Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


Last night I had a dream and the Lord spoke so loudly…
“Just when you thought your process was being extended….. CATAPULT!!!”
Many are feeling the ‘fear’ that there will be more delay. That there will be an extension of the process of intensity, hardship and delay upon delay of breakthrough!
I feel Jesus is decreeing opposite.. CATAPULT!!!
CATAPULT: To hurl, propel or launch something!!! (
I kept seeing rockets everywhere and I asked the Lord what He was saying and He said it is TAKE OFF TIME!!! He is now propelling and launching you into MAJOR breakthrough!!!
Do not strive to enter the breakthrough! Enter REST, give Him your YES and He is going to do the REST!!!
This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: “It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. (Zechariah 4:6)


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  • Elsie Bouwman

    As I was sleeping, I know the glory must have been there. Near the end I perceived snow, and then a deer and it had such weightiness of glory seeing it. Brings to mind while typing this: “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants after You, O God.” (Psalm 42: 1)
    Oh now I remember, I heard in my heart before that: “My words are Spirit and they are life.” I had a perception of the reality of Jesus’ Words being so very divine and active and real. What are the words to describe His words? The scriptures say it this way:
    “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6: 63)

  • Sifa Wainaina

    God thank you, this purification process has been long and painful. I thank God that it has come to a beautiful ending. Now to take on the mountain of family and marriage in kenya where the enemy has had a field day for too long.

  • Donna mazza

    Heard something similar in a spirit filled remnant service last night .
    this is the month of idependence into the rest of the year
    God is bringing down the manifestations we have been asking for
    The first part of the year was hard
    God said work hard no more
    Walk into the new for this is completeness now !
    Ps : lana’s words have been so accurate for me

    • Rebecca Sanchez

      Wow, He said the exact same thing to me! I’ve been seeing 7’s and 3’s, like 77, 777, 33, 333 everywhere! He told me last year that when this process is done, He will launch me… Well, The process over the past few years is complete! Finished! Ready to step into the new now and be launched! He said “get ready” 5 times in the past 2 weeks! Be encouraged sister. We’re hearing our God loud and clear! I receive this word!

  • Trena

    I needed to hear this, right at this moment! Thanks for obeying God’s voice to post this!!!!

  • Julie

    It’s so amazing how the Lord equips certain prophetic voices that are tailor made for certain people. So many others seem to be racing ahead and many of us feel left behind.
    I was up late last night literally weeping and interceding for America again. And feeling the dread that it looked like more delay was coming. Then you got this word that says catapult.
    I will continue to rest in Him until it happens.

  • Robear

    THANK YOU JESUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLORY,!!!!!
    LOVE YOU LORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE YOU LORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THANK YOU FOR THE VICTORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TAKE OFF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Michelle Strong-Swift

    Hallelujah!! Singing…how great is our God!? Thank you Abba father!! Thank you jesus!! Thank you Holy Ghost!! In jesus name HALLELUJAH JESUS!!

  • Tiffany

    I am amazed…yesterday the Lord spoke to me and I wrote it down. He said, “Get ready! It is the time to launch, fasten your seatbelt. I am going to CATAPULT you into your destiny. As you are flying through, you will be amazed at how quickly it came about.” Yours is the 2nd confirmation today using the same word He gave me…CATAPULT! Thank you

    • Rebecca Sanchez

      He told me the same thing!!! Amen!! “Get ready”! And just last night, I was crying because nothing happened again this weekend. I thought something would, but another week of no change, but the Lord whispered to me, “Hang on!”

  • Nicole Philibert

    Today, for the first time since we got on this merry -go- round of trials after trials, and that for 6 very long years, I said to my husband ; : That’s too much, I have no more hope. That last trial is too much, I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to bed and ask me nothing more. I refuse to make one more step.
    I must tell you that we are the founders of French apostolic church, that celebrated it’s 14 years last month. When I say “celebrate”, I’m exaggerating. We just mentioned the fact that it was 14 years.
    I got up a few minutes ago to get to my computer, and got your e-mail. Praise God!! I believe it, because it has to be it. The timing is incredible!! Thank you!

  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Thank You Father God! We Receive This Word!
    Thank You Ms Lana, The Lord Bless You & Your Beautiful Family!
    Yesterday I saw “777” seven times! I took snaps of the moments when I could – I thought to myself, Wow “777” seven times in one day. The Day before that I saw 17 (The Number of Victory) 3 times. The 777th Chapter of the Bible is Jeremiah 32.
    Jeremiah records 17 prayers – the 17th prayer is found in Jeremiah 32.
    As the Babylonian army was surrounding Jerusalem, this prayer was prayed. The prophet redeems land in Anathoth for 17 shekels of silver. Anathoth means “ answered prayers.” Jeremiah prays his the prayer of Victory starting at verse 17.
    “Mark 5:7 Jesus is mentioned for the 17th time in that gospel, where He is victorious over an unclean spirit. In Luke 5:12, Jesus is victorious over leprosy in the 17th time Jesus’ name appears in Luke’s gospel. In Rom. 8:35-39 there are 17 things that are unable to separate us from the love of Christ.”
    A week ago, I saw 8585 on a license plate – Father led me to Psalm 85, which aligned with the Word “PEOPLE OF GOD, I ASK YOU “CAN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BE CHANGED IN A DAY IN MY NAME?”
    On Friday, while driving to work, I saw 88585 on my mileage as I glanced down at it for the first time. Then, an hour later, I am taking out my first load of trash and I open the back dock door and a large SUV is parked right outside the door about three feet away to the right – on the license plate is 8585! I laughed aloud, then took a snap of it.
    I have also dreamt of Resting on a Lush Green Hill (on God’s Holy Hill) with 3 others. One day as I walked in Dr Skiles’ office to say “Hello” he looked at me and said, “God told you to Rest, didn’t He?” I smiled and said, “Yes, He did.” A Lady Prophet I had just met also told me, “You do not have to make anything happen, because it IS happening.” She said to Rest In Him.
    “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”
    Thank You Father, And Thank You Precious Woman of God, for this Word – I say YES. It is received.
    Blessed Independence Day! <3

  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Thank You Mr Kevin for this Word. God Bless You, Ms Lana, your Family and the Ministry
    Father has given you.

  • Rita Fodor

    I’m sure my fears are revealed here. There have been so many false starts and delays over 7 years, 18 years, and life training, that I didn’t know I was feeling like this! My B-day is 7/7… So…3 days Lord.

  • Richard Davidson

    Amen! Thank you Kevin, thank you Jesus! Resting hopefully, expectantly, lovingly in Jesus, with my “YES” status on! All systems “Go” LORD!!!

  • Jordan C.

    Thank you Kevin. You and Lana are so faithful to write to us concerning the WORD of The LORD. My family and I have been hanging upon them as confirmation of what The Father has been speaking to us for over a year now. We really needed this post………today. The Vawser family is and has been in our daily prayers.

  • Elizabeth Ricci

    Blessed be the name of the Lord for He has spoken and it shall be done for us as we trust in Him. Thank you Lord for Catapulting us into our breakthrogh, destiny and Jubilee blessings. God bless you and keep you Lana. Amen.

  • Cyndee Pillow

    I was that person thinking more delays, setbacks, etc. Well, thank you for hearing what the Spirit is saying again! AMEN!!!!!

  • Marilee Alm

    Release Them
    Many of My children are in line for blessings they have long believed Me for, and they wonder why the blessings have not arrived.
    My children, you must speak My promises into your atmosphere in faith so you can receive what I have for you. This is part of why I tell you ahead of time what I have for you, because I want you to talk to Me about it in prayer.
    Speak these things out loud to Me, speak them in faith, backing them with My Word and they shall manifest!
    Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
    Matthew 9:29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

    • Sonny

      ThankYou. Let us come together and praise the name of Jesus all the people on the earth come and see, Joy is like a sun shine raining down upon us, Joy is like a golden crown, let us come together and praise the name of Jesus Hallelujah..♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡??☝??

  • Michael

    I too and so very tired, like most of you. God doesn’t give me dreams or visions, but He gives me understanding, which comes out of the blue.
    He has shown me much about these days and what is occuring, but this is what I will share about why we are so tired and worn out. Satan knows very well there is a remnant of believers who are onto him and he’s desperately trying to wear us out before the Tribulation begins, because he knows who we are, what we will be once the battle REALLY begins.
    He is not afraid of the sleeping christians, and definitely not afraid of the unbelievers, it is us he fears most, so if you feel you’re taking ALL his hits, it’s because you are.
    Here’s the passage God gave me.
    Daniel 7:25
    “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
    Satan is trying to wear you out with endless fake outs in the media, like Ebola, Grexit, Panama Papers, etc, etc. These are attacks on you, because Satan knows you’re waiting for the real battle to begin, which will be kicked off with some big event, so he is manufacturing false starts constantly, hoping to wear you out before the battle begins.
    Once the battle starts, he will lose his most powerful weapon over the remnant, since they are born for that day. He will wear out the sleeping saints easily because they are defenseless and unprepared. In the end, it will be the remnant standing firm against him, so to Satan, this is his chance to do as much damage to you as possible, but time is on our side. He is quickly running out of time to play his games, which is why we see him winging the stock market around, creating more fake outs like Hillary’s e-mails, etc, etc.
    Stand strong remnant, our time is coming and when it does, all this will be worthwhile.

  • Nahomie Riche

    I am kind of feeling this, like I will be in Wilderness Season for more days than I anticipated this New Year. It was already hard to enter the year 2018 in The Wilderness something I didn’t think was going to happen. I’m hoping there won’t be any extensions if The Lord does extend. I’m hoping I passed all tests and that I’m ready. I’ve done my best with what The Lord has given me and I hope its enough. I’ve been in The Wilderness for 11 years. I’m no means perfect but I always tried to be obedient to what I feel The Lord is telling me to do. I know ultimately The Lord knows what’s best for me, I’m venting again it helps. Anyways I will bring it to The Lord. God bless you.