Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


Today, during worship, I heard the words “I am breathing on your dreams with INTEREST.”
I saw Papa God intently looking into the hearts of His children and paying attention to their dreams. I also saw Him looking across a valley of what looked like dry bones and ashes where years of disappointment and other things had crushed the people of God’s dreams to nothing. This valley was the “dreams left behind” valley where the people of God had given up on the dreams in their heart.
The Lord began to breathe on dreams. Dreams that had been given up on and dreams that the people of God were contending for now, the Lord was bringing them to life and with interest. Many are facing a shaking “within the dreams” the Lord has given them. Some dreams were shaken so much they were given up on, and other dreams have been shaken so intensely many of God’s people have been left bewildered and confused.
As the Lord was breathing on these dreams in the shaking, He was extending these dreams bigger than before. In the shaking of the dreams, dross that could have hindered the manifestation of these dreams is being removed as the people of God REMAIN in the place of faith. The Lord is moving powerfully IN the shaking, and the manifestation of your dreams in Him are going to be revealed and fulfilled BIGGER than you imagined.
Right now, there is a great battle over the dreams God has placed in the hearts of His people, whether they are lying broken in the valley or in the place of contending, there is great opposition against them, because NOW is the time they are coming to MANIFESTED LIFE WITH INTEREST!
The breath of the Lord was empowering, aligning, awakening these dreams in great increase and SUDDENLY I saw the words “I AM BREATHING ON YOUR DREAMS” to “I AM BIRTHING YOUR DREAMS”. The breath of the Lord moved then with greater acceleration and the people of God were beginning were SUDDENLY beginning to see their dreams BIRTHED before their eyes.
It may be the midnight hour, your circumstances may look the FURTHEREST they ever have from the dreams the Lord has given you for your life, for your calling, for your family, but do NOT let the darkness that surrounds become a greater reality than the truth of His Word and faithfulness.
Many who are facing circumstances completely opposite to their promised dreams began to question ‘timing’. Maybe they had got it wrong, maybe it wasn’t the right time, yet they couldn’t shake this deep conviction in their spirit that now was the time, so the doubt was causing a confusion.
Instantly, I saw the hands of a clock move to MIDNIGHT and I heard the words ‘FULFILLMENT, MANIFESTION OF MY GOVERNMENT AND ALIGNMENT IN YOUR DREAMS IS HAPPENING NOW, IN THIS SEASON!” Do NOT let doubt steal your positional alignment.
In the unveiling of dreams, in the display of dreams manifested with INTEREST, BIGGER and BETTER than could be imagined, a DEEP healing was happening in many hearts of wrong views of God as Papa being healed. Encounters with the Father heart of God are being released IN the midst of this birthing of dreams. There is a deeper level of healing and restoration the Lord is doing beyond the manifestation of your dreams. He is restoring and deepening the revelation of His goodness as Papa God in His people as they SEE His intent interest in their dreams, His passionate love, His extravagant faithfulness and His abundant provision.
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  • Sharon Tallmadge

    This is so profound for myself. I wonder how it could possibly apply to more than one person? This is so huge that I’m thinking does this ‘way’ overlap or move us into the millenium without the rapture or before it? That we old will overtake the young; they will never experience the manifested magnificence of God as will/is happening with us…bigger than Caleb… surpassing Sarah, more than the Eagle renewing its youth.
    Upon my bed before arising came the phrase , but I was struggling to remember the exact wording….How long will you halt between two opinions.?… I was deliberating about myself, how that I had such profound insight and relationship from the Lord, yet my life was so rift and wrought away from His reality…I thought back to what was real yet new to me when first saved…bright eyed and bushy tailed in the 70’s…that there was the ‘world, flesh and the devil’…that I had to contend with which was powering or affecting my life with each circumstance…but I did not weigh that I was not of the world that He was greater in me and I could yoke up with Him….That my reality was indeed…the Kingdom of God is in me now…and I in it…As if every where I stepped the Kingdom ‘awareness’ presence accompanied me…whether I saw it or not….
    It is 4:30 am… I’ve been up for an hour. This is not normal for my 71 years…yet it may be what God is breathing into me…despite myself….Amen
    In Christ…amazingly….and dumbfounded…………….sharon

    • Deborah

      Yes, My Father, breathe by the POWER of Your Holy Spirit. Revive our hearts, spirit, soul, body, in YOUR GLORY and Light. I love this word! Speaks so deeply to my heart. and confirms so much that I am awed by Abba.

  • Rosanne Houlbrook

    Thanks you for this timely word. My husband and I have been vacationing taking time for each other with the Lord. We have been looking over our dreams and visions,and prophecies wondering what is our part that He is saying to us to do . This is so timely that He’s breathing on them. It encourages me that he bringing them forward and bringing them to life.

  • Lyllie Hidalgo

    Amen, Lord God, I know that I can’t live without Your breathe of life in me, each day O’ Father God my heart cries out longing for You, every single day Dear and Holy God, my heart awaits on You, to move Supernaturally in my life, use me Lord God, give life to Your Holy Word within me and help me to be bold in my Faith and my walk with You, all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!!!