Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser This morning the Lord spoke to me and showed me many in the body of Christ are in a place of WANDERING (major lack of direction) and WONDERING what God is doing.

There was a restlessness that I saw in many hearts and souls as they were trying to "work out" and understand what is going on.

I felt the beautiful heart of the Father wanting to encourage His people and I felt Him say "Be encouraged My people, for you are in a place of transition. In the place of transition get your roots down deeper into intimacy with Me and know that you are moving from a place of "WANDERING and WONDERING" to "INTO WONDER I WILL SING!!!"

I watched in this vision as the Holy Spirit moved amongst the people of God bringing comfort, refreshment, strengthening and peace as they were in their place of WANDERING and WONDERING.


I saw the Holy Spirit moving God's people into a whole new realm of WONDER of who He is and His beautiful nature first and foremost. Such a deeper place of AWE of His beauty and presence.

I watched in this new realm there were throneroom encounters with the Lord as King of Kings, and walks through the garden of intimacy hand in hand with Jesus. Such a depth of intimacy blossoming and even though nothing had yet changed on the 'outside' in 'natural circumstances' there was a peace, strengthening and joy that was UNSHAKEABLE not based in circumstances or breakthrough but in the beautiful nature and revelation of Jesus.

I watched as the people of God were being invited into a DEEP river with Jesus, to JUMP RIGHT ON IN!!!! As the river was flowing I saw Luke 2:19 flowing through this river. Luke 2:19 shining in GOLD!

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart".

I saw the invitation from the heart of Jesus into places of intimacy and revelation of His heart and future plans for their life that they had never heard or experienced before. There was a whole new level of exploring the heart of God.

As this "pondering" was taking place, I saw CHANGE happening. watched hearts and souls being instantly healed. I saw a wholeness bursting forth in hearts and souls birthed from the place of intimacy and revelation of Jesus alone.There was a depth of maturity He was developing in the hearts and souls of God's people that was based not in 'circumstances turning out how they expect' but in the beautiful unchangeable, always reliable, always faithful nature of Jesus.


In this deeper place of pondering, of awe and wonder of Jesus, I saw such a flourishing and blossoming. I could hear Jesus singing over His people "It's time to blossom, it's time to shine! It's time to blossom, it's time to arise!"

Flowers and fruit were blossoming all around them in the hearts and souls and out into their lives. The fruit of the Spirit, the fruit of harvest, the blossoming of the Rose of Sharon within them, and the aroma of Jesus and His goodness exploding all around. There was SO MUCH LIFE bursting forth! No dead or dry places remained. Resurrection power was erupting!

As this transformation was taking place I saw QUESTION MARKS turning to EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!! The sense surrounded me that the questions of the WANDERING and WONDERING were about to be answered and the manifestation of His place and breakthrough SO GLORIOUS that it was releasing a SHOUT of WONDER, a SHOUT of PRAISE, a NEW SONG being SUNG of joy to the ONE WHO IS PERFECT LOVE!!!!!!


These exclamation marks suddenly turned on their side and turned to ARROWS!!! Such clear DIRECTION! Such clear SPEARHEADED BREAKTHROUGH and ACCURACY and COMPLETE CLARITY in the direction of the Holy Spirit!

Such surprise, such joy, such deep explosions and highlights of His goodness, the people of God were moving from the place where the WANDERING and WONDERING had caused such a dryness and a discouragement that many had lost their song.. He is now transitioning them to a greater place of WORSHIP and PRAISE rooted and planted in the NATURE of JESUS, firm and secure, the riding the wave of overflow into glorious Ephesians 3:20 breakthrough.


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  • Kim

    Really needed this wandering to wondering!! Thank you I’m here! I feel the heart of the father wanting more time in word & prayer!

  • Susan M

    Lana, this is so powerfully affirming in the Lord on every level…each element capturing very clearly a journey of wandering, wondering, transition, ‘new songs’, even the exclamations becoming ‘arrows’…and so much more of the Spirit’s precise and awesome revelations in my own personal listening and walk with Jesus…Thank you for keeping your ear to the Lord’s heart with precious prophetic keenness… Shalom, Susan

  • TT

    Thank you for your obedience to share what God is saying to His people…
    I went to sit by the lake to spend quiet time with him because I was feeling this way. Before i settled in I collected some rocks to take home with me… a word came to me which was overwhelming because it came as music as much as words…. I heard the Lord say can you imagine if all these rocks would cry out to me??? It was a sound that vibrated within my body but I knew there was no sound. I stopped with joy and a sense of being and I wondered. I was amazed as I pondered on that as I looked at all the little stones on the beach and I thought about the mountains and the earth…. I was giggling with joy because it overwhelmed me…

  • Denise Luckovich

    Thank You Lana for this word!
    I can not tell you how much this has spoken to me! I have been experiencing a lot of these things since March 2016.
    I will go forward, I will blossom, I will arise, and go Deep!!! This is the time for….
    Wonder Woman!!!!! ⚡️??⚡️??
    Blessings!!! ✨??
    -Denise Luckovich