. To release the triumph and victory of God into their circumstances and lives. The alignment and decree of the Word of God by faith was bringing RAPID deliverance.
I saw thousands upon thousands in the body of Christ being left STUNNED and in AWE by the power of the Word of God to bring deliverance. Incredible, miraculous deliverance by the Word of God was taking place. Miracles taking place before their very eyes through faith in the Word. MAJOR turnarounds by faith in the Word of God. The strongholds of the enemy SHATTERED. The oppression of the enemy, SHATTERED. The torment of the enemy, SHATTERED.
This mass deliverance that is upon the body of Christ is MONUMENTAL. A banner of truth testifying to the freedom we already have in Christ is about to be raised even HIGHER in the body of Christ.
LOUDER praise to Jesus Christ for the freedom He purchased for us through His death and resurrection. A greater awakening to our POSITION OF VICTORY!
Friends, if you are believing the Lord for deliverance, don’t give up hope. There is HUGE, SWIFT, MAJOR, MONUMENTAL increase in deliverance taking place in the body of Christ. A major shift ushering in the Great Deliverer – our Warrior King – Jesus, bringing greater breakthrough’s of freedom than we have ever seen.
He is showing Himself strong and it has only just begun!!
A great “day” of MAJOR deliverance is upon us! No wonder the enemy is trembling in fear! The victorious Church is ARISING!


  • Susan

    Lana- I personally testify to this word you delivered. It is a confirmation of what’s has happened and what is happening in my life right now. NO more going around and around the same mountain! Major breakthrough and deliverance – Glory to God in the highest!

  • Denise

    Thanks Lana thanks Kevin and congratulations on the new baby hope I get to see you guys this year when you come to America thank you for this confirmation word I prophesied the deliveriers were coming to my prayer group last week I remember it, cuz the prophetic has been flowing but God showed me these supernatural angels dress like Postman delivering these gold embossed Glory type letters and I kept saying the delivererd are coming not the Deliverance but the deliversers those it will bring the Deliverance or being released across the Earth so great confirmation love you both and the children Denise Edwards Michigan.

  • GOD Roots

    The LORD has shown me this. I don’t know alot HE just have me a picture of it Or a download of some sort. Its going to be wonderful but did nt come without a cost. People that are called to usher in this move of GOD suffered greatly to be fit to be used by GOD this way. They suffered alot. The LORD is going to break more of Satan’s hold on people’s lives n bodies. It’s going to be Heaven on Earth. Thank you HOLY FATHER, HOLY SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME!

  • Carolyn

    This is what I needed to hear at this moment in time. This is so true. God help us to pick up your weapons to defeat the shadows of the enemy and do it with
    the character of Christ. the c

  • Susan M

    Lana, this is amazing. YES—ssssss!!! Alleluia!!! Epic deliverance and restoration is pouring down, from heaven’s open doors. What a Wonderful Forever Friend and Saviour we have in Jesus who is equipping and raising up His people throughout the earth. Recently, He’s ministered powerful faith agreement and ministry/deliverance prayers in my life from Port Elizabeth, S. Africa, with Pastor/Evangelist Gabriel Fernandes. Whoever the Son sets free is FREE indeed!! Blessed and glorious Easter. Shalom (from Canada)

  • Delores

    Be it unto me & others who have been oppressed physically or mentally or both over the past 12 months. I have never been under assault such as this.



  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Amen and Amen! I keep seeing and hearing 20/20 – You confirmed Ms Lana with this, “The Lord has shown me a lot lately that the “watchman anointing” is significantly increasing. The Lord is increasing eyes to see and discerning the strategy of the enemy like Elisha heard the plans of the King in his bedroom (2 Kings 6:12)” Stay in The WORD – What we fill ourselves with and meditate on is what will flow from us. Smith Wigglesworth, The Apostle of Faith, read only The WORD of God and he walked in Miraculous Discernment, Healing, and Raised 27 people, I believe it was, from the dead. Glory to GOD! When the enemy came to the foot of his bed as he was sleeping, Smith said, “Oh, it’s you”, and turned over and went back to sleep! Glory! Father give us Your Eyes to See, and Your Ears to Hear. Here we are LORD. Thank You Papa <3

  • Jacquie Moore

    Praise you Lord.
    Let it come today so that the “church” can
    be healed and set free so that we can then
    get out of the building and set the world free as Jesus Himself commanded us to do.
    Come Holy Spirit and set us free and on fire so that as the church goes into Revival then we will see the world follow.
    Thankyou Jesus for all you have done and for all you are doing ???

  • Connie

    I have hit a dead end and feel like there is no way out!!! But I believe this is the perfect opportunity for You to take over Lord??????My heart is bleeding badly Father God show Yourself Mightly that the people will know that it was You Lord who made a way??????

  • L.M.

    Amen Lord. I await for deliverance for everything that the enemy has stolen in my life. Let Jesus Christ Ressurection Power Arise in My Life. I await Abundance and Restoration in my Life. FINANCIAL BLESSING POUR ON ME. HEALTH RESTORED. Thank You LORD for what you are about to do. I await your Miracles, in Jesus Name.

    • windsofchange31

      LM~Yes…it all is coming,and more.I understand what you are saying and totally agree.I have been awaiting this for almost 40 years.I know literally 5 minutes in the Glory is worth the wait~Our tears and seeming numbness will be turned to much Joy, and we will forget all the pain of the past…youth restoration is happening.We hold fast by Grace and forgiveness will flow abundantly.

  • Debbie

    Hallelujah!! Our God reigns! We praise Your glorious Name for You are making Your Bride beautiful and are coming for her. Blessed be Your Name.