Prophetic Words


There is a great “searching” happening in the body of Christ as many of the people of God are desperate for the miraculous to invade their lives, body and circumstances and bring a supernatural turnaround.
This morning I felt the Lord say:
“Many in My body are suffering from spiritual indigestion. My people must invest in the “chewing process” and the spiritual indigestion will be healed and the miraculous will be displayed.”

I then saw many in their hunger and desperation for miraculous turnaround and breakthrough devouring (in a good way) the revelation the Lord was giving them. Yet in their desperation for breakthrough did not “chew” properly on the revelation the Lord had given them, and ran on to find the next area of revelation or word that may bring the breakthrough and the manifestation of the miracle.
Many are not chewing or digesting properly and the revelation He is releasing is not going as deep as He desires it to. There is much more glorious revelation awaiting you!
The desperation had left many in a place of frantic searching had caused a spiritual indigestion, many are actually feeling more pain and discomfort because the “chewing process” had not been seen to completion. God wants to heal the discomfort from hearts and bring peace and a balanced desperation and hunger for breakthrough.
“My people must look deeper. My people must CHEW”

Joshua 1:8 then came to my heart:
“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night.”

The enemy has been exploiting this desperation in the hearts of the people of God by keeping them busy and distracted, to keep them away from the miracle waiting for them in the “chewing”.
I saw Jesus then come up to each one in their desperation and with His beautiful tender comforting words, He stroked them on their back and spoke “It is okay, you do not need to frantically search. It’s time to slow down and look deeper.”

The revelations and words the Lord had given to His people were all laid out before them and in some cases there were SO many glorious revelations and words.
“Look deeper, begin to really chew”

As I looked deeper I saw HUGE keys hidden within these revelations and words, but because of the lack of immediate breakthrough and the pain and desperation of the process, many had missed their keys.
The people of God slowed down and focused and began to chew on the heavenly delicacies He had given unto them in revelation of His Word and prophetic words, that the indigestion was being healed and keys to BREAKTHROUGH were being received.
In the process of “chewing” and “repaired digestion” many of the people of God were finding their MIRACLE!!!!!!!

Can I encourage you, slow down and pull out all the revelations of His Word and prophetic words He has given you in this season concerning your situation and look DEEP into them. Take your CHEWING to a deeper level. Meditate on what He has given you, for in the revelation and prophetic words He has given you the key to your miracle!

Many of you are but one step away from your miracle, and it is before you now in the revelation He has given unto you. What He is going to do in, around and through you in your CHEWING is bring healthier digestion than you have ever had. You will digest the Word deeper into your heart and spirit than ever before. I saw bodies specifically responding to this ‘healthier chewing and digestion’ taking place. Many of you are about to see your health come into SUDDEN ALIGNMENT with the Word of God. Digestive systems in the natural are going to be HEALED. The Word of God and prophetic words then released from the mouths of believers I saw carrying SUCH authority and weight because the revelation had gone deeper than ever before. The Word of God and His words over their lives were carried with such faith and conviction that things SHIFTED SUDDENLY.
As you accept this invitation to “chewing properly”, not only are many of you about to come deeper into a realm of understanding His Word and increased revelation which is so glorious, because in that place you will see how beauty and goodness in a whole new way, greater WONDER of Him, in awe of Him like a child, but you are about to see the LONG AWAITED MIRACLE take place!
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  • Lidia Hidalgo

    Yes Lord! I believe it and let it be so in my life; Heavenly Father I am ready for this Shifts, let it happen so in the name of Jesus! Thank You! Dear woman of God; May He continue to use you to turn around impossible situations!!  And Amen, since I’ve been receiving this Word of Revelation from the Lord and Mighty God; Through you, I know the Lord is delivering me, and bringing newness into my life; You are a blessing to so many souls.

  • Darcy Stroud

    Lana, I had a prayer this morning with the Lord for this very thing..thank you for placing more “light” on the subject

  • Beverley Estes

    When the LORD raised me from the dead in Africa after dieing from Malaria, HE ask of me to eat anything green and chew slow and well. I obeyed HIM and my digestion got better and I am now fully well and HE is giving me more and more revelation on HIS word and where I am going with HIS plan for our relationship. HE is the absolute Greatest God this world has. And HE can move, think, and has a moveable being. Not like idols. Blessings Beverley