Prophetic Words


"My Hero comes to my rescue, for the Lord alone is my Saviour. What a feast of favour and bliss He gives His people!" Psalm 3:8 (The Passion Translation)
I saw the Lord setting a table for His people and it was a table of "vindication". Where the enemy has come and attempted to steal, kill and destroy through words of others, through betrayal, through jealousy, strife and false accusations, the Lord has set a table of vindication before His people as they are pressing in.
I heard an amazing sermon recently by Katherine Ruonala and she talked about the importance of "sowing your pain". Sowing it, giving it to God, praising Him in the midst of pain because we KNOW in His faithfulness and GLORIOUS GOODNESS, He will restore double, He will restore to more than before. THAT is what I felt on the heart of God today.
The words, the situations, the circumstances that are pressing in on the people of God heavily, where favour seems to be lacking, where joy seems to be void, where vindication seems to be far, THOSE AREAS as the people of God press in, He is inviting His people to a table to FEAST on greater favour, BLISS of dining with Him and seeing His absolute incredible beauty, to be surrounded by His Glory and vindicated by the perfect One.
The areas/circumstances that have produced a great battle with deep despair and discouragement, those dry grounds are turning into springs of living water because He is inviting you to a glorious feast with Him. He is inviting His people into glorious encounters with Him, where they will see Him again in a new way, and move deeper into heavenly bliss. (bliss: supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment –
There have been many distractions coming against the people of God in this season, shake them off. Shake off the things that are attempting to steal your focus and attention. There is a deep longing in the heart of God to meet with Him at a deeper level. The atmosphere is pregnant with invitation to a NEW LEVEL in the secret place.
He is moulding an unshakeable people, unshakeable because they are grounded in Him!!
Dining with Him is going to change everything!
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  • Lidia Hidalgo

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    | | | Lord Jesus, I thank You, for the words of confirmation that has being give to me tonight, Lord, I thank You for mine vindication it is here for me and it is for REAL. Lord Jesus, I believe it, I receive it, and now I shake old things off of my mind, off of my heart, off of my soul, off of my spirit, I shake, shake it off my life, off my path, off my way, Lord Jesus I shake it off even from my family, off of my son, off of my daughter, off of my granddaughters, and off of my grandsons, even off my daughter in law, Soyla, and off of Antonio, as well. Lord Jesus thank You for been so kind, and mind about vindication, Lord I take it now, and thank You and bless You Lord Jesus, Amen!!! I’m being set free, free indeed. whose the Son Sets Free, is Free indeed!!! Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!! Thank You Father God, Amen!!!  |
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    | | | Stationery, a Yahoo Mail and Paperless Post collaboration |

  • kathryneann

    “Dining with Him” is the phrase that caught my attention. Dining with Him does change everything. In the end, it always boils down to intimacy. Sadly, He needs to repeat Himself over and over. Why can’t His people (me included) just get that?

  • Elsie Bouwman

    “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies, You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodnesss and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”( Psalm 23:5,6) For we will trust in the Lord forever. For in Yah the Lord is everlasting strength!!