• Elsabie van der Westhuizen

    Amen on the very precious word on Voices in the night. With my whole heart I believe that the Lord is ready to release dreams and visions as spoken in Joel 2 as part of fulfilling of the prophecies of the Word. I also sense and experienced for myself how the enemy tries to keep us tired and our minds occupied. However I know God is faithful to break down the barriers that the enemy tries to reinforce in His people’s lives. There is a great awakening among His sons and daughters who are crying out for more of Him and who are desiring to be part of the move of God that is to be released. He is the one planting the desire in our heart and He will bring forth that which He intends to be released for a time such as this. Greater encounters with angels and personal visitations from Him will happen to many in this hour. Only be willing and open to receive.

  • lucinnn

    Oooh… Amen… Thank you for the clarity in your voice… so many nights …when unable to sleep were made into times of intimacy … times of opportunity…and when morning came … my physical energy was present to care for my grandchildren … little energetic … precious children …
    … thank YOU FATHER…. for YOUR mouth piece delivering HOPE…. Thank YOU…..
    May we come into YOUR REST. …and receive … with discernment release all YOU so want to Give …. Amen …
    Be magnified in our lives … Live … be Glorified …Amen …

  • gracebyname

    Fatigue! Ugh tell me about it!! I’ve been really struggling terribly with sleep for some time. Thank you for sharing God’s word and declaration, Lana – I receive it!
    I’ve been dreaming about babies lately. Mostly finding them. They are neglected and so terribly sad. The other night though, I dreamt I gave birth. I’m not sure what this all means…
    Bless you x

  • [email protected]

    I would love to mail you my book. Its very short, but so amazing what God did for me through a dream HE gave me last year on June 14th. Rhonda Knox Grove Oklahoma USA My husband and I Pastor a Church here in Grove.

  • Chantal Stewart

    Hello…. my responce…. just the other night I heard like a loud bang. I was in my sons room as he wouldnt sleep hes 9 and very sensitive and my moms room is next door and I thought she had knocked all her stuff off her cabinet or tripped and fell so I ran out to see shes ok and she ran out her bathroom cause she thought my son rolled off the bed. We both looked at eachother and then started looking all around the house to see if something fell. I even went into my daughters room to see but she was asleep and my husband was lying on the couch with his laptop watching and had ear phones on and heard nothing my gran was in her lounge watching tv so nothing had moved fell or broken I went outside to double check still nothing so we just started to pray in tongue. Out of the blue this lady who we dont regularly talk too smsed my mom and told her about her noise experince then we realised something was up in the spirit and she stay on the other side of town. I feel Ive been tested in my trials at this moment its been heavy somedays are worse than others and Ive fallen and had to ask God to help me with faith. Voices weve heard and I would go around asking who called and if no one called my son would say go quiet mom Jesus calling you. I pray this is what you were looking for. If not sorry just delete. But thank you for always listening and sending us encouraging uplifting wisdom words filled with promises from God.
    Have a blessed day
    God bless Chantal Stewart 081 037 8201