By Lana Vawser
The Lord has been speaking to me for a long time now about the new blueprints and strategies that He is releasing. He has been showing me that in this season of change and rearranging, that there are new pathways that He is opening up to His people.
Recently, the Lord whispered to me "You will COME ALIVE in the NEW STRATEGIES."
My heart was full of excitement, full of anticipation and expectation. The Lord showed me many who are receiving new strategies and blueprints from His heart for the NEW SEASON but for some there has been some anxiety, some fear and some nervousness in stepping out into this new strategy because it’s completely new – haven’t been there before.
I felt the Lord’s encouragement so strongly in His whisper… that you are going to COME ALIVE in the NEW STRATEGIES that He is releasing to your heart.
You are going to know a joy, a greater ease in flowing with Him, a whole new level of insight and vision. I saw Jesus leading many hand in hand into these new strategies, and as they stepped out and followed Him, I saw a major increase in revelation, wisdom and influence for the Kingdom taking place in the areas of jurisdiction the Lord had assigned them to.
In some ways these divine strategies and pathways were "going against the grain" of what had been done before but the Pioneering Spirit of the Lord was heavy upon these strategies and in following the Lord in obedience there was a greater level of acceleration that landed upon His people. In the place of obedience to His heavenly strategy, you are going to catch the wind of His Spirit and acceleration to take you further than you have ever been, in a completely new way and in a significantly accelerated way.
Keep your face as a flint towards Him (Isaiah 50:7), on Jesus alone and follow Him in His way, His strategy, His blueprints.
Many have walked a pathway of incredibly intense ‘wounding’ for a long time, but these new strategies and blueprints of His heart, as you follow His path, the FRUITFULNESS is going to FAR OUTWEIGH the wounding you have walked. The pathway of FRUITFULNESS and REST and REFRESHMENT that will come to your heart on these new pathways and new strategies will leave you in AWE of His goodness. There will be MANY MIRACLES in and through these new strategies, blueprints and pathways. Shattered hearts will be healed by the goodness of God that will be SEEN in these new strategies, blueprints and pathways.
"For you bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life, the path to the bliss that brings me face-to-face with You." (Psalm 16:11 – The Passion Translation)
A LOT of the pressure many have felt is going to come OFF in these new pathways and your ability to DREAM WITH HIM is going to SOAR to a whole new level.
Where the Lord is releasing new heavenly strategies, pathways and blueprints, the enemy is coming attempting to whisper fear and foreboding upon the pathways, but I encourage you today friends, that where His presence leads you, the new pathway He takes you on in the strategy of His heart for this new season, I saw it LINED WITH JOY! You are going to come alive more than you ever have in a greater extension of what He has called you to, the plans He has for you and what you were created to do.
Even when the giants and battles rise up on these new pathways and strategy, I saw a CONFIDENCE rising up in God’s people, confident of His faithfulness, His provision, His wisdom and His goodness. There is a concreting of CONFIDENCE in who He is that He is building within many right now. I saw even though there would be battles and trials, I saw an overwhelming joy bubbling in the core of God’s people, a fire that was building and building that was decreeing "I WAS CREATED FOR THIS! THIS IS WHAT I WAS BORN FOR!!!" – greater moments of that deep revelation and manifestation is upon us right now.
I have been hearing the Lord saying over and over to many hearts receiving these new strategies, those battling fear in these new strategies, those battling fear of "missing it" or "have I heard right" – I saw beautiful confirmation after confirmation from His heart of His strategy and I heard Him whisper "You are going to LOVE THIS!!!!". The enemy is whispering the strategies will be painful, the new way is going to not be filled with joy, but the opposite is true. The blueprint of heaven, the strategy of His heart, WILL MAKE YOU COME ALIVE with greater JOY, your spirit will LEAP and these new strategies will take you into a whole new level of intimacy with Jesus.
I also saw upon these new pathways, moving and following His voice in these new strategies, I saw a DIVINE CONFIDING taking place. I saw the Lord leading His people as they follow Him in yieldedness and obedience into such a deep place of intimacy, where He was confiding in them – releasing the secrets of His heart.
"There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God where they sit near Him and receive the revelation-secrets of His promises." (Psalm 25:14 – The Passion Translation)
In your obedience to His way, His strategy, get ready to walk with Him in the garden, in the cool of the day in a whole new way, a whole new depth, where He shares deeper revelation-secrets of His promises.
Marion Male
Wow you are reading my mail…. Amazing
Yisraelle Fola Balogun
My oh my, this is SO WORD PERFECT!!! Amen.
This is an encouraging word for me. I believe what you are saying to be true. I am experiencing warfare in unusual ways the more I press into God, seeking Him with all my heart. Thank you for being obedient to God by sharing it.
Amen Lord!
Prior to reading this Word, I was asking God to tell me what is in his heart for my family. This could not be more timely. Thank you, Lana. Amen and Amen.
Suzanne Gray
Disappointments gone, weariness with ithe weight of them, gone. Come on strategies of the NEW! So right on you are?
Tina Joseph
Amen!! This is so aligned with where I am !! In the weariness, the song ” I’m expecting great things dropped in my Spirit!
Hi Lana, I keep wondering why you use these words “I’m going against the grain” because those are the same words I have been using since I quit my work in Audit and decided to pursue Nursing. Scary decision and whenever family or friends would discourage me I would say “I’m going against the grain”
It’s a complete new path.
Thank you for your comforting words in my new journey, I’ll hang on to my Beloved, Christ.
Lim Kwang Keat
A resounding AMEN. Praise to our God and Father, who through your ministry released such powerful & anointed prophetic words, conceived in the secret place of the Most High. It is the daily freshness and timeliness of the prophetic words like the manna that came down from heavens to build up and to strengthen the body of Christ, forging ahead fearlessly to carry out the greater works assigned to us individually and corporately. And then walking out into the new realities and strategies that HE has worked out for His purpose and Glory.
Paula Peterson
So– encouraging!!! Thank you. I feel God ministering to me now. It’s been a long journey! ???
Thanks Lana for this prophetic word. It confirmed things for my daughter in what God is leading her into a new work for Him and it has so encouraged me in seeing God confirm things for her. Bless you as you share these words with us.
Sheryl Mulder
Such a precious, timely, much needed Word.
Thank you.
Ms. PJ
So glad to know God has many being raised up for such a time as this. Being a forerunner and watering Gods word for this season is a privilege to see His disciples grow. This is Gods season for love and glory to glow. Praise the Lord.
Thomas Nodoubt
Lana, the words which Father’s Spirit shares with you are the exact same words I’ve been lead to speak with Him and to proclaim out loud in the realm of spiritual authority in the heavens, ‘ My FATHER WILL PROVIDE! HE ALWAYS DOES! ‘.
He has continually placed within my spirit, especially when I’ve been more discouraged, that He created me and placed me here in this wilderness to proclaim His faithfulness and His Honor and that ‘for such a time as this”, He created me and placed me here to bring forth His Kingdom in this, the last days before His Rule and reign consume all His adversaries.
Thank you, Lana and thank you to my brothers and sisters in Our Messiah who continually pray and stand with the body of His called out ones. Blessings, peace and joy be poured out upon you all without measure, in the Name of Yahuwshua haMashiach.