• Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    This morning Hebrews 4:12 has been going over and over in my spirit:  “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” I then heard the words “I am going after the roots of unbelief”.  I saw the Lord working on the hearts of His people through the Word and He was looking for the areas of unbelief. As these areas were being exposed and brought into the light by the revelation of His Word and His people moved forward in repentance, I saw the Lord…

  • News,  Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized

    LVM update

    Hi friends! This is our second update from the United States. We have had some amazing times here and really have made some wonderful friends that we really look forward to journeying with for many years to come. We have seen some amazing and powerful things, heard incredible testimonies about breakthroughs, and many had begun to receive prophetic dreams and visions after the meetings. We have left Florida and are heading towards Farmington, Michigan, and are excited to see how God moves there! Please feel free to have a look at our itinerary page (http://new.lanavawser.com//itinerary-2/) for more information and website details. We so love meeting with the hungry people in…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    As we go deeper into the garden of delight and intimacy with Him, He is bringing hearts desires into FULL BLOOM. I saw a sign over the desires of many that said “COMING SOON” and the sense that the Lord is not only bringing hearts desires into FULL BLOOM but He is unveiling “THINGS TO COME” (Jeremiah 33:3) that are going to move many of God’s people BACK into hope as they encounter Him again.  As you first encounter Him as your true hope again and the “COMING SOON” dreams on His heart for you are revealed it will open up new avenues of adventure you haven’t even considered. Where…

  • Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


    As we go deeper into the garden of delight and intimacy with Him, He is bringing hearts desires into FULL BLOOM. I saw a sign over the desires of many that said “COMING SOON” and the sense that the Lord is not only bringing hearts desires into FULL BLOOM but He is unveiling “THINGS TO COME” (Jeremiah 33:3) that are going to move many of God’s people BACK into hope as they encounter Him again.  As you first encounter Him as your true hope again and the “COMING SOON” dreams on His heart for you are revealed it will open up new avenues of adventure you haven’t even considered. Where…