Prophetic Words

Merry Christmas from Lana Vawser Ministries

Hi friends

We pray your Christmas has been blessed. We know that every day is a day to celebrate Jesus’ birth, but this is a great time to reconnect with the wonder of Christ that was all too evident through his birth – from Gabriel’s message to Mary to their retreat to Egypt. Christmas is an amazing time to remember the powerful life of Christ, and how those around him were affected too – from Mary to the thief on the nearby cross.

For many, this is a season of being with friends and family, rekindling relationships and the blessing of generosity. Like most, we have had a very busy end of 2019, and we greatly anticipate the new year. In the last month, we have moved from Queensland and we are currently re-establishing ourselves in South Australia – the beginning of 2020 will be for us a massive time of re-forming and re-birthing. Some may have noticed that our “Coffee With Jesus” videos have not been as regular. We are actually putting together a room dedicated to the project and it is almost finished. We hope to have them recommence soon.

Meanwhile, we have been partnering with another ministry and will be launching an exciting new project in the coming days. There is more to release – all will be made known soon. But, we are excited and we know that it will bless many.

We are looking forward to a powerful 2020. We are putting together our itinerary for the year (it is not uploaded yet) but at the moment it takes us back into the USA and this time the UK. We have a couple of meetings planned in New Zealand too. We are still solidifying plans, Christmas has slowed the process a little, but that should be finished soon.

We pray your week is blessed. We know some people who are deep in prayer for this coming year and decade – which is a very wise thing to do. Hopefully, I will have another email out soon with some more information.

Kevin and Lana Vawser