Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
Recently I had a dream and the Lord showed me a root that was hindering and blocking many Pioneers and leaders in the body of Christ. It was the root of DISAPPOINTMENT.
I saw the root of this disappointment some recognised it, others didn’t, but this root of disappointment had become a landing pad for the enemy to come in and to keep these leaders and pioneers caged and locked down.
The Lord is wanting to add increase, creativity, insight and the birthing of “new strategies” and “pathways” to these Pioneers and Leaders but because of this root of disappointment, it was keeping many caged and unable to enter into a whole new realm of intimacy, insight, increase and innovation.
The ability to dream, to raise their faith, to have joy in the process and expectation of the new was being hindered, leaving many feeling exhausted and finding it hard to stand.
In this dream I saw the Spirit of God beginning to awaken many Pioneers and Leaders to these roots of disappointment in their hearts and the Lord was beginning to remove them through deep, radical, unprecedented encounters with His heart that was leaving them transformed and free.
The Lord is removing these roots of disappointment to release many of His Pioneers and Leaders into a whole new realm of divine appointment with the new and the birthing and walking in the new pathways in this new season that He is releasing them into.
I heard the Lord say:
“You cannot move into the new appointments carrying the baggage of disappointment. So here I am with My fire to burn up the disappointment and in its place you will receive greater insight, creativity, vision, excitement and manifestation of the new. Do not be anxious about “how” to deal with the disappointment, just come to Me and position yourself before Me, and I will do the rest.”
I saw the Lord inviting these Pioneers and Leaders into a deeper place of worship and I heard the words “Worship and Praise Me over the disappointment.”
I saw Jesus inviting His leaders and Pioneers into a place of INTENTIONALLY worshipping and praising Him for His goodness, His faithfulness, His love and kindness, for who He is OVER the disappointment. An intentionality of engaging with God through praise over the disappointment and I saw the Lord come with fire. He was releasing healing, He was bringing comfort, He was bringing reassurance, He was bringing freedom and the ‘root’ of major disappointments was being removed and healed by His love.
From that place I saw these Pioneers and Leaders moving into such a new, fruitful land. The goodness of God, blessing and fulfilment of His promises was further concreting the healing. The goodness of God demonstrated was bringing a deeper settling of heart, the chains of disappointment fallen away and His breath of life back into the parts of the heart where the trauma and disappointment had taken root.
Pioneers, Leaders when this root of disappointment you are about to FLY like you have never flown before. The JOY, the PEACE, the ability to dream big, to enjoy the garden place with the Lord in deeper ways is going to leave you in wonder and awe. He wants you free. Many of you have carried this root of disappointment for too long. In His presence, in the secret place, the matter is being dealt with.
You are about to catch the wind of His Spirit of the NEW THING He is releasing you into. You will soar like an eagle, and not be continually pulled down to the ground by disappointment and fear of dreaming again.
Where many of you have lived with a deep root of disappointment, the Lord is now decreeing freedom and healing and you will know a season of AMAZING DIVINE APPOINTMENTS in MANY areas of your life.
The root of disappointment being removed is CHANGING THE WAY YOU SEE! You are about to see COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY. You are moving deeper into the place of being discipled by His perspective and I see the Lord breathing upon your faith. Your faith is going to increase to a whole new level and you will SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY and you will be known as one who DREAMS and BELIEVES! You will see with greater clarity in His heart, DECREE what you see, and it WILL be established rooted in His Word. Where disappointment has stolen from many of you and caused you to be in a place of DELAY, now as you move into this place of greater sight and aligning yourself with what He sees tainted, do not be disappointed, you will see some of the greatest demonstrations of the winds of acceleration in your life and through your life.
I saw many who have been locked in this cage of disappointment for SO long, I saw in the healing, in the freedom, I saw the enemy has used this root of disappointment to keep you from moving into one of the giftings the Lord has placed within you. Where the disappointment was a heart response, left undealt with, the enemy has landed upon it and brought a caging, but NO MORE!
A GIFT OF FAITH!!!!! I saw many who have faced disappointment over and over and not being able to overcome it, this is your day of freedom, this is your season of seeing this root removed, and a GIFT OF FAITH being awakened within you. Many will be drawn to you by the Spirit of God for the gift of faith that you carry, for you to intercede for them and minister to them, and see the miraculous power of God released in their lives. You will move from a place of living in disappointment to taking the Lord at His Word and believing for even the most impossible things.
I saw many of you Pioneers and Leaders who have been caught in disappointment for so long, rising up and living in the revelation and manifestation of Mark 11.
Jesus replied “Let the faith of God be in you! Listen to the truth I speak to you: If someone says to this mountain with great faith and having no doubt; Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea, and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done. This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer – believe that you have received it and it will be yours.” – Mark 11:22-24 (The Passion Translation)
I saw the Lord decreeing over the Pioneers and Leaders:
“Where disappointment has caged you for so long, I now release you as a LOUDER VOICE OF HOPE! I am now raising you up as a RELEASER OF HOPE everywhere you go. What I will have you pioneer, what I have you leading, where I have you going, you will release an impartation of hope EVERYWHERE you go!.”


  • Paula McDade

    By faith I receive this word as truth for my life. I have been following your prophetic words for months now and they always speak to me. Praise God for this season for release from disappointment! I decree and declare that I will arise from the ashes fully expecting a manifestation of God’s promise to come forth.

  • PJ Staller

    Lana here on Fly coast it’s about midnite. At midnite in the Bible wonderful sudden lies happen! Tonite it was this word that targeted one word no one before ever ministered or spoke that held and limited me as s ‘ model of less!’ Two days ago the Zloty brought the word “fly” back as a revelation which was a promise of His to me. He even bad me rename the ministry by faith. No more broken wing.. Wings to Fly! I receive the goodness and grace OVER the word ‘disappointment’ right now and take ALL He has placed within me to do the dream!
    One day I’ll invite you to our meeting with the testimony of GREAT THING HE HATH DONE!
    From the center of my heart I thank you mighty woman of God! – Godsgirl PJ
    “Wings to Fly!” He promised me a Flying mobile ministry to declare His heart!
    Impossible Possible!!!!!

  • Maria Ramos

    I Recieve it in Jesus Almighty Name!? Glory be to God!? Thank you For Sharing Sending Blessings!?✨???

  • Bec

    THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GOD HAS BEEN SPEAKING TO ME ABOUT THIS MORNING! I am SO encouraged, it can only be Holy Spirit, it’s so wow!

  • Rozanne

    Thank you Lana that’s an amazing confirmation for the way we prayed this morning for leaders and pastors in our city … Thank you for sharing.

  • Eunice Steinhardt

    Yes I am experiencing this very thing and was uncovering it but by bit. This is a heartwarming confirmation and encouragement. Will ponder some more I might of your post. Thank you. Eunice

  • Nawa Cooper

    Every word you are bringing forth is so accurate and such a now word it is mind blowing. Thanks girl, love you and can’t wait to meet up again.?

  • L.M.

    Wow, Thank you, Abba, Daddy. I was just thinking about this and the Lord let this be released. Thank you Lana for releasing the Word. Amen. THANK YOU Abba, You have Decreed that You are Turning My Disappointment Into Joy. I Receive. Thank You Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!

  • Shari Breyfogle

    Thank you Lana for sharing this Word, this touched my heart and opened my eyes. I was holding onto dissapointment and not aware. Thank you Jesus!!

  • G. E. R.

    I have been thinking about this deep sense of disappointment and even didn’t want to look at or listen to personal prophecies and had decided to stay in the secret, hidden place. I had decided to let the desire go. I had decided I would not even think about singing or ministering anymore.

  • preeti

    This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning, when I was being constantly reminded of my bitter past. Thank you Father God in Jesus’ name for these prophetic words from Lana to me.


    Thank you for your Ministry Lana. God will be using you to Raise Up Others. A platform of many voices to the Nations . Bless you in his Pursuit.

  • Mickey

    God is Using you so mightily to CONFIRM What He Is Already Speaking To Me… CONFIRMATION Is So Important Right Now Especially… You ARE Hearing From God
    Thank You

  • LightWriters

    Praise our King forever!!! What release, what joy and victory is resounding in the dwellings of the righteous with this gemstone word from His heart. Thank you for sharing this, Lana…it is divine timing. I just started a ‘Hope’ journal, which arrived as a gift this week, and now I can see that troublesome dream-stealing root of disappointment that was so deviously planted by the enemy being 100% REMOVED!!! …and replaced with a wondrous anointing of His unending FAITH and HOPE, anchors of His true LOVE ???Glory shouts & alleluia!!!??? Shalom…xo in Jesus!

  • Ford

    I believe and receive this Word. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been seeing His Promise come to fruition. My faith is growing, I’m feeling more joyful, and I believe and decree that the light is shining on me and my family and our nation. Thank you, Lana. Amen and Amen.

  • Carol A. Williams

    Thank you Lord. You have removed the “root of disappointment” in me and I am about to catch the wind of His Spirit of the NEW THING He is releasing you into. Thank you Lord that I will NOW soar like an eagle, and not be continually pulled down to the ground by disappointment and fear of dreaming again.
    Thank you Lord your declaration over me and others “Where disappointment has caged you for so long, I now release you as a LOUDER VOICE OF HOPE! I am now raising you up as a RELEASER OF HOPE everywhere you go. What I will have you pioneer, what I have you leading, where I have you going, you will release an impartation of hope EVERYWHERE you go!.”
    I receive EVERY WORD. I receive my Breakthrough and Release. Father, “you are the Wind Beneath my Wings”. I catch the Wind of Your Spirit of the NEW THING you are releasing to me Now. I soar like an eagle into the NEW THING you have released me into.
    In Jesus Name. I Worship you Father. Thank you.

  • Christine Gonzales

    Thank you for releasing this Word. It speaks directly to me & my husband. As I lay here recovering from a mastectomy & the loss of 95% of our church members at the same time, I look forward to what the Lord has for us as Pastors. In this attack even my grown children left our ministry , Only 1 daughter is with us, and the cameraman & 2 ushers. Ha ha! I know we have have great destiny before us! I take this Word of the Lord other full value! He is speaking to us!
    BTW I was healed of cancer even before the surgery! Glory!
    Pastor C

  • paula holtz

    We’ve been receiving your prophetic words since just before our President Donald Trump was elected. Thank you SO much for your obedience in sharing what the Lord shows you – they have blessed us enormously. This word today was especially wonderful because it confirmed something the Lord told me yesterday about an “impossible dream” he gave me 3 years ago that He is now releasing me into. I will keep it in my journal as an everyday reminder – I’m going to need it! God bless you heaps and heaps!

  • Jenna Dexter

    Thank you so much Lana. This is so timely and encouraging beyond words. 🙂
    I have a suggestion for you. Sometimes when I read a word of yours or someone else, I love it and “receive” it, but then go about my day and life not necessarily taking actionable steps to activate that word in my life. I just journaled this word in Evernote, highlighted, bolded and underlined the parts that spoke most to me. (Which was hard. I could bold the whole thing!) And at the end, I thought about what those “actions” are that I should take. So I bullet pointed two.
    * Do not be anxious about “how” to deal with the disappointment, just come to Me and position yourself before Me, and I will do the rest.”
    * Praise and worship God in the disappointment. Focus on his character. He is good. All the time.
    I thought you might want to add something like this to the end of your posts, to get your readers focused on the main takeaways, and how to activate the word in their lives.

    • Jenna Dexter

      By the way, that you for all you do to bring hope and encouragement with your gifts and your passion for God and serving others. You are an inspiration and a blessing. 🙂

  • Babs

    Great Content! And I receive MOST OF IT. However, if I may make a suggestion Lana?! Being the strong teacher type, I wld be amiss if I didn’t share the response TO YOUR writings here in this article/blog!
    While the message is profound for sure, maybe go back over and revise! There are QUITE A LOT of punctuation, wording mishaps and grammatical errors!
    Again, I’m blessed that a friend passed this on to me and I’m believing “the WORD” of what God has been showing you to prophetically speak to many, will go out to bring change in MY life as well as MANY others.
    Hope you receive the construction, instruction without offense!
    Many Blessings! ??
    And please, NO NEGATIVE RESPONSES! Thx! Babs

  • Carol

    “WORSHIP AND PRAISE ME OVER THE DISAPPOINTMENT” Masochism is not in the Bible, Sorry.
    David would also disagree – Psalm 6 : Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak;
    O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled; 6 I am weary with my groaning;
    All night I make my bed swim;
    I drench my couch with my tears.
    Psalm 42:3 – My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually say to me, “Where is your God?”
    Psalm 42:10 – As with a breaking of my bones, My enemies reproach me, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”
    And about a 100 more…


    This is truly a right now relevant word. For years I wondered or assumed the things that were plaguing me and this puts a whole new perspective on life for me. Thank you Lana because the prophecies that God release to you are always for me. Thank God for using you!