Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
This morning I felt the Lord speaking to me again about vision. I heard Him say “I am changing your viewfinder” and a strong sense surrounded me of an adjustment and alignment of vision. There are “lenses” that are being used right now by many in the body of Christ to see their circumstances and see situations, but the “view” is not accurate.
I felt so strongly that there is still a ‘tampering’ happening with vision, to cause God’s people to see in a way that is not accurate. The Lord showed me that as we partner with Him and invite Him to come and adjust and align our vision, I saw Him adjusting what looked like a “viewfinder”.
The interesting thing was the lenses that many were using right now to look at situations and circumstances, were bringing a great hindering.
I saw these lenses being looked through in these “viewfinders” were bringing forth the fruit of ‘hearts being kept on the ground’. There was a heaviness of heart. Hearts feeling unable to breathe or feel life, peace or hope when looking at certain situations and circumstances surrounding them. There was a strong feeling of hearts being held ‘captive’ and a real heaviness that feels inescapable.
The enemy has been tampering with vision and to lock God’s people into a place of “seeing” in a way that’s not accurate.
As I continued to position myself before the Lord, I heard Him say “Many are viewing circumstances, themselves, others and situations with the wrong lenses. They are not seeing accurately, and they are not seeing through My eyes and My heart.”
The atmosphere around me was full of the longing of the heart of God to bring His people into a higher place of being discipled in a HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE AND DISCERNMENT. The Lord showed me that the enemy has blinded many in this season with the ‘hindrance of vision’ that he is attempting to bring and the tampering that has been happening through his attacks and opposition. Many have been viewing things through the wrong lenses and have lost their ability to dream, to see the God of the impossible in the midst of impossible situations, to hope for change, to see the direction the Lord is leading. Clarity is being attacked and stolen from many.
The atmosphere surrounded me with a sense of urgency that it is vital right now that the people of God are crying for wisdom and discernment and scales to be removed off eyes. For wrong lenses to be removed, and for the Lord to open eyes to see.
“Purchase eye salve to be placed over your eyes so that you can truly see.” – Revelation 3:18 (The Passion Translation)
(Notes from Passion Translation: The wealth of Christ is not purchased with money but by faith. See Job 222:25, Proverbs 23:23, Isaiah 55:1-3. Christ will be our white garment and our eye salve that helps us to see things as they truly are)
The Lord whispered to me in His beautiful way and I could feel His love, the challenge to “come up higher” and His heart for His people to move into ALL He is wanting to release and pour out.
I heard Him say “A LOT IS AT STAKE BY HOW YOU SEE”. When I asked the Lord what He meant, I had a vision and I saw the enemy and he was ‘standing on the sidelines’ and he was waiting. The sense surrounded me he was waiting for agreement with anything BUT the Word. He was waiting for agreement in God’s people to “see” through anything but what the Word of God says. To see through the lies of the enemy, to see through carnal eyes, to see through anything but JESUS and His Word.
I could see the enemy standing there and such a strong sense of a thieving spirit (John 10:10). He was waiting for agreement to come and steal away from God’s people the increase God is wanting to and about to release.
I saw Jesus begin to walk through the body of Christ and He would place His hand on each person’s shoulder and He spoke “A lot is at stake by how you see. Ask to see! Ask to see! Don’t stop asking to see! Ask to see through My Word and your heart will be set free. Ask to see! Ask to see! Ask to see! When you see, DECREE!!!!”
The Lord showed me how many are ‘seeing’ right now, through wrong lenses is affecting their decree. Words being spoken that are not truth, that are not life, that do not align with the Word. Again the Lord spoke “Keep your eyes on Me and IN My Word and DECREE what you see. Not what you think, or what you hope will be, decree My Word and it will be established for you. I am bringing My people deeper into the place of seeing as I see. A deeper place of Jeremiah 1:12
The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”
The Lord is opening a greater realm of destiny amongst His people, a great awakening of destiny. The enemy is attempting to abort this through how many are “SEEING”.
There is a greater stewardship of “how we see” being asked of the people of God, by the Lord. To know Him, to know His heart, to live deep in the secret place and allow Him to bring a realignment and readjustment of vision.
“”But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.” – Matthew 13:16
The Lord spoke to me again that there is a wave of repentance brewing within the body of Christ for how many have seen.
Suddenly, there is a breakthrough and shaking upon the body of Christ, the love of God and the revelation of God in the Word that is going to SUDDENLY shift and SUDDENLY awaken many, that the scales will SUDDENLY fall off. Lenses of judgement, criticism, offence, fear, unbelief, doubt… anything but how He sees and seeing through His eyes of love suddenly falling off as the Holy Spirit brings deep conviction and truth. (John 16:8)
“When the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth within you. He won’t speak his own message, but only what he hears from the Father, and he will reveal prophetically what is to come. He will glorify me on the earth, for he will receive from me what is mine and reveal it to you. Everything that belongs to the Father belongs to me – that’s why I say that the Divine Encourager will receive what is mine and reveal it to you.” – John 16:12-15 (The Passion Translation)
I saw such a wave of beautiful repentance. Such a beautiful returning to holiness, to seeing as He sees, to seeing in PURITY.
I also saw many having encounters with the Lord through the Word and studying the life of Jesus, that was suddenly removing scales and wrong views of who Jesus is. I saw SUDDEN awakenings to the GOODNESS and KINDNESS of Jesus. The love of God demonstrated through our beautiful Jesus. Scales suddenly falling off and people suddenly encountering the beautiful ACCURATE revelation of who Jesus is and lies they have believed about His nature in the past, suddenly falling off.
I also saw MANY who do not yet know Jesus, who have been opposed strongly to Jesus Christ, because of lies they have believed about His nature and His character, having SUDDENLY encounters with the revelation of Jesus Christ and coming to know Him. Overwhelmed, overtaken, completely changed by the love of Jesus. Damascus road experiences. Scales falling off eyes, seeing Him in His beauty and love and becoming powerful people in the Kingdom of God.
The Lord spoke again “There is a fresh impartation to SEE, will you receive it? This fresh impartation will cause your heart to soar. Seeing clearly through the lenses of My Word will cause your heart to soar. Your heart will be full of faith, strength and life in Me. Your hearts will no longer be chained to the floor.”
“For there is a great battle happening right now over sight, the enemy is attempting to bring about great deception amongst My people, but you MUST remain in the place of humility, yielded to Me and positioned asking to SEE as I SEE. Many of you are about to see your vision COMPLETELY change. You are about see your circumstances, people and situations completely different, through MY EYES and that will change everything. The way I see is going to set you free.”
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  • David Roiel

    Peace and grave to you Lana. I have only recently begun seeing just all of a sudden, dreams, rhemas, and into the spirit realm. Just th8s weekend I dreamt that people were eating and enjoying an apple tree, huge golden yellow apples with a little hint of red. There was so much they were just throwing it on the ground and boasting at how bountiful it was. I then went to pick some myself but to my horror when I climbed into the tree I saw it was not green and vivid like I saw it when i stood by on the ground but blackened and dry and leafless.
    I managed to grab an apple and it was smaller, redder and a worm.
    God has given us the ability to see the difference between the works of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the Tree of Life, the difference between the old and new covenant, the old and new wine, the ways of the world and worldly success/prosperity and God’s and His Kingdom’s ways of true peace, well being and abundance beyond measure and not in the system of the world.
    Like you said I have been asking and asking. What a confirmation your message was and I am sure so many in the body are waking up to something like this and yes I too feel that we need to be alert and watchful and perhaps we have not seen in an aligned way.
    Blessings and thank you.
    David Roiel

  • Gee Alexander

    Thank you Lord GOD YAHWEH for blessing me to see with your eyes HEAR with your ears LORD to love what you love and to hate what you hate in Yahshua’s glorious name…Amen!

  • Chika

    This word is surely for me. Abba Father I receive eyes that see and ears that ear. The grace to study your Word and Faith to believe and rest in you. I trust you Lord??????

  • Rozanne

    That’s amazing Lana as I set about making the first cuppa for the day early this morning, I heard the Lord say “it’s new lenses they need, not new glasses”. He changed my lenses last night, as I laboured over a family situation, then suddenly Hebrew 6:15-17 came to mind particularly the words
    “…God also, in His desire to show more convincingly ….” And then that wonderful anchor HOPE sailed into my heart and I took hold of the Abba’s promise for this family. Thank you Lord for changing the lenses in my glasses to let me see outside that box the enemy tries to keep us in and miss what our heavenly Dad intended.
    Rich blessings on you Loverly

  • Natasha K

    Ms. Vawser, I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus CHRIST! May His goodness and mercy surround you and all that he has given you. May you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our King, and may His favor and blessing rest on your life and on the lives of your family members.

  • Cindy Hammill

    Wow Lana. This changing view of who Jesus is and increase in faith regarding his character and goodness has begun for me. My friends and I have been praying for miracles regarding the release of people in what was once church but now I would term as more captivity. When I was praising Jesus this morning for what He’s doing, I had a sense of Him laughing with joy at my joy.
    Wow wow wo. Loving this new lens.
    Bless you for releasing this.

  • Alison Watson

    Amen! I was decreeing exactly that yesterday in relation to my workplace, that scales would fall off the eyes and the Damascus road experience would happen to some people who are in powerful positions and are making life hard. By the end of the day begun to feel that we also need to check the accuracy of our position and started asking for mercy even in the judgement that someone had pronounced. I have to continue hoping for change that I have felt was possible in the past

  • Rael Bett

    i love your prophecies so much they really encourage me and build my faith in God,but the writings is difficult to read if quicken please improve on that as we continue seeking the lord.Be blessed woman of God

  • Regina

    Lana, what a timely word this morning as I have been awake most of the night and troubled for many days. The attacks that have come against me in the last week have been some of the worse of my lifetime. Truly a sense of what am I doing, where am I going and will I ever be set free from this bondage. Truly a sense of exhaustion and hopelessness. I want only His perfect will and timing for my purpose for serving Him. That’s truly all I have in this world. Thank you for your obedience to bring this word to us. These words from Our Father have shown me the wiles of the enemy to give me the wrong way to view my circumstances. I pray for mighty mighty breakthroughs this morning and miraculous suddenlys where there seems to be no way out. I pray for my provisions that have been blocked to be released this day. I pray for a mighty anointing to see with His eyes and hear with His ears and know from His Heart, His purposes and vision for my life. I repent of everything that I have seen that is not of the Father about my circumstances and ask that anything I have done that has not been pleasing to Him, be forgiven this day and there for me restoration, recompense and rescue from this place that has kept me in bondage with a thieving enemy waiting to kill, steal and destroy. In Yahshua’s mighty name I claim total victory over my circumstances and pray a mighty vision, His perfect vision for miracles for my life this day. Amen and Amen. Thank you again Lana and be blessed.

    • Bee

      Hi Regina,
      Amen Amen!! Keep going Sister! Keep Going….He is Listening. Push and keep pushing. Drown in His words. Worship!! Worshp! Worship!! I am praying with and for you. May the God of Peace dwell within the deepest core of your heart and soul in Jesus name. May you find His unending and pure Love saturating your soul as He tramples the enemy underfoot in your presence. I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus that every weight, every lie and every manipulation the enemy is attempting to distort your vision, your direction, your trust in God, your miracles and Gods purpose in your life is halted NOW in Jesus Name! NO MORE!
      Dont believe otherwise! He is coming with Justice and Judgement. Praise the Lord! Focus on the bigger picture. Please dont be tired. You are almost home! Keep Going!

  • Betty Saunders

    I have experienced and received some very profound and vital informational wisdom since being introduced to you from a dear sister in Christ. I know elevation and transformation is in God’s design now and the word has been confirmed through you. However, I still have hesitation.
    You are a great anointed blessing and anything you could share with me personally (forgive the boldness) would be must appreciated.

  • Bee

    Hello Lana,
    Thank you so much for such Spirit filled words of encouragement. I am writing this as a testimony to your visions. For the past few weeks the Lord has been guiding me through my journey by confirming words he speaks to me through you. I will like to testify that i was indeed one of those whose vision was clouded and my dreams were lacking clarity. I followed the Word of the Lord as you adviced , :Worshiping in Mystery” , Pushing and pushing hard. And Yes, it did work. Slowly, my dreams started getting clearer.
    The greatest testimony of all is ” I am NOW SEEING JESUS FOR WHO HE IS” . I have no words to explain but everything is gone. The pain, anxiety, fear.. Its all gone. I am unable to worry about my needs anymore. Alll i want to do is drown in worship. All i feel is Love. Love like never before. I have been reading the word very deliberately and God is speaking to me in ways i have never experienced. I am so glad, i feel like i am now HOME.
    I then had a dream a few days ago where it was as though i was being escorted into a dining area. There was a table prepared and there were seats on the floor, but quite a number was empty. Then a gentleman put a blue mat on the floor where i will seat and signaled me to seat. As i sat, i was thinking “why are these seats empty ” and He said , as though listening to my thoughts – ” We are waiting for others”!!
    He has been showing me so many things… things to come. He keeps saying a big wave is coming. A wave of Judgement and Justice and Signs, Miracles and Wonders. He showed me this in a dream.
    I am so excited to begin my journey. I am now basking in this amazing Love and enjoying my time getting to know Him.
    I have been pressed to post this as a testimony to your Prophetic messages. That indeed, the Lord is movinng.
    Now i await further clarity on my mission as well as his signs, wonders and miracles.
    Thank you for your prayers, thank you for your Ministry and thank you for heeding the call of the Lord. God Bless you and Your Ministry and I pray in Jesus Mighty name that the Lord will bring His Children Home.
    With so much love.

  • Debbie

    Thank you again Lana for sharing this important word. We need to keep asking, as it says in the Bible ” You do not have because you do not ask” James 4:2
    I felt impressed on me by God recently, in the Gospels Jesus says “he who has ears to hear let him hear”, I did sense He was saying to have ‘open ears and open hearts’. God is calling us to be attentive to what He is saying and doing, and as you have written – to keep asking.
    Thank you again for sharing, a great encouragement.

  • Darla Robertson

    Hi Lana. I just wanted to say thank you. I read this not really thinking much. I prayed to see. I went back to bible study. Suddenly I felt impressed to look up the word city. I did. God showed me how everyone He used affected cities. It changed my view from one on one to that of cities. I know that the Lord will show me more. I just wanted you to know that.