Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
This morning I heard the Lord saying “It’s time, it’s time, it’s time for THE SONG TO RISE!”
I saw Him looking at those who feel like they have had the life sucked out of them. Those that are feeling battered and bruised by the storms of life and situations around them. Those that feel they are spinning like spinning tops that cannot stop because of the confusion that surrounds. Those whose hearts are hurting, breaking, grieving in the waiting, in the darkness, in the hardship.
Those who feel they have LOST THEIR SONG. Those who feel like they cannot lift their voice and sing because the joy and hope has been knocked out of them by what they have been walking through.
Those whose hearts are full of fear that to stand has become so wearying and they are looking for the nearest place to hide.
Those whose hearts are screaming with pain because of what they have faced and the disappointment that continues to build….those who feel the weariness in the “waiting” has just become too much.
Those who feel like there is no escape. Those whose eyes have been searching for the “way out”, the deliverance, the breakthrough to lift them from the pit of despair..
TO THOSE… I heard the Lord say “IT IS TIME! IT IS TIME FOR THE SONG TO RISE!!!! It’s the SONG of VICTORY! It’s the SONG of HEALING! It’s the SONG of RESTORED HOPE! It’s the SONG of FREEDOM! It’s the SONG of JOY!It’s the NEW SONG for the NEW SEASON! It’s a NEW SONG! It’s the SEVENTH MOMENT SONG! It’s the SONG of the walls coming down! It’s the SONG of VISION that sees further than it EVER HAS. It is a SONG that will release the tipping point of heaven in your life to see the DRY BONES SUDDENLY LIVE. The DEAD places of your heart, soul and LIFE will SUDDENLY come to life”
I heard the Lord decreeing Isaiah 35:4:
“Say to those with fearful hearts…Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.”
Not only is the Lord now coming to DESTROY your enemies and coming to SAVE YOU, He is RESTORING YOUR SONG!
I decree the DARK NIGHT IS ABOUT TO BREAK! I decree that you will be FULL of hope for the future. I decree that you will be FULL of BURNING PASSION, and carry a DEEP FIRE in your belly for all that He has called you to do, and to do it with great JOY. I decree the song of HOPE and VICTORY is rising up out of you where a NEW DAY is SUDDENLY bursting forth! I decree no more torment, but a LOUD SONG of PEACE! I decree that not only will you be full of HOPE again, you will have VISION to see further and dream bigger than you have EVER done before.
Not only is the Lord saving you, delivering you, healing you, freeing you, increasing you, extending you, adding to you, I decree that the Lord will rise you up SUDDENLY out of this pit of despair and darkness with a song of authority so heavily that you will begin to release the song over others and they will SUDDENLY receive breakthrough and released into greater freedom and vision for all God is doing.
The enemy is trying to kill many of you in many ways, but the POWER OF GOD, the VENGENANCE of God is upon you and SUDDENLY EVERYTHING is about to change. You will COME BACK STRONGER!
The dark night is about to break!


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  • Christy Chatham

    I was just talking to my friend about my discouragement and weariness. And as we hung the phone I received your email. I opened and burst into tears. I want to believe that this prophetic word will be received in my spirit. Thank you Lord for not forgetting about me.

  • Monica Singh

    Amen, yet my situation seems like there’s no way out but I do have the Victory song. I got up singing already a Victory song and dance…

  • Linda Yeatts

    Amen & Amen! It has been years since I have able to SING. I believe and I receive my new song, my new voice to sing high Praises to our God for all the Great and Mighty things HE has done and is DOING in this Hour! Praise His Holy Name! Amen!

  • Deborah Lobo

    Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen n Amen!! Your Glory Father! Thank You Jesus!!!??
    Thank you Princess, I really needed Papa’s assurance, am hurting real bad BUT TRUTH PREVAILS??

  • Rochelle

    Thank You Lord God, confirmation! Back in March I had a dream of a woman who was 7 months pregnant and about to give birth to answered prayers and miracles–9 months would be this May. This past Sunday I heard in my dream: “Preparing for this Friday”. And God gave me the number 12 about a month ago. So I waited to see what today Friday May 12th is going to be. This morning in my dream I kept hearing this song from the Holy “This is my suddenly!” Then I heard more from God: “The mighty have fallen”, “Regain all that was lost”, “Expect full retribution”, “Harmony”, “Peace”. I can’t wait to experience the rest of this day May 12th, 2017. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!

  • Anna

    Interesting word for today. Just this morning the Lord gave me Isaiah 60 for His word for me this day.

  • :)

    Lana, you “hit the mark.” 🙂
    By faith, even according to WORD given to me by the LORD when something awful happened – and I STILL BELIEVED – Isaiah 54 and Joel 2 were also given at this time.
    I feel very weak today, but His Promises are sure: Yes! and AMEN!

  • :)

    “The seventh moment song…”
    737 was the time I sat down to right a comment. 717, 737, 555, 1111 and once 1212 blazed at me!

  • Cheri

    My body is convulsing because of whatever type of electronic warfare is being inflicted. I’ve heard these people above and around, and my lights flicker. Although I want for their salvation, justice will be served. I had such an amazing day yesterday, I delighted in the presence of my beautiful Jesus! As soon as I went to bed my body began to convulse. I went down very fast! My text alarm went off on my phone for the first time in months when your msg came through Lana. My phone has been so hacked I didn’t bother to even look, it went off again, I turned it off. It turned back on. I took out the battery. It wasn’t until this morning I realized it was you. I know Isaiah 35 BY HEART. It was my promise from God 20 years ago. IT’S TIME!!!!

  • Darcy Downing

    Lana, God bless you. God bless you with the healing you release and the encouragement that has reached me. May it be multiplied unto you sister. This word rings true. Just this morning I was trying to sing… through the tears and I have been waiting for so long. I receive this word, every part of it. Thank you Father. God bless you.

  • Tilaka Fernando

    THanks – everyday I am blessed hearing such edifying messages from the throne room of grace. I know this is a divine connection for me at a time I feel like giving up and desperately wanting the well deserve and long awaited breakthrough.

  • Tilaka Fernando

    Would love to have a personal prophecy! Also all that I keep hearing is echoing another prophecy that I received 2 months ago and a major part of it will be fulfilled in June as this anointed servant of God who came from Australia just spoke my heart out as I went up for an altar call.
    I am expecting a radical breakthrough/change and long to be out of my home to live a life of testimnoy for the lord when this prophecy for my home is fulfilled. DO uphold! THanks

  • Elsie Bouwmanm

    Awake on Wednesday, May 9th, I got to write in my journal: “While sleeping I heard: “IN YOU! IN YOU!” at intervals over and over so I will remember; and next was, “IT’S TIME! IT’S TIME!” The “IN YOU! IN YOU!” was understood as in IN HIM! IN HIM! over and over again, and next was, “IT’S TIME! IT’S TIME!”

  • Sandy

    Thank you so very much Lana for today’s my daily devotional for today was also ps.40.and you are again confirming.this.i am right now abused and on wondering if I should go to the authorities.
    May the Lord bring your prophecy to pass in my life and many others like me. You described me on today’s article..that’s exactly where I’m at right now. the Lord bless you. (Anonymous)

  • Sarah Tennessee

    This is a VERY encouraging word. I stand by my comment on another website who carried this post but put Katy Perry as the face representing the post. This was for those who have kept their first estate and persevered….not to those with fist to Godly parents and God Himself in open rebellion. While I agree we should pray for our lost family and friends, this message was to those struggling as they move forward on the straight and narrow.
    Anointed message.

  • Connie

    I am new to this site and have been reading the prophetic words and many of them.. I felt ..were for me. Especially this one!
    I just hope.. that its not to late to receive it! I have needed this for a long.. time… Thank you Jesus!!!!

  • Connie

    I am new to this site and I have read a few prophetic words that speak to me .. Especially this prophetic word.
    I needed this months ago… and I still need it. I receive it ! Thank you Jesus