Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
This morning as I spent time with the Lord, I had a vision and in the centre of this vision was a Scripture reference, that I had no idea what it said off the top of my head.
The Scripture was Micah 4:13. So I began to look at various translations:
"On your feet, Daughter of Zion! Be threshed of chaff, be refined of dross. I’m remaking you into a people invincible, into God’s juggernaut to crush the godless peoples. You’ll bring their plunder as holy offerings to God, their wealth to the Master of the earth.” (MSG Translation)
As I pondered this Scripture I felt the Lord say that many of His daughters in this season have been in a very intense battle. They have been to the threshing floor and refined of dross, but in the battle, they have faced, the Spirit of God has been birthing strength and courage within them like they have never known before.
I watched as the strength of the wind of His Spirit was accelerating in intensity and the daughters of God were beginning to “get up on their feet again”. The Spirit of God had done a very deep work within them, where their roots had gone down deeper into the One who never changes – beautiful Jesus. As I was watching the daughters of God “getting up on their feet again”, I saw in the very core of them, the Lion of Judah ROARING.
I felt the Lord say:
"Within many ferocious battles that My daughters have faced in this season where the enemy has been roaring at them, in the fire, in the wrestle, in the intensity and onslaught, they have found Me, and they have found the ROAR of My authority and victory. They have found the ROAR that I have placed WITHIN THEM. They have found My ROAR over them that has been awakening them to their true identity, to My goodness and My destiny for their lives. They have found Me and they are beginning to hear My ROAR louder than ever that is awakening them to the reality of how powerful they are in Me in ALL SPHERES of influence I have placed them in, and the lies and captivity of the mind, heart and soul are SUDDENLY falling off. In the intensity of the battle, there has been an incredible accelerated deliverance taking place. The chains that have held My daughters for years, the chains that have come through the generations, SUDDENLY breaking off. There has been incredible intensity of battle, but here has been INCREDIBLE deliverance, healing and positioning taking place. Many of My daughters don’t even realise it, but in the midst of some of their greatest battles in this season, I have used it as the very place of their GREATEST PREPARATION and their LABOUR ROOM. Their very place of battle that was screaming death at them and that they weren’t going to make it, is the very BIRTHING ROOM of their destiny being released, their identity manifesting and their ROAR BEING RESTORED.”
“I am raising up My daughters together in unity, My daughters the juggernauts in Me. Unstoppable IN ME! No longer will you be held back, but you are being empowered and strengthened as UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!”
JUGGERNAUT: a huge, powerful, and overwhelming force (Google)
“My daughters are now rising up free from the slavery and bondage that has SO held them. They are rising up into a new level of FREEDOM that is already theirs. They are rising up into a new level of HEALING that is already theirs. They are rising up AWAKENED to My ROAR OVER THEM and My ROAR THROUGH THEM. The warrior within them is being awakened and displayed in many different ways through their lives, but there is one common theme. There is a ROAR OF FIRE that is being released from within them in this awakening that is sending them flying like flames of fire into the enemies camp to burn up his plans and schemes. They are flying like flames of fire because of My Word within them and they are burning up the assignments of the enemy against them and those around them and in the cities and nations of the world. They are going into areas where the enemy has set up camp and they are releasing the ROAR that I have placed within them, the ROAR they found in the battle, the ROAR they found in the wrestle and they are RELEASING IT into those areas where the enemy has set up camp, and MY FIRE is falling, My presence is shifting atmospheres, igniting breakthrough, bringing healing and ACTIVATING BREAKTHROUGH and DESTINY POINTS. The enemy has set up camp attempting to cover up many strategic breakthrough and destiny points and My daughters are rising up now in greater ways than ever with EYES OF FIRE to SEE where these breakthrough and destiny points are strategically placed that the enemy attempted to hide.”
I then heard the Lord speaking directly to His daughters:
“My daughters in the battle the enemy was screaming “you are going blind, you cannot see what God is doing” when the truth is, IN THE FIRE, I was giving you greater discernment and insight and you were being given greater levels of vision. 20/20 vision was being given to you in the fire and you didn’t even realise it. You will see now that as I am sending you into those strategic points, the very area the enemy was trying to blind you, you will now see that you have been given 20/20 vision and authority in that area.”
‘“ You are going in like flames of fire with My Word and the foundations of the enemy’s camp are being burnt up and the ACTIVATION taking place. These strategic breakthrough and destiny points in the lives of individuals, in churches, in families, in cities, in nations, will suddenly erupt with My fire, unlike anything that has ever been seen before as the DECREE OF MY DAUGHTERS is released.”
“Watch My daughters gather the spoils. Watch My daughters gather the spoils. There is going to be a significant demonstration of the GATHERING OF THE SPOILS in this season as My daughters are being raised up with COURAGE and FEARLESSNESS like they have never experienced before and taking back all that the enemy has stolen. They are beginning to take back what the enemy has stolen in their lives but there is a whole other level of positioning upon My daughters taking place right now. Watch and see as I position My daughters in places of incredible influence OVERNIGHT in this season. Watch how My favour is falling upon the lives of My daughters living surrendered. In this radical release of My favour over My daughters in this season, their influence will radically increase suddenly. I will increase the influence and there will be ripple effects of breakthrough and portals for encounter and revelation opening up EVERYWHERE THEY GO. They will be releasing and carrying the supernatural language of My Spirit and My heart, their mouths filled with the right words at the right time wherever they go and hearts will be drawn to me. Destiny within hearts will be awakened, and people will experience My Glory wherever they go. I will manifest Myself so purely and so beautifully through My daughters, and many of My daughters will be used in the world to shift the belief system that many in the world have about Me and who I am. These ones are being raised up and sent out with such specific revelation of My heart and prophetic insight, that will suddenly come upon them, that they will carry the words that turn people TOWARDS ME rather than AWAY from Me where in times past the church’s language has not accurately represented My heart.”
I then had a vision where I saw the Lord giving many of His daughters in this season “new jackets” and on the back of these jackets it said the words “UNDERCOVER SPECIALISTS, REVIVALISTS AND NEW ASSIGNMENTS” and on the cuff of each of these jackets in gold engraving it had the word “MARKETPLACE”
The knowing came to me straight away that two things were taking place:
1. He was releasing many of His daughters now into the marketplace in this season that hadn’t been there before.
2. He was releasing NEW ASSIGNMENTS to those already in the marketplace.
I then heard Him say:
“There is significant increase of My fire, My anointing and My favour upon My daughters already in the marketplace and others now going in. There are new assignments being released upon them and they are moving into these new assignments with greater favour and influence than they have ever had. The time is upon the Church right now where My daughters are being raised up and in their positions in the marketplace I have sent them in as undercover specialists and an increase of the revivalist anointing like that of Kathryn Kuhlman and Maria Woodworth-Etter is going to begin to be seen in the marketplace unlike anything that has ever been seen before. Signs and wonders will follow you, My daughters, unlike anything you have ever seen. A MAJOR healing and revival fire wave of My Spirit is about to be released in SIGNIFICANT INCREASE in the marketplace through My daughters where MANY shall come to know Me. Many shall come to a place of deep intimacy with Me, many will be healed, a MAJOR healing wave of My Spirit is about to crash into the marketplace in a way that has never been seen through My daughters that are being positioned. They are carrying the fire of My love and they will be well received, door upon door upon door opening for them. They will stand in places they could have never got themselves to, as I position them in the marketplace to see the fire of My presence released and oh the glorious shifts that shall take place. They are moving into this increase with great angelic protection and they have been well prepared for such a time as this. Whether they feel like they know what they are doing or not, all I ask of them is for them to “open their mouth and I will fill it". I never send My people in unprepared. Many of My daughters are about to step into these overnight shifts and new assignments in the marketplace which may seem daunting, but when they step in, oh the joy and awe they shall receive of how I have prepared them without them even realising. Wave upon wave upon wave of transformation, healing and salvation is about to radically increase in the marketplace through My daughters.”
I saw specifically the fire of God falling upon “stay at home mothers” in this season. I saw the enemy has really come against “stay at home mothers” in this season with his whispers lying to them that what they are doing at home is not important, it is not as powerful as other women who are out doing ‘world changing things’ for the Kingdom etc.
I felt the Lord say:
“Fire is coming upon your hearts My beautiful daughters that are giving your lives to be at home with your children. My fire is falling upon your hearts right now to awaken you in greater ways to the reality and truth that YOU ARE CHANGING THE WORLD IN YOUR LIVING ROOM RAISING WORLD CHANGERS. I am releasing fire on your heart to receive this truth and on your eyes to SEE this truth. In the next few months, you will have greater dreams and visions of the impact you are making, the future of your children, their destiny and calling and how you are changing the world this very day through your beautiful mothering of the children I have given you. I will use you to bring greater revival than you have ever seen in your community, releasing My fire to other mothers and seeing them awakened. Wave upon wave upon wave of salvation and awakening.”
I then heard the words “Stay at home mothers get ready to WRITE” and I saw a supernatural grace and acceleration coming upon you in little moments to empower you to write. God has something He wants to say through you and scribe angels are landing at your house. You will have greater supernatural energy and grace to WRITE what God is wanting to release through you. It’s not one or the other. Where you have felt you have not had time or space, NEW GRACE is coming upon you to catch a WHOLE NEW FLOW, get ready, get ready, it’s coming!
“My beautiful mothers, where you have felt that BUSYNESS has kept you trapped, I am releasing new grace and there will be room for new BUSINESSES. A whole new ENTREPRENEURIAL anointing will fall upon you WITH your children to run businesses from your home with EASE and INCREASE and it will bring great favour, promotion, provision and JOY to you and your family.”
I saw many daughters of God had words of ‘death’ spoken over them by the enemy and by people. These words of death had plagued them their whole life and they had been CRIPPLED by such death words. Death words about their identity, their dreams, their destiny, their value and the fire of God has been BREAKING those lies in rapid acceleration in this season.
The Lord then spoke:
“I have seen the work My daughters have done to position themselves for freedom. The way they have cried out, the way they have sought Me, the way they have continued to fight to renew their mind and press in, and I have been working deeply within them. They shall no longer know the terror and fear that has plagued them through these death words. The containment words are being broken, the death words and curses are SUDDENLY falling off and I am now releasing a SCRIBE ANOINTING over many of My daughters.”
“Where words were used to try and kill them inside, I am now releasing a scribe anointing upon them in significant ways to release words of LIFE THROUGH THEM. Watch My people, watch My people for the writings and the many books that have been released in this season through many of My daughters and the books yet to be released. For the words of life that are contained in these books are going to be released as CHANGE AGENTS in the spheres that I have assigned them to be released in. These writings, these songs, these books, will be released and by My Spirit bringing transformational change and shift that is supernatural.”
I saw the words in the Spirit over many daughters in this season and it said “BREAKING NEWS”.
When I asked the Lord what He was saying, I felt Him say:
“BREAKING NEWS! MY DAUGHTERS IN MEDIA! I am positioning My daughters in greater increase in new realms of MEDIA to RELEASE MY WORDS OF LIFE, to bring My presence and transformational change within the church and within the world. There is a SIGNIFICANT increase of favour upon My daughters in this season especially in the area of media and they will be used to release My words of LIFE through media in this season.”
“I am also increasing fire upon My daughters in media outlets in the world and now I am sending more of My daughters in greater ways into the newsrooms, radio, television, movies and other media outlets in the world to bring My fire, to bring My presence, to extend My Kingdom and release life. Where I send them in these areas they will bring the revival fire of My love that will bring radical change. Get ready! Get ready to see My daughters bring greater fire to media. Revival in the media! I am taking back the realm of media to be used to release My love, My goodness, My kindness and My salvation message to the world. My daughters, radical increase of favour and promotion is upon you in the area of media and the WORLD is going to notice!”
Daughters of God, the day that is upon you is like any other you have been in. Stay close to Me, stay in My presence. Be not swayed by man, but following the prompting of My Spirit. Continue to walk in obedience and sensitivity to My Spirit, for you are being birthed in this season with a fire you have never carried. A fire of invincibility, not because of anything you carry, but because of the ROAR OF AWAKENING that has taken place and is taking place in your life. The ROAR OF AWAKENING that is awakening you to who I am in You and that reality you can do ANYTHING in Me, nothing is impossible and you are a KEY in the end time revival and outpouring. You must take your place! My beautiful daughters, this really is your season, for such a time as this. For such a time as this, just remember, in all the doors, opportunities and great favour and increase of influence in your spheres that is happening and will increase… remember this…


  • curleetop30

    This word is so encouraging, I receive and claim it over and in my life right now and I’m asking God to use me to win hearts and lives to his Kingdom, AMEN!!!

  • Thomas Nodoubt

    Lana, your post came as confirmation to those exact same words which I had heard spoken to me to give to someone else and as I prayed for more wisdom, for more clarity and your post was now sitting in my inbox in less than 5 minutes. Wow! Thank you thank you. You are a blessing! Thomas Nodoubt

  • Annie Hopkins

    I choose to walk in this wonderfully encouraging prophecy giving me increased determination and disciplin – Annie

  • Carmen L. Ortiz

    Thank you for be so obedience!!
    I praise the Lord for your life but also for your husband that I can see is helping you greatly . I have cry like baby when I read this email, it is not the first time uou are so accord in things I have said of live that you just confirmed them, but you can express those feelings from Daddy in better way.
    May Hid keep you in his chamber you and all your household, bless you in meet all your needs always.

  • Anita

    Brilliant – and so true. God has shown me in my own prayer time that it’s time for repayment for years of struggle & opposition of the most harrowing kind. Thank God for His goodness & this specific & encouraging word via Lana.

  • Kelly Gaskins

    As I read this I wept with tears of pure joy. In the past few weeks, the LORD has positioned me to not only homeschool my child, but to also set out as self-employed offering services in advertising, digital design, and photography. As a single mom, I felt like like I could never step out and do thses things, but God has put a fire in me like never before. And I know that He is with me and He is leading. This word has confirmed so much of what He’s currently doing in my life! Praise the LORD!!! And thank you Lana for posting. God bless you!

  • Megan Whitfield

    CONFIRMATION!!! Since the Lord’s word of 30 Days of Favor that Lana shared in late June, the Lord has been moving mightly. He has brought down walls, removed giants out of my way and brought forth restoration, favor and placed me in the marketplace where he is using me to renew and restore. Lana- thanks for sharing and may God continue to use you mightily!

  • Nancy Nagle

    Thank you for this encouraging word this is exactly what’s been happening in my life to the T. The strength is incredible never before have I been like so fearless. My circumstances would make anyone shake. I am not moved by what is all around me which even amazes me!! The Lord is and has done such a work in me I am truly in awe!!

  • Kim Benton

    Glory to God. One confirmation after another of the things He has been showing me. Thank you for sharing this.

  • Jacky

    Wow! Thank you Lana! This is a word in season. So accurate and direct. Praise God. This is an outpouring of His Spirit like never before. Oh we are truly living in the glory days. Amen and Amen to this word!

  • Regina

    God has blessed you with a wonderful gift and has blessed us with His teachings through you! Thank you so much & this is exactly what I need right now! Amen!

  • Robert S. Totman

    I (pastor) was not feeling well Sunday, August 20th, so I sent my wife to share God’s heart in my stead. After this decision was made, I read over this Word, Lana, and simply told her (Susan), “Rise and thresh, Daughter of Zion.” I don’t mean to “photo bomb” by placing the following 3-minute excerpt within this comment, but to show that the Holy Spirit of Jesus COVERS THE EARTH…just like when you and I recently published that God’s Fire is available for the taking. “God, be glorified.”
    3 minutes of a sister Wonder-Woman:

  • Brenda Markey

    Thank you so much. My spirit bore witness to this word. Time and time again the words that I have heard were repeated. God was reminding me once again to not give up. My time and the time of my sisters-in-Christ was coming.

  • RoShanda

    Amen and amen! I receive this prophecy by faith in the precious name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Thank you in advance Lord!!

  • Kimberly

    As a stay home mom for almost 23 years, I’m in the senior year of my youngest child in high school. It’s been a real ride leaving a career to be a stay home mom, when the world looks at you like a nobody and the church sees you as, ” the one that’s available to do everything,” as if, your not busy enough. I have not always appreciated it, but the Lord worked on me Body, Mind, and Spirit thru all that time. My children are loved and sound and I now can say, “I would not have changed a minute of it.” I receive this word in my spirit, because I’m ready to move a mountain and the time I’ve been home has been well spend. The Lord is pleased!!! Daughters. In Jesus’ mighty Love