Prophetic Words


There has been a major push back that many have been experiencing especially in the last week from the enemy. There has been a significant increase of push back from the enemy to cause you to withdraw but the Lord showed me that in the pressing and in the pushing that’s taking place, the warrior within is being called forth out of you.
There is SUCH a significant extension of territory that is upon God’s people right now and the enemy is terrified. This isn’t an extension of territory that you have moved in or experienced before.
This is a NEW threshold. This is a major threshold of entering a land YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN BEFORE. That is WHY the battle is raging so much. The Lord is leading you into a new land, a new realm of ministry, a new venture, a new assignment and the Lord showed me that it is going to be the land that carries the power of God demonstrated greater than any other territory you have occupied before.
The Lord showed me in the pressing and the pushing of the enemy, the Spirit of God is drawing out the warrior within you and the roar of faith within you and pulling you higher into the place of living by Matthew 4:4. Every word that flows out of the mouth of God. The Lord is pulling you into a higher reality of living from that seated place that is yours in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6)
This is the time to get FEROCIOUS over what the Lord has told you and the land He has said is yours. This is the time to ROAR! This is the time for the bravehearts to arise. The Lord has been showing me the BRAVE HEARTS rising up in this hour. They are FULL of courage and they are NOT swayed by the attempts of the enemy.
The Lord spoke to me that the BRAVE HEARTS are rising up with holy laughter in their mouths. They are rising up with a deep laughter within them. That laughter is the laugh of victory at the plans of the enemy. In the awakening of victory, in the awakening of their authority that’s taking place, a people are rising up with a laughter in their mouths that says to the enemy “That’s not going to work anymore!!!”
I saw these brave hearts rising up with eviction notices in their hands. These eviction notices looked like scrolls and swords all in one. It is the word of the Lord in their hands that says “THIS IS MY PROMISE AND MY INHERITANCE, I AM NOT LETTING YOU TAKE MY LAND SATAN!” The WORD OF THE LORD in the hands of God’s people is EVICTING the enemy.
The supernatural realm that is going to open up in these new territories is like nothing you have experienced before. This is a whole new realm of seeing the miraculous manifest through the assignments the Lord has for you. It is a massive change and shift that’s taking place and that’s why the battle is so intense. But in the battle God is fortifying you, strengthening you and maturing you so you CAN CARRY and MOVE in the new territory with ENDURANCE.
In an encounter I had with the Lord I saw demonic spirits sent on assignment by the enemy and they were coming into lives of believers and they were doing two things. In some peoples lives I saw them STEALING CLOCKS and in other peoples lives I saw them MESSING WITH and CHANGING the hands on the clock.
The Lord spoke to me that two things are happening right now.
The enemy through MANY different ways is attempting to “steal time” from believers so that they cannot put their hands to what the Lord has called them to and keep them in a state of “frenzy”.
The enemy is also fighting to keep God’s people in a place of distraction and confusion and keep them from the secret place so they will NOT KNOW what TIME IT IS.
There is a MASSIVE call from the Lord right now to KNOW the time and the season. To KNOW what time it is! To DISCERN what God is saying. To DISCERN what God is doing and what is coming. It is a time like no other as we move into 2020 to KNOW THE TIME AND SEASON.
“From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.” – 1 Chronicles 12:32 (NLT)
God is releasing SPECIFIC REVELATION on YOUR TIME and YOUR SEASON and the time and season that we are in, in this new era. He is also releasing SPECIFIC WISDOM on the WAY to go and move through this new era and how to steward it.
There is a MASSIVE battle going on in the spirit over this. God is RAISING UP sons of Issachar. He is raising up those who live close to the heart of the Lord and know the times and the seasons.
The Lord spoke to me recently and He said “Many are prophesying out of YESTERDAY!” When He spoke that I felt the fear of God over me so strongly to live in the place that is SO CLOSE to His heart that what we speak and prophesy is out of the FRESH MANNA and the REVELATION being released from His heart TODAY.
The Lord showed me that supernaturally He is going to extend time. Where the enemy has stolen time from God’s people, the Lord is going to extend time where God’s people will see the power of God through their lives accomplish more in a day that could be naturally done. The enemy thought he could mess with time through distraction, confusion and other things but the Lord is turning it on its head to see God’s people take more ground in less time than ever before.
We have a part to play in this. There is an invitation with the Lord to partner with Him right now and become FEROCIOUS over what the Lord is saying and to guard time and be intently FOCUSED.
The Lord showed me again it is SO important to have the word of the Lord for our lives daily (Matthew 4:4) and making sure we are living in fresh manna and getting FEROCIOUS in our praise of Jesus – there will be TANGIBLE shift that will take place daily and time will be added supernaturally to God’s people in the accomplishing of what He is asking them to do and the restoration of what the enemy has stolen.
The Lord showed me that INTENTIONALLY praising Jesus and thanking the Lord and decreeing OVER the area where the battle is, as you lift up the name of Jesus OVER that area there is a MASSIVE earthquake that will take place in the spirit that will SHIFT THINGS AT THE ROOT!!!!!!!
His voice thundered around me:
Don’t try and fix things in the natural, don’t be distracted and allow the enemy to distract you in the natural, lift up your voice in PRAISE and watch THE LORD’S MIGHTY HAND bring the greatest and most tangible shift that you have ever seen. The foundations of mountains are shaking and these mountains are about to MOVE. Don’t give up! Stand up! Fight again!