Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


By Lana Vawser
The past few days I have been feeling the Lord really “zooming in” on anxiety. I saw high levels of anxiety that have been there for years and years, and anxiety that has come on because of this season and fear, the Lord is going after it.
I had a vision and I saw Jesus blowing upon the hearts and souls of His people and as He blew I watched the Spirit of God moving within God’s people to begin to deal with the root issues and chains of anxiety. As He blew, and the Spirit of God found the areas where the anxiety had taken root, I saw His breath turn to FIRE.
I watched as the fire of God consumed the anxiety BY RELEASING A REVELATION OF HIS LOVE!!!! The fire of His love was BREAKING the stronghold of anxiety by healing memories, fears, trauma’s and concerns by the radical revelation of His unconditional, never changing, ever the same and constant, beautiful love. I watched as the people of God WEPT as they saw anxiety and worry had taken their focus, areas of their hearts and souls exposed for needing to go deeper into TRUSTING HIM!!!! I watched repentance take place and deep, deep healing and strengthening was happening.
As the fire of His love was doing its work I could see Jesus smiling and with great excitement He was saying “ANXIETY AWAY! ANXIETY AWAY! ANXIETY AWAY!!!”
I saw LITERAL OVERNIGHT healings and deliverances from anxiety taking place and a HUGE blanket of His peace surrounding His people in a way they had never experienced before.
AWAKENING to His love was CHANGING EVERYTHING!!!!! As His love was revealed more and more I could hear the promises of His heart “I’ve got you!”, “I’ve got this!”, “I’ve got your back”, “I am working FOR you”, I am fighting “FOR you”, “I have never left you”, “All is well, I am here”, “Provision is coming”, “I will not let you down”, “It’s time to hope and dream again”, “resurrection life is upon you”, “healing is your portion”, “freedom is yours”, “your name is VICTOR”, “you have great strength in Me”, “you will NOT be overcome!!!”, “the BEST is yet to come”.
He smiled and spoke: “Awaken to the revelation of My love and know and experience double portions of the revelation of JOY!!”


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  • C S

    Father, in the name of Jesus, I curse the spirit of trauma and fear and command it to go and I curse the root of the cancer cells and command the spirit of cancer to go. I command a new Liver, Pancreas and Rectum that functions properly. I command the electrical and magnetic frequencies to come into harmony and balance and I curse any prions and command them to dissolve and be absorbed by the body in Jesus’ name. I command the body’s defensive “killer” cells to multiply, attack and destroy all cancer cells in the name of Jesus. I command healing to any damaged tissues and organs, normal function to be restored and all pain to go in the mighty name of Jesus. I speak in life, peace, health and wholeness to Claes in the mighty name of Jesus

  • C S

    Father, fill Claes heart with Your love and Your Holy Spirit. THANK YOU JESUS!
    Thank you very much! God Bless you!

  • Charlotte Fields

    I just want to say praise the Lord… My family has been literally consumed with Anxiety. I have been in prayer daily for the last two weeks or more consistently every morning God wakes me up in prayer about my sister who is depressed and has high anxiety level. Yet this morning HE has answered through your devotion. Thank u for this. God bless u and your ministry. I am leaping for joy.

  • Shannah George

    Thanks Lana, I really really needed this word. Have never had this much anxiety in my life, never has so many set backs. Your word was perfect timing.

  • Carola

    Wow what a message.
    Praise God to the Highest. Thank you Lord for this Blessing.
    God is Good all the Time he is in this Heart of mine.
    Love you sister,
    Carola SW Florida

  • Yisraelle

    Oh my! Oh my! is all I have been saying as I went through the scripture this morning, got revelation of the vastness of His Love & Power! Was still reeling when my tablet tinkled with your em and my spirit literally leapt as I knew I would have more Oh mys and wow! How does He do such great things??!! Oh my oh my! Believing for great supernatural manifestations of His power on a number of things and my Bible reading ended up at 2 kings 4 today. Was astounded as I read! He unpacked it so! There are 5 miracles in the chapter. The 3rd miracle has the number 7 in it, it would take a book to tell all! HOW AWESOME IS HE? Then I realised this is a sort of virtual Guild of Prophets. I get ministry and prayer points from the comments sometimes too.

  • Tammy

    Amen Lana!!
    This exact experience of overnight healing of GREAT fear and DISABLING anxiety happened overnight!!! The moment GOD did this I felt an incredible release! It felt as if God was speaking love and healing to me through a long echoing tunnel and his words were faint and far away. I knew he was near however. The enemy robs, steals, and destroys but he can NEVER separate us from the love of Christ…he can only elude to the idea we ware alone…it’s all an illusion! On Monday night I pressed thru fear and anxiety by God’s Grace and on Tuesday morning I revived and felt alive for the first time in three months! It feels like a miracle happened! Thank you Lana for listening to our Lord’s voice and sending daily encouragement…

  • Maaike Callan

    I want to testify that I experienced this dramatically in my life before even reading this precious posting! On Tues 11/29 the Lord mightily intervened with a deep, sweet and sustaining, life giving Peace & deep Rest where I had been suffering with horrible tormenting anxiety…it felt like a gripping physical symptom gnawing at my insides. This Word is a real confirmation! I am in agreement for the Living God to multiply this out to all of His beloved children to find relief and freedom in His Love and Presence! Thank You Lana for your faithfulness!

  • Laura Hamilton

    Praise God! Yes this is happening to us all in the body of Christ. As we press in to our intimate relationship with Papa and tell Him the truth as we see it about ourselves, He is revealing, uncovering quickly the lies the false perceptions, and with light sparking, Resurrection of our hidden buried hopes and dreams our dancing again, laughing again, hoping again, in new wonderful delightful insights. God is alive, Jesus is with us and Holy is speaking guiding showing us the path for us individually and bless God collectively as a unified body, come on body of Christ, now is the day of our salvation, now is the day of joy, mercy, newness, love, healing, now now now….always now. All is WELL!!!

  • Monica Singh

    Amen, this word is for me and I am running with it. I have been having all kinds of dreams recently and waiting for revelations for some but I know that God is warning before hand to pray and cancel these things. Thank you

  • Rose

    Although I am feeling unusually disoriented these last couple of days, I am clearly seeing repetition of “111”.
    A year ago, I came to receive this as meaning “refuge” since refuge appears 111 times in the Bible.
    Psalm 91:1 continues to be my “refuge” verse.

  • Peter Gross

    The Worms that ate Manna but not on the Sabbath
    This is the LOW point of my comments. What is lower than a worm? (Psalm 22:6, not a man) Trodden underfoot = bleeding worm. ‘Worm’ speaks of buried, by extension, death. However, there were *’manna’ bred worms and this speaks of heaven being internalised. LOWEST = deepest humility and DEEPER = deepest love in the heart). The Father loves the humility of Jesus! DEATH (lowest) and RESURRECTION (highest, Jesus at the right hand of the Father) = The Father loves us (worms) as much as He loves Jesus who became a worm for us (Psalm 17:23). LOWER and DEEPER = HUMILITY and LOVE.
    the *manna bred worms (tola’im), but on the Sabbath there was not any worm (rimmah)
    tola = SCARLET WORM (ISBE on…

  • Esther Mutua

    Finally, finally, Help is here…Jesus has got this, He has my backHe never left me even when my only son Chris died, His LOVE is THERE! He has me in His hand NOW and FOREVER MORE!!!

  • Luane Watkins

    You’re right. The best is yet to come! God is so waiting for us to believe that it is going to be the best year yet.