Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


I saw many across the body of Christ feeling a sudden stretching this week. A sudden stretching that has seems to have come out of nowhere, that has left many feeling like they have been stretched more in a week than they have in a while.
There is a transitioning happening this week. There’s an “unsettling transition feeling” that many have suddenly felt this week. That’s because there is a crossover happening in the spirit for many this week.
You are going to a new level!!!! You are going higher!! You are going into a new place where nothing is going to look the same anymore. The new is here!!! You are passing through a threshold into a whole new realm!! This will require a whole new level of intimacy, a whole new level of trust, a whole new level of surrender, that you will be carried into as you rest in the rivers of His Spirit. His Spirit will carry you where you need to go. You will not be taken there by your own efforts or strength, but by His power.
There may be a greater level of sacrifice and surrender before you but it will be a JOY as you move into deeper levels of encounter with His heart and wider open spaces of promotion, favour, revelation and breakthrough.
Embrace the ‘unsettledness and transition feeling’ and know you are birthing and suddenly a shift will take place releasing you into the new level.
What many of you are feeling in this sudden ‘unsettledness and transition feeling’ has left many of you wondering what you have done wrong, or what’s going on. The exact opposite is true. You are being stretched for your increase, promotion and birthing.
The sudden opening of this new level is going to open up realms of encounters with Him and the supernatural like you have never seen before. Get ready to know Him like you have never known Him before as you have positioned yourself. Keep going into your secret place to spend time with Jesus. Keep drawing away even in the ‘uncomfortableness’ this week of the transition. Get those lamps ready for not only will they be filled even more and to overflowing, but more oil in reserve to pour out to others.
The stretching may be feeling painful, but align yourself with what He is doing in the transition through your alignment and surrender. Keep worshipping through the transition this week and you just wait and see the double doors of a new level open up and the mountains that have stood in your way attempting to block you from this entrance be flattened before you.
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    Thank you for sharing what you see. Saw this morning what I could only describe as me being birthed from a dark place to one full of light. Thanx for the confirmation. Had to remember once those shoulders are out the stretching stops. Been pretty uncomfortable the last few days.

  • Jane Belford

    Thank you Lana.
    This is exactly what has been happening. If I had this stretching two weeks ago I would reacted very differently. I would have been stress, worried, felt things were out of control but I would have trusted God. Now I am in this stretching peace has come, my trust has increased, and I have completely left the circumstance I am in into Gods hands and know, without a doubt, God’s love and His promises.
    New is coming and it is here. God bless you my sister.

  • Mark

    God started this a couple of weeks ago for me. It has been really exciting to watch Him work. Dive in all the way.

  • Randie Anderson

    Best answer for what I’m going through at the moment. I feel like I’m wandering right now but I’ll keep going back to God in prayer in anticipation for what’s next. Thank you!

  • Pam Thompson

    Oh, do I love this, girl friend in Jesus. On Sunday in our prayer and intercession room, I was seeing something new. I prayed, Lord are we to be looking, thinking, differently about intercession, especially in the light of the times we’re living in, in America. I felt like Holy Spirit was saying, it’s party time. Lord was saying get out of your grave clothes and ashes and help each other to realize that when Jesus did it all, said it all, that’s what He meant, “it is finished”! This time of Jubilee should be teaching us how to pray with HS eyes and power. Time for pleading with a righteous God for what He wants before we can even think about what to pray, how to release His goodness and blessing to a hurting world. If He be for us, who can be against us? Even equally important, Christ in U.S., His beloved, the hope of glory….who’s glory, His glory and our good. Then your word came and confirmed so much to me that we don’t and shouldn’t believe the lies of the enemy anymore. It’s time to take up our sword of the spirit and if the Lord says, go here, go there, speak this, pray this….whether it’s dancing, singing, speaking out in the spirit, thinking with the mind of Christ, then that’s what I’m doing and whoever has ears and eyes to see, what the Spirit is saying to the Churches, MAY! Come, now is the time to walk through those doors that are opened wide for us and bring along with you, all who the HS will reveal to about Jesus, what He did, what He’s continuing to do and His great love, mercy triumphs over judgment. Mercy and love leads to repentance. Love the words you put forth, keep on keeping on, revealing His love and mercy and goodness because we are entering in our Jubilee with our Bridegroom King. Love in Him, Pam

  • Quin Garner

    Thank you so much for explaining the stretching me and my husband didnt know whst was happening but we knew something was happening
    thanks for the clarity.

  • Rae Graber

    Get those lamps ready for not only will they be filled even more and to overflowing, but more oil in reserve to pour out to others.
    A few days ago, I was prompted to pray for the preparation of vessels because of the outpouring that is drawing near. This is the confirming scripture the Lord dropped in my heart. It confirms what Lana is declaring above.
    2 Kings 4:1-6
    A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”
    2 So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”
    3 Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. 4 And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.”
    5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”
    And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. 7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”