Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


The Lord spoke to me this morning about this being the water walking season. The season where the Lord is teaching us as His people to walk on water. That He is calling us to step out of the boat of 'comfort zones' in this season, step out of places where we have 'limited' ourselves because of fear or familiarity and move out into the new areas He is calling us to. He is calling us to step out and meet Him on the water, in these new areas. There has been a cry in the heart of God's people for MORE, for MORE of Him and greater demonstrations of His power, His breakthrough, His love and His Glory to be seen.

The Lord said to me "The cry from the hearts of My people for more, for more of Me, to know more of My heart, to take more ground, to extend My Kingdom, for revival, for restoration, to be used in greater ways by Me… all of these cries have reached My ears and the invitation to 'step out of the boat' into these new areas and new ways, is the answer to what they have been praying for. Many are looking at the 'magnitude' of stepping out of the boat, the wind and waves around, how scary it may look in the natural, or the impossibility before them, but I am teaching My people to keep their eyes on Me and to look above the fear, the wind and the waves or the magnitude of what I am asking them to step into. The answer to their prayer for "MORE" is found in the stepping out into bigger and greater things. Bigger leaps of faith, bigger Holy Spirit led risks. The demonstration of the power of My Spirit, signs and wonders, breakthrough, miracles, provision, increase and favour will be demonstrated in the 'stepping out' and water walking.

In order for My people to move into what I am calling them to step into, they need to move into higher levels of faith. It will require not looking at circumstances, but looking at ME. The demonstration and manifestation of My love that is going to be seen in the stepping out is going to be like nothing that they have ever experienced before. In the PROCESS of the WATER WALKING I am LOVING victim mentalities out of my people. I am LOVING the roots of these victim mentalities out of My people. Many of My people will face the fears of insecurity, of issues of feeling powerless over what is before them, or not good enough in the stepping out, and the waves of opportunity, opposition or circumstances may look HUGE around them, but there is a greater wave that is going to meet them on the water. That is the WAVE OF MY LOVE!!!! Whether I am leading you My people into the biggest and greatest opportunities of your life, whether you are facing the greatest opposition of your life, or the greatest struggle or turbulent circumstances the SAME WAVE is waiting to meet with you and overtake you. The WAVE OF MY LOVE!!!! Step out in faith, follow My lead, follow My voice, I am rising you up as the POWERFUL PEOPLE that you ALREADY ARE in Me. You are going to be overtaken, awakened, activated, healed, and loved into WHOLENESS and LIFE in the training and process of the water walking before you. The wave of encounters with My love is going to change everything. It is going to awaken you to the truth that you ARE powerful in Me and you are SO LOVED, SO cherished, SO adored by Me, SO valuable, and move forward in greater healing and wholeness taking greater responsibility for your heart, your soul, your actions and your circumstances. Because of My love, you will move forward FEARLESS with a deeper dependence on Me that will cause you to not only walk on water but surf on the wave of revelation of My love seeing radical breakthrough released IN and THROUGH YOU!!!! As the chains of the victim spirit and mentality are broken off your life, you watch and see how I will use you to shift atmospheres around you and release the breaker anointing into and through your life."

I am loving you My people, deeper into the revelation and manifestation that you are VICTORIOUS PEOPLE and VICTORIOUS MINDSETS that are already yours in Me. I am going after the victim mentality, the victim spirit, because it is holding many of you back and I am raising you up to see more ground taken IN your life and THROUGH your life in significantly increasing ways. You will be surprised at how I will meet you, how I will move in and through you through the revelation of My love."


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