Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


As I sat with the Lord recently there has been this deep burning conviction in me that I have been feeling that the Lord is really performing some deep heart surgery on His people right now. Where His people have said YES to Him, the SURRENDERED YES, there is a deep heart surgery taking place and the pruning in many ways is uncomfortable, but it is DRIVING people DEEPER into the secret place. It MUST HAPPEN to prepare the people of God for the PROMOTION that is upon them.
The interesting thing was as I sat with the Lord on this, He was being VERY intentional, that He was LOOKING for the YES AFRESH from His people. The surrendered YES to Jesus, of “I will go wherever you want, do whatever you want Me to do. I am giving you My life afresh.”
As I was resting in His presence, I had a vision. I saw the Lord commanding hosts of angels to come to earth for what He was about to do.
As these angels descended upon the earth I saw them all dressed in what looked like ‘scrubs’, like what you see nurses wearing when you go in for an operation. I saw them preparing operating tables and they were getting everything “ready”.
I then see Him, beautiful Jesus, wonderful Jesus, He walks into this operating theater and He asks these angelic hosts if everything has been prepared and ready. They are all standing at attention and in position and affirm that everything is in place for what He is about to do.
He begins to call for His people. Those that have eyes to see and ears to hear were hearing the sound, the call, the invitation from Jesus to come deeper, into this place of surrender so He could work on their hearts.
I watched as person after person came into this operating theater and lay on the bed. With such love, compassion and comfort, He explained that this heart surgery must take place to prepare them for what they are about to step into. I heard the Lord say to them “The new land is FULL of promotion but it MUST be GROUNDED in PURITY!!!”
I see the scalpel Jesus picks up to use to begin to open up the hearts of His people, but with His left hand I see Him place His hand upon their hearts. Instantly the sense surrounds me that He is releasing anesthetic for the operation. I begin to wonder what the anesthetic is, and He looks at them with a great smile, and He says “The ANESTHETIC and the ANSWER is always LOVE. It is ALWAYS My love. For My love with always comfort you, soothe your pain, and bring you into DEEP rest.”
I am watching all this take place and I find it interesting that this isn’t an anesthetic that puts His people to sleep. They are FULLY AWAKE!!! So in the natural, I keep thinking it’s like a general anesthetic. Jesus then speaks again “In this great AWAKENING, I am performing a great heart surgery that is going to BRING My people into greater calibration with My heart. Deeper intimacy and a deeper heavenly rewiring.”
Jesus places the scalpel upon the chests of His people and I see on the scalpel the Scripture 1 Thessalonians 2:4
“For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our heart.”
I watch as Jesus begins to examine the hearts of His people and He is examining the heart motives of each one. I can feel such incredible love in the room. There is no condemnation, but the heart of a GOOD GOD, digging in deep to remove blockages, hindrances and bring about a deep rewiring.
He turns to the angels and He speaks “I am removing the ROOT of fear of man. I am removing the blockages of PEOPLE PLEASING. In their place I am imparting deeper revelations of My love.” I watched as this deep rewiring of the heart was taking place. I watched as the revelation of love filled the hearts, and dead, dry, black areas of the heart, wounded areas were being suddenly healed. The hearts were beating stronger and looking healthier than they had when Jesus had originally opened them up. As the revelation of His love spread through the hearts I could hear the angels singing “Oh what a delight to live before the Audience of One. Oh what life is found in living simply and deeply before the Audience of One. Oh how the Bride is coming alive in the healing of His love and awakening to first love and the Audience of One.”
I saw some angels in the corner and they were whispering to each other and I could hear them saying “Do you think this really could be the time? Do you think this could be the very moment in time where the greatest awakening of His love upon the earth could take place, as the people of God take their seat with the Lord and take their place? Could it be now?”
Jesus glances over to the angels with a smile and He speaks “The answer is YES!!! From My heart and as My people give Me their YES AFRESH.. the answer is YES!!!”
Once the Lord is done working on the hearts of His people, there isn’t any ‘stitching’ up, there is complete healing. I watch as chests close up by the power of His Spirit, beautiful healing and as they stand up off their beds, the Glory of the Lord is shining from them SO brightly and as His Glory emanates from them and around them, I can see the word “PURITY” everywhere.
I noticed that as they stood up off the beds they were all carrying a “NEW SONG”. This deeper impartation of His love had imparted in them a NEW SOUND. This new sound contained a depth of FEARLESSNESS and BOLDNESS that I had not heard before. This new sound contained a depth of the sound of AWAKENING and LOVE like I had never heard before. This new sound contained a depth of the sound of HOPE and JOY unlike anything I had heard. The sound of PURITY and revelation of His LOVE and INTIMACY was SO fresh. So delicate, so beautiful, so freeing. This sound was SO NEW, I knew it was birthed out of the DEEP YES of the people of God. As these ones stood up and rose up and moved out into all God has for them, not afraid to do what He is asking, even when it’s not what they expected and so completely new, it was preparing the way for even greater, more radical and fresh moves of His Spirit. This new sound was bringing the body of Christ together in DEEP unity. All ages, all generations, those who have gone before us and prepared the way, those who are going ahead and those rising up now. This SOUND was drawing the people of God together, to see them JOIN TOGETHER and flowing in the Spirit with what He is doing. His heart is for His people to all join together in UNITY and go forward into the NEW that He is doing. As this takes place, I saw greater and greater encounters with His Shekinah Glory for His people and released to sweep all across the earth in new and fresh ways.
Where He has removed the “roots”, He has brought healing, He’s brought a grounding in purity, an impartation and awakening to His love and living before Him as the Audience of One.
He hands each one of His people that gave Him their “YES AFRESH”, keys to a new land that they are about to occupy. This land is full of promotion, acceleration and favour, and it is like nothing they have put their hands to before. It’s BIGGER and BETTER.
On each KEY is the Ephesians 3:20:
“To HIM who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than you could ever hope, imagine or dream.”
Not only was He fulfilling dreams, desires and promises but He was leading them deeper into their “cherry on top” season. A land more beautiful, more sweet and with more increase than they could have ever dreamed.
“I am moving My people into a deeper level of PURITY in their STEWARDSHIP of all that I have given them and placed in their hands.”
As the people of God move forward to occupy their new lands, to use the keys He has given them to unlock all He has for them, He speaks again:
“Continue to live deeply before Me. Continue to get your roots deep in Me. Continue to delight and live before Me as your Audience of One. For in this new land there will be new pathways that aren’t popular, their will be new pathways that haven’t been walked before, and it will require you hearing and seeing and obeying what I say, but I assure you, it will lead you to greater life and a move of My Spirit than you have ever known. This new land is grounded in purity and rest. Do not strive, but rest and know that I will take care of the rest as you live deeply before Me in your YES. This land will be filled with grace, a new level of My grace and anointing and this new land will be characterised by My power in a way you have never known before. I am entrusting you with much! You can do this! You have been prepared for such a time as this! Go forth My messengers! Go forth with the Good News of My Gospel and My heart. You will see My Glory, Goodness and Purity flow through you everywhere you go and into the cities and nations. Know that I am with you and you are now being called for. Your lives of purity and humility will continue to attract the favour of My heart. Great fruitfulness will be yours and your testimony will be….”NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT” says the Lord” (Zechariah 4:6)


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  • Charles Lawrence

    So POWERFUL and so many confirmations in areas the Lord has been having me minister in especially the deeper revelations of his love toward us. Also the fulfillment of our promises, the greatest move of GOD is at the door yes I heard the call to surrender all and go deeper it has been amazing. May GOD richly bless you, and may his amazing grace continue to be multiplied to you women of GOD.

  • Richard Davidson


  • Katie Dale

    Jesus, thank You for Lana’s ministry. Thank you my Lord, my beautiful Savior. Your impartations of visions and messages through her are a delight to read and I praise You for giving Lana the transparency and boldness to share her visions with your children. I am declaring my delight in You and that I hear You speaking to me through her. Bless and protect her, guard and establish her ministry.. thank you Jesus. Amen.

  • Michelle Strong-Swift

    Glory be to GOD!! I recieve it in jesus name HALLELUJAH JESUS!!??????????????????????❤????❤????????????????????????????? ? ? ?
    ? ? ??????????????

  • Robear

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Lord, Abba, so so beautiful. I’m All Yours, Awesome,
    precious are your words to me, such a delight, I thank you ever more.
    I love, love, love, you, in all your ways. Amen !

  • Maaike Callan

    Thank You Dear Jesus, thank you, too precious Lana…so treasure these words from the Heart of the Lamb…

  • Sandy Schnabel

    I had a dream just like this. I was with someone I loved, a woman, and was afraid I would never see her again in the hospital where I was working. Then I was up on the floor. Surgery was in my mind -I did not know why. I began working on a woman, and there was a “nurse working” beside me who I knew was an angel. The woman began vomiting this very thick mucous and we two nurses were trying to help her. As we worked, the nurse told me not to worry, that I would see her again. Then a young doctor who had a great smile entered the room. He told me that the woman did not have what I thought, the disease was much more sinister. He told me I was doing a good job-twice, and his love shined. He reassured me with such love. It was Yeshua.

  • gloria

    Thank you Lana.I’ve been asking the Lord to do heart surgery on me and to remove fear of man from my heart and give me fearlessness and to purify it.This word is for me.Thank You Jesus.Hallelujah!!!

  • ChristineJoy

    I SAY ‘YES’, LORD!!!!!!!!
    Purify my heart, let me be as gold, and precious silver,
    purify my heart, let me be as gold, pure gold.
    Refiners fire, my heart’s one desire,
    is to be holy, set apart for You, Lord,
    I choose to be holy, set apart for You my Master,
    ready to do Your will!

  • Wendy

    Thanks again Lana! This is so beautiful. I have experienced some of this last week as Jesus opened up heart healing times. Just so beautiful!

  • Ewa

    Lana…. it is the most powerful true and annointed Word I have read. This is such a INCREDIBLE help to read it. I am struggling through the time like this. Precisely like this…. with All the details… I am so so so grateful you posted this, it is a reinforcement I have not expected. He is Mighy and I will not fear the surgery process any longer for the outcome is so great!! Bless you from my whole heart Lana! Here you have another small daughter of yours… Ewa

  • Elizabeth

    So encouraged by what God speaks through you Lana!! Thank you for being a faithful servant to Him!!

  • Lisa Benedict

    Lana, my dear sister, you have spoken such pure words and vision which has given definition to the unusually sweet rest I am experiencing. Holy love is removing heart blockages and restoring blood flow to every vesicle and chamber. Inviting the Iove of God into our wounded souls leaves no trace, no scar tissue, or blemish. He purifies and perfects those whose hearts yearn only for Him, and turn only for Him, and burn only for Him. Thank you, Lana from the depths of the new heart He has given me.

  • Vivian Flanagan

    I know what the Lord has been doing to me now you’ve confirmed it, I’ve felt he has done surgury on my heart after i said said a big yes to higetting rid of the dead parts and restoring he is the great physician

  • Jen

    This rings true with what is going on in my heart and my life now There are so many words in your vision that have spoke to my heart. There is so much unknown I’m facing or never been done, God will prevail and show up everytime.

  • Alan Baker

    On 29th Oct 1994, I attended a Graham Cooke School of Prophecy, I was given a word -I believe that God is going to do a work on your heart. A shaping, foundational, character forming work on this heart like nothing you`ve known before….God breaks first and builds after.
    My pastor at that time was a man called John Hawker , he kept on saying to me`Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit` at that time I diddnt understand,and for many years took it totally the wrong way.
    Only now, do I begin to see.
    Thank you for this timely word.

  • Becky Cline

    Exact! Cherry on Top & Audience of One, My own words about Christ & my husband and the other since i was a child!! What this means in line w/ healing coming to prophets homes and new territory being one in a thousand is so specific! Promotion keys, favor, stewardship etc… Praise the living King!!!

  • Theresa

    The Lord has shown some deep heart things I thought I dealt with but He is doing deeper with healing than ever before. I have had moments where He prompts me to pick up my bible and just open it but I never had the revelation like I have received in these recent times. Real strategies are being pieced together in my moments with Him. Taking decisions to Him……seeing an outline of heavenly strategy in my journaling…. He is teaching new tools and strategies, giving wisdom
    After seeing a photo of a cloud shaped like an angel a friend posted….
    I dreamed of the cloud ‘coming to life’ and several more clouds like that ‘coming to life’ to join that angel. I woke up so happy and looking for what He was going to show me that…