Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
This morning I had a vision where I saw many of God’s people with heavy hearts and they were turning around behind them and looking at this season. They were looking at all that had happened in this season, and things they are still going through. Those constant cycles, hits, trials, pressure and longing for breakthrough. I saw many of God’s people looking at the “clock” and they were SIGHING LOUDLY over such deep grief of feeling like “so much time was lost and taken” in this season through such vicious opposition and trial. I saw the word “REGRET” coming towards God’s people, that through the “entertaining/focusing on the disappointments, disillusionment, pain and grief of this season” that REGRET would take hold and bind them up in chains. I could hear the heart cries of God’s people “What did I do wrong Lord?”, “Where did I miss it?”, “Where did I go wrong?”, “What didn’t I do to still be in this place of such deep hardship, pain and pressure?”, “Please show me Lord, what have I missed that has prolonged my breakthrough?”. The more God’s people were putting their eyes upon all the “swirling heart cries of disappointment/grief” etc I saw the enemy coming into those areas and feeding his lies and poisonous whispers “God doesn’t want your breakthrough!!”, “The breakthrough is for everyone else but you” and if God’s people agreed with these lies, I saw CHAINS being formed around them.
But then.. HE CAME!!!!! He showed up in all His Glory, All His majesty, emanating such LOVE and FREEDOM. He stood before His people with such compassion in His eyes.
The TRUTH of His heart was SO LOUD, LOUDER than the SIGHS of the PAST God’s people were looking at. His EYES, full of SUCH LOVE, communicated SO LOUDLY!!! “I’m here!!!! I am working ALL THINGS for your good! I am RIGHTING WRONG TURNS!!! I am UNBLOCKING DELAYS!!! I am making your paths straight as you seek Me and delve into My Word. As you live laid down with your YES to Me, I am bringing SWIFT divine alignment. I am ALL FOR your BREAKTHROUGH!!!! I AM BREAKTHROUGH!!!!! Trust ME!!!”
He then knelt down before them and spoke “LIFT UP YOUR EYES!!!! LOOK AT ME!!! RENEW YOUR MIND!!!!!! LOOK AT ME!!!!”
I could then hear (2 Corinthians 10:5) being decreed all around. As God’s people heard the truth of this Scripture, I saw many saying “I’m tired of fighting Lord!!”, “I don’t think I have the strength to keep fighting”. Jesus bent forward and He blew upon them. Instantly STRENGTH AND GRACE was imparted to them.
I watched God’s people begin to stand with their eyes WIDE OPEN and FULL of REVELATION. They were staring RIGHT AT HIM, and I could see WONDER and REVELATION being released to them. Without words, simply being in His presence, seeing His Glory, they were being TRANSFORMED. They were SEEING HIM in His GOODNESS, His beauty, His kindness, His love and POWER.
As the REVELATION KNOWLEDGE of who He is began to fill them more and more, crash over them like a refreshing waterfall, they began to TEAR DOWN the arguments that had raised themselves against the KNOWLEDGE of who HE IS.
Such deep HEALING, FREEDOM and INCREASE was taking place. I could hear in the Spirit “YOU ARE BEING MARKED BY JOY!!!” Hope was rising again!!!! The confident expectation of what HE is doing and what He is ABOUT to do. I could feel the JOY so strongly, and I could see spirits BUBBLING with excitement, like having butterflies in their stomach. The FLUTTERS of TRANSFORMATION and NEW LIFE.
I then see Jesus walk over to a CLOCK, the very CLOCK that many of God’s people had been looking at with such deep grief, anxiety and sadness over “time that was lost”. I saw Him BLOW on the clock and suddenly the “hands on the clock came alive”. He touched the hands of the clock and He began to move them back. I watched as “time was going backwards”. The sense surrounded me how the Lord is completely OUTSIDE TIME!!!!! I KNEW so deep in My Spirit, He was TURNING “DARK NIGHTS” into DAY!!!!
As He moved the hands He turned and looked at His people, with a SPARKLE in His eye, with such joy and excitement, He spoke “I AM REDEEMING TIME!!!!!! Where you feel like time was lost, where the enemy has caused you to face so much torment in a season, where you feel like you did not “get out of a season” what I had for you, I am now REDEEMING TIME!!!! Especially the hardship many of you have faced in the last 3 months, in the next 3 months, will be ADDED BACK TO YOU in blessing, increase, breakthrough, restoration and healing. In the next 3 months, you will begin to see in greater ways the RESTORATION of My hand for ALL that you have walked. All that was stolen. The next 3 months I am SETTING THE STAGE for some of the greatest breakthrough. Over the next 3 months, you will begin to TAKE OFF. You will be SET UP for all that I am releasing. NOTHING has been lost as I am the RESTORER of all things. I am releasing RESURRECTION LIFE and VINDICATION, INCREASE, HEALING and BREAKTHROUGH to you. More opportunities will come to you in this next 3 months than all the CLOSED DOORS of this season!!!!! You will see MORE ADDED TO YOU in this next 3 months and beyond than you LOST over the last 3 months and this season. REJOICE!!! I am REDEEMING TIME!!!”


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  • Michelle Strong-Swift

    Aways when I read your prophesies, its like they unfold as stories and I at time will have a vision of what your saying!! God is awesome!!!

  • Charlie Standifer

    AMEN! What a tremendous blessing to hear these prophetic words! My Wife and i are currently separated and the enemy is dancing over the victory he thinks he’s won. He thinks he’s stolen my family away and rendered us mute in the battle. He will have quite a suprise when he see’s his “victims” rise to fight together again for God’s glory! I So needed to hear this today and I Thank Abba for the glorious things he is about to do in all the lives of his children!

  • Madleine W

    My God! My God! My God! THIS IS MY PORTION! I believe it!!! I RECEIVE IT so deeply in my Spirit. It is CONFIRMED

  • Lito

    Lana, I can really relate about your prophetic words. As a believer of Christ, all my life has been spent in the “wilderness” for about 40 years. It was a very tiring and exhausting experience. And how I wished I never existed in this world. Many years were lost and wasted, and the enemy had all the opportunity to steal, kill and destroy anything from me. However, God was in control of everything and by His grace and mercy after 4 decades of living under the dominion of darkness, I was set free! The Holy Spirit’s anointing destroyed all the strongholds in my life. Now, I’m in a season of healing, restoration and acceleration. I passed the test the hardest way because I never gave up. I’m looking forward for the best days of my life in…

  • San

    Ok, now this is the exact picture of my day yesterday, those are my words and what I’ve felt He responded, even the time frame you gave: spot on! I am covered with goosebumps, I never cry, but this got a few tears falling from my eyes. I am amazed. Up to now I appreciated your work and found it inspirational despite remaining a tiny bit sceptical (I am very cautious by nature), but hands off, the Lord is speaking through you! Blessed be the name most high, the Lord is never late! He sees and hears and helps with a MIGHTY hand at the precise nanosecond He decided to do so. Never stop worshipping for He is right beside you, people. Blessed be the Lamb of the Lord, for He covers you with His precious blood from ages to ages! He is almighty!

  • Constance Jones

    Hello Lana, I currently came across your website about three days ago. I have read the posts from December. I appreciate your obedience to speak what God is saying in this season. The word today has really encouraged me to continue to cry out to God. I have been in a cycle of regret feeling as though I have wasted time. My husband and were commissioned to move from Texas to Washington State five years ago for a short time. There have been some setbacks and circumstances that made me question if I heard God correctly, If I am doing something wrong, etc…Everything that you have shared thus far in December is what I needed.

  • Pastor S Lockhart

    Lana, Not sure how I became attached to your posts but they been very inspiring and inspirational. Currently I’ve found myself in a place of decisions and I don’t want to make the wrong choice and if you be the prophet that I think you are then I really need to know God’s will. There’s a lot of things going on around me, as one of your post mentioned, and frustration is sometimes getting the best of me and I’m in a place of isolation but I need a word, so as you seek the Lord’s face please remember me.

  • Susan M

    A glorious word ‘in season’!! Praise Him!!!! What a mighty God we serve! Angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him, what a MIGHTY God we serve. Bless you dearest ‘listening’ servant of the Lord, Lana!!

  • christine darwazeh

    What a blessing to open the email and be so encouraged! I have found your messages from God to be so timely and right on confirmation! Bless you sister for having an open ear to our Father and shedding His light in our hearts once again. This word I know hit home for many of my friends!! This season of grief especially in the area of children has made my heart so much deeper for my fellow laborers. I pray for them now with a different depth and listen to the hearers with a different depth. God is certainly taking us deeper in love! Thank you Lana for your willingness and depth of love!

  • Aundrea Hernandez

    GOD is With Us! Dec 12th, driving to work, i saw 6846.8 on distance miles. 2nd time i looked i saw 6856.8. Looked a 3rd time, saw 6860.8 – 3 confirmations of 6868. Looked up Psalm 68. My 2 Favorite Praise songs I listen to and sing on the night shift are The Newsboys “He Reigns” & Michael W. Smith’s “Let It Rain”. At the end of “Let It Rain”, a gentleman recites part of Psalms 68! The Last 2 nights I’ve played this Song, Worshiping Father through the night into morning. He is Worthy! Our eyes are fixed upon Him, will see His Glory! We Read and Stand in the TRUTH OF PSALM 68!!
    Verse 3-4, “But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice. Sing unto God, sing praises to his name” <3

  • Melissa

    Thank sharing this. This encouragement comes at such an opportune time. I claim it in Jesus name. Unafraid, Expectant, Thankful…

  • Thelma Goszleth

    Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! –Can’t put into words how specifically and powerfully encouraging the last four entries! –for me and for family members facing a mountain of impossibility . . . after promises and dreams DELAYED over and over and over again . . . and heavens dark and quiet. Then today–a huge ‘happen-stance’ breakthrough!!! –followed by another!!! God doesn’t allow any more than it takes to deepen and enlarge us –for greater trust, and greater glory!
    Thank you for being such a sweet and powerful Voice for Holy Spirit.
    Also, so powerful re. God’s TRUMP-et for America! We are beginning to fly in renewed HOPE and great expectation again! 2017 will be awesome if God does what I think He has planned!!!!!