Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


This morning I heard the Lord say that the same murderous spirit that operated between Cain and Abel and Joseph and his brothers has been operating in the body of Christ in this season in a greater way to bring death, division and disunity because the enemy knows that the people of God are about to see inheritances taken in significant ways.

This is a crucial moment to be pressing into the heart of Papa God as greater revelations and impartations of His love are being released and He is purifying and cleansing, healing and restoring hearts. From that place I believe He is calling us to be even more intentional in our love, honour and speaking life over one another.

Any issues of the heart, any offenses, hurts, unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, as the people of God move forward in repentance and giving the Lord permission to bring healing and freedom, He is performing momentous healing and breakthrough.

I felt the Lord highlighting Proverbs 18:21

Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose. (The Message)

I felt the Lord highlighting this murderous spirit is causing false accusations, word curses and poison against many, but we are to move in the opposite spirit. Declare BLESSING, declare LIFE!

The Lord is moving powerfully in connecting His people, bringing greater unity, a further taking of inheritances and open doors to destiny. His LOVE in us and through us is going to disempower this murderous spirit as we move in the opposite spirit… His Spirit!

I felt this as a warning for us as the body of Christ today. The Lord is doing a deep purifying work in hearts and in the body of Christ and one thing that could bring delay is partnering with this spirit through word and action.

He is moving and working to bring  us further into John 10:10…LIFE and life AMONGST US!!!

He is calling us to partner with Him!!! He is bringing freedom to any wounds and soul issues where this murderous spirit has landed.

He is bringing healing as we press in and He is bringing His people to a place of moving in celebration and declaring life over one another but we must CHOOSE to partner with Him in choosing to love, forgive, honour, restore and bless, especially those who curse you.

This murderous spirit is stirring up trouble and strife. This spirit is attempting to murder and abort, but greater is HE that is in us than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4) and as we partner with Him, He is bringing His people to a place of moving deeper and further forward into taking their inheritance and new levels of destiny.

“United we stand, divided we fall”… He is asking us to link arms in unity and love, honouring, blessing and embracing one another in the love of Christ even in our differences and uniqueness.

I felt His heart wanting to bring reconciliation and restoration across the body of Christ, the choice is ours as to what we align ourselves in and what spirit we move in.

Let us partner with Him to see a greater move of unity, love, honour, blessing and restoration released across the body of Christ.




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  • Robertsine Israel

    Yes,please pray for me in this area, to trust, and forgiveness, for those walked away , for those try to shame me and heart hurts in a broken promises made in a covenant.

    • Margo

      May I suggest a book on healing offenses, and hurts? It’s called, “The Bait Of Satan” by John Brevere. Please get a copy, it will help.

  • Jacqui

    Also, I believe God wants us to speak words of life and blessing to those close to us who do not yet know Jesus as Lord, Saviour and friend and whom the enemy is stirring up against us.

  • Deborah Lobo

    Yes Lana, I’m pressing on,the one for whom the promises have been declared seems to have given up, or whatever the reason may be but I have not and will not coz I trust my Jesus, our God is Faithful. Luv you, thank you n God bless.

  • Toni Fine

    and seeking to permeate the Bride-
    is attempting to reach yet another peak in this hour
    as it did with Messiah’s first advent!

  • Margo

    Lana, this is such a timely Word, thank you!
    These past four months have been a struggle for me personally, with offense towards my dad and some that knew him. I knew this was wrong, and I thought I had forgiven him, but new circumstances rose up.
    The Lord has been pouring His Love on me, these past few weeks. (I was just too busy being upset to realize it earlier, focusing on the wrongs and hurts). And I have made the decision to focus on His inner healing through His Love, and my complete forgiveness towards my dad.
    This message confirmed everything. Thank you!

  • sonny

    I just read this to my Husband Matthew
    My two sons Israel and Shadow and my daughter Dream. Thankful so much Lord we are ready and steady to move when you are. On your mark get set let’s get moving. Whao woo hoo hoo hallelujah. Praise our lord Jesus amen.

  • Rae Graber

    Yesterday morning I woke up in such utter torment and turmoil that I literally felt ill to the point of nausea. It was a vicious, merciless onslaught against my soul. I believe the trigger of this attack was related to the Christmas season and the many stresses, pressures, and distractions satan (santa) can bombard us with. My focus was definitely in the wrong place and the enemy did not hesitate to take full advantage it and hammer me.
    When I get up, it is my habit to stretch and pray Psalm 103 upon rising. The prayer is, “Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.”
    Because I was in such a foul mood my “soul” did not feel like blessing the Lord, or stretching, or praying or doing anything else productive, but I (my spirit) did it anyway. As soon as I began to pray, the oppression immediately left. It was remarkable
    Later when I was praying and having quiet time, the Lord led me to a couple of scriptures. One was 1 John 1:7, But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. The other scripture was Proverbs 26:2, Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight (rest).
    Walking in the Light means living obedient to God’s word. If we only hear the word and do not do the word, we deceive ourselves and we are walking in fellowship with darkness and the darkness will torment us. When the Holy Spirit brought this word to remembrance He showed me that when we do the word, the word releases light and we can walk without fear of stumbling because we can see.
    There are shoes children wear that have lights in them. If a child just stood, the lights would not go on, but if the child walks, the weight and movement of their feet triggers the lights. God’s word is Light, but the Light does not remain on for us unless we walk it out.
    Psalm 119:105 says, Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
    If we walk out God’s word, we are being doers of the word and not mere hearers. Our faith and our works are in agreement and our works are making our faith perfect. When we do this we are walking in the Light as God is in the Light and we will have fellowship with one another (and with Him) and the blood of Jesus His Son will cleanse us from all sin. If the blood of Jesus cleanses us, the destroyer cannot touch us. If we walk in the light, no devil in hell and no murderous spirit can alight to harass us because they have no ground on which to stand. Like the raven Noah released from the ark, as long as the “water” of God’s Spirit surrounds us, the raven will have no place to rest on and it will return to its master.
    1 John 1:7 is a gift. Walking in the Light, having fellowship with each other, and being cleansed by the blood of the Lamb are all priceless gifts. Not only are they gifts to us from God, but like the the gold, frankincense, and myrrh the wise men presented the Messiah, they are gifts we can give back to Him because they are worthy of the King.
    117 is not only 1 John 1:7 it is also James 1:17, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
    Bless the Lord O my soul all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.
    Even if our souls don’t feel like blessing the Lord, or forgiving, or doing what is right, let us turn away from the error of Cain and worship God in spirit and in truth. This is the kind of worship the Father is looking for.

  • Mitch

    One of the things the true prophet does is NAME the sins committed by the church, so that they can repent of them. This comes as a heavy-duty warning to the church & then the blessing if they repent.
    If those sins aren’t mentioned, there can’t be restoration & forgiveness. Constantly proclaiming good news during the Great Falling Away is the job of the false prophet, lulling God’s people to sleep.
    P.S…… Don’t go saying “See, there’s that murderous spirit now, raging against me for speaking the truth”.

  • Phyllissah Walden

    A book by Kerry Kirkwood, The Power of Blessing, is relevant to this word in this time. The book teaches how to bless in our everyday walk and, most especially, how important it is to do so.

  • lorrainecunningham

    THANKYOU !!!!!!For All Of Your Words, makes me feel like a ” Normal Person ” ” In Jesus Mighty Name,He Really Wont Ever Leave Us Or Forsake Us, His Promisses Are True And Just” “Even When We Feeel We Don’t Deserve It ” xxx