Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


I saw the people of God lifting up their worship to Him. Hands were raised and such adoration flowing from the hearts of His people to His throne. As they sung, as they worshiped, their worship was rising to Him like gifts. Gifts were surrounding His throne from all across the world in every tongue, giving Him praise. He was being enthroned in the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3)
As the people of God worshipped I saw all distractions, fear and worries falling away. Everything not of Him was falling to the “wayside”. Hindrances being broken off, such a deeper positioning into deeper intimacy was taking place. Scales were falling off eyes and ‘plugs’ the enemy had placed in ears, suddenly POPPING OUT.
The Lord was SO delighted in the praises of His people. His eyes filled with tears of joy at the beauty of His children!!
I then saw Papa lean down from the throne and with an expectant excited heart He spoke.. “ASK ME.. go on.. ASK ME!!!!! Share the desires and dreams on your heart with Me that are arising to the surface as you worship Me. ASK ME! ASK ME! ASK ME!”
As I watched this my spirit began to leap in my belly with the excitement of a good Father, just waiting for His children to ASK, so He could LAVISH His good gifts upon them. What was bubbling up in their heart as they worshipped as what He had placed in their hearts.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11)
As He spoke, constraints of fear of dreaming, fear of ‘asking for the wrong thing’, fear of ‘maybe what I am asking for isn’t what He wants’ was being broken as perfect love surrounded His people, the delight of a good Father.
I saw the people of God then climb up on His lap, and begin to share their hearts and dreams. He listened with such intent, such care, not to miss a detail. As they shared, I heard the sound of doors unlocking all around. New levels of intimacy were being unlocked with the heart of the Father.
The Lord was beaming with excitement and joy. The look in His eyes of “Oh you just wait and see!!!!!”
Suddenly, the vision changed and I saw the people of God standing before the throne again in worship. All of a sudden it began to RAIN. It was raining GIFTS AND SURPRISES. Fulfilled desires of His people’s hearts were raining down. 7 fold restoration gifts, raining down. Surprises raining down.
He spoke again..
“I am a GOOD GOOD Father. Do not be afraid to ask Me. Do not be afraid to share your heart with Me. Do not be afraid to dream with Me. As you worship, pay attention to what comes to the surface, for I am stirring the desires and dreams in your heart. Do not let fear hold you back any longer. As you open these gifts, not only will you receive incredible blessing and manifestation of your hearts desires and dreams.. but something even more precious…!!!”
The people of God began to open, gift after gift after gift and they began to sob. Tears of joy, tears of restoration, tears of healing, tears of freedom. At first, I thought they were sobbing because of their fulfilled dreams and desires before them, and that was part of it, but then there was something deeper.
IN the display of His faithfulness and provision that was SO above and beyond.. hearts were being healed by receiving a greater gift.. the gift of REVELATION. The gift of SEEING PAPA!!! Seeing JUST HOW GOOD HE REALLY IS!!!! How much He cares! How much He loves!
He kneeled down to each one and spoke “This is the season where gifts and surprises, manifested hearts desires and dreams will rain down in greater acceleration than you have ever seen and in the midst of the abundant rain, you shall see I AM MORE GOOD THAN YOU THINK I AM!!!!!!!!! Get ready to be thrown into a deeper SEA of SEEING My goodness.”
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  • Sandy

    This is exactly what God is doing for me now! I love my Poppa! I am getting the messages only a few days and so thankful for these prophetic words. I see them happening.

  • Gwen Watson

    Wow Thank you so much. Your blog entries almost always confirm the prophetic word I journal each day.
    Five days ago my youngest brother tried to commit suicide. He was found unconscious in a car by a stranger. He was rushed to the hospital and given a 2% chance of living as all his vital organs shut down. Papa gave him a 100% chance! I received a phone call telling me about him. I began to worship and thank the Father for mercy for his sake. I heard, healing is the children’s bread. “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11) My brother was born on 7/11 at 7:11! I got on social media and asked for prayer warriors to join with me. Boy did they! On the second day another brother and i had the same dream of my brother preaching. Mind you this brother doesn’t believe in dreams and visions, or shall i say didn’t. On the third there was little change. The medical staff really encouraged us to give up. On the forth day, i had contended most of the night. I got a report when i woke up that he had 2 heart attacks and a stroke. It didn’t even phase me. I knew what I saw! During that night while praying i saw the blood of Jesus flowing through his veins healing every cell. The next day i got a call from his 21 year old daughter; whom prior to this was a confessed atheist. With shrill excitement she said he started breathing on his own during the night. He was taken off of the ventilator. While my niece was getting him something from the nurse he got up out of bed. He has no signs of a stroke or heart attack. His kidneys still were not functioning. Before our phone call was over his kidneys began to function as well! Hallelujah! God gave me the greatest gift today! I’ve been in a season of refinement and was getting weary. My faith is so ignited I can barely contain myself! Thank you for your faithful Kingdom work! Your sister in Christ, Gwen

  • Marcella

    I am desperate today. This moment. I need a touch a breakthrough. I am 63. My job is too much. I was scammed last year of every penny. I have nothing. Estranged from my daughter and mostly my grandson. And I think she’s being abused. I hate my job. Too much stress. I want out. My stomach in knots. Neck hurts. I am sad beyond words. I’ve been a thither for over 30 years. I’m a prayer warrior. But I’ve been attacked relentlessly for 3 1/2 years and I feel I can’t go on. It’s harder and harder to pray, trust and have joy. I sowed into your ministry in hopes of the prophets reward. I’m in bible school also. Please pray for me.
    [email protected].

  • Kathy Nick

    Dear Lana,
    I have so enjoyed reading your messages, but the one you sent today is significantly personal and confirming. It was after I received this revelation from my Sweet Jesus. Below is the input in my “diary” this morning. The Scripture I added after reading your prophecy.
    “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11)
    I don’t know when I began to ask largely, but I know I was very tiny when I saw that person who was crippled and the one who was suffering and trying to numb their pain with alcohol, the one abused and suffering from low self esteem or lesbianism or homosexuality came across my path and my heart ached for them. Though I don’t know how old I was, I know where I was living. I was living on 10th ave and we moved from there when I was going into 4th grade (so, eleven years old maybe?)
    The pain these people lived with is something I felt very strongly. At about the age of 12 or 13 I stood in the bathroom mirror and told God, I want to experience everything anyone has ever experienced so I can help them. My sweet Lord said, no you don’t and the argument began. I said yes I do, He said no you don’t and that continued about 8 times before I finally said, yes I do leave me alone. I saw the Lord shrug his shoulders, with his palms up and I knew he was saying, I tried. Oh how strong is our free will. Let me tell you – He won’t cross it.
    Last night my pastor had a vision while praying for me. He saw a port with ships coming into it with gifts, then he knew I was the port and that I was giving gifts back to them before they went on their way. I believe I know what that means. This morning in prayer I think I gained revelation of the meaning. We’ll see.
    My life has indeed gone down many painful paths. I don’t learn things easily and I am intent on understanding the intricacies of why each time. In fourth grade I told myself, I want to be a teacher, because there has to be an easier way to learn.
    I believe that the many who are coming into port are others who are broken and need help finding their self esteem so they can go out and use the gifts that God has created them with. This has been the cry of my soul from the beginning of my life though I didn’t know how to put it in words.
    I received your prophecy just after the Lord showed me the above. THANK YOU for your faithful service to the Lord and His people. God bless you!

  • Mark

    Nothing impacts like a revelation of the goodness of our Daddy! You can’t overestimate the goodness of God! Thanks.

  • Sam

    Awesome! The night before I read this word, Papa woke me in the middle of the night to tell me one sentence: “I will give you the desires of your heart”. I was so excited then to read this. I was particularly interested to read about the ear ‘plugs’ popping, as my inner ear has been blocked for nearly a month and there is nothing that the doctor could do to ‘pop’ it. I believe and I receive this in Jesus’ name.? God bless you, your ministry, and your family, Lana ?