Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


Yesterday and today as I sat with the Lord I have felt Him highlighting again that this is the season of RADICAL CHANGE!!! Overnight Opportune Opportunities for the body of Christ, even some OPPOSITE opportunities to what is expected, but will lead you to something better.

So as I am sitting with the Lord and meditating on this, He says to me “I am giving you CHANGE for your CHAINS”.

Instantly, I see many of God’s people in chains. They are chains of disillusionment (definition of disillusionment can be “disappointed, downcast, discouraged, world-weary, negative, confused, let down, cast down, void of direction. – definition from

I can hear the people of God crying out for freedom from these chains, but every time I hear them crying out for freedom from CHAINS, I hear the word “CHANGE”. The sense surrounds me that the CHANGE is going to OVERRIDE the CHAINS.

I see in the place of the people of God crying out there is a level of encounter with Him and His heart, His glorious beautiful awakening love that is opened up before them. I see this glorious light, His Glory exploding everywhere around them, His Glory SO FULL of His power and His love and He breaks the chains.

I watch Jesus pick up all the broken chains and He takes them into Himself. They are swallowed up by His Glory and His love. I am in awe of the One who paid the price for us to be FREE! He took it ALL upon Himself! What love is this! Glory to Jesus!

The people of God begin to stand up and stretch and feel the freedom that has come upon them, the freedom that has always been theirs in Christ. Joy, life and strength begins to FLOOD BACK into the hearts and souls of God’s people.

Jesus then hands them a gold coin and on one side of the coin it says Isaiah 61:7

“Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting JOY will be yours.”

On the other side of the gold coin it said:

Zechariah 9:12

“Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners of hope! I promise this very day that I will repay TWO blessings for each of your trouble.”


Jesus smiled at His people and again He spoke “For your CHAINS, I am giving you CHANGE”.. DOUBLE PORTION PAYBACK AND CHANGE is UPON YOU!!!! My abundant, double portion provision is being given to you in this exchange and turnaround. Where you have felt like you were going to receive the leftovers.. I am breaking that lie. My love is ministering to your heart and soul today. HEAR My truth.. I am GIVING YOU MY BEST as you wait upon and follow Me.”


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  • Robear

    Wow, oh this is so awesome to me. God, you are So Good time I Love You hugs to you I cherish you Abba.

  • Monica Singh

    Hi, at the beginning of the year, I came across an article from you. I subscribed to receive your emails. I lost my sister in August 2013. She was living at the the time with her boyfriend. He said that she had committed suicide but after further investigation he was charged with Murder. The case starts this July 18-20. I really look forward to your email and it has been so encouraging at times. I have been attacked so much by demonic forces trying to get me to give up because the boyfriend is a Hindu. I know my God is Faithful and he will give me Victory and Justice.

  • Michelle Strong-Swift


  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Yes LORD, we wait upon You, we Follow You! Guide us. Yesterday I saw 3737 – 37 is Inheritance. Psalm 37:37, “Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright; For the man of peace will have a posterity.” Also saw 1717. 17 is Victory. 17 follows 16, the number of LOVE. 17th prayer of Jeremiah is in chapter 32. Anathoth is redeemed for 17 silver shekels. Anathoth means “Answered prayers.”
    Also saw 5757. Looked up Isaiah 57 (Isaiah 50:7 also?). Later, when looking up Psalm 37:37, saw one of the cross references is Isaiah 57:1 (read verse 2).
    Two of our own from Texas Hill Country, Father & Son, were killed in Paris Yesterday. The Lord Be with and comfort the Family and loved ones of the victims over the past few weeks. – Much Love to All…

  • Elsie Bouwman

    Nearly home today, from more than an hour drive from Ottawa. The sun suddenly blazed on a field to my right and I knew it was the Lord’s great love lavished upon me and I started crying. A cloud came and soon after the sun blazed again!! This song came, “We love You because You first loved us. We love You because You first loved us.” There was so much anointing on “YOU FIRST LOVED US”!!

  • Rina

    Yesterday I heard: ‘And SUDDENLY there was an angel beside Peter…’ Acts 12:7 (AMP) –
    Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared [beside him] and a light shone in the cell. The angel struck Peter’s side and awakened him, saying, “Get up quickly!” And the chains fell off his hands.

  • Catherine Canet

    Praise God for using you both in this ministry. I was praying for this month that God will change me, I will experience HIS love and power, peace and be closer to HIM, I believe this is it…God is working and I am indeed free. Glory and honor be unto God!

  • Diane Bell

    Double has been in my spirit this whole week and then that is all I have been seeing on license plates. I receive this word into my life and thank You Jesus!!!

  • Mark James

    The Chains to be Broken are the chains of ones own Souls as they are still operating in Ones OWN Will and “NOT” that of our Father!
    It’s Time NOW to give up our own souls will so God the Living One can Come into the LAND PROMISES as the Double Portion we See in Joseph where his as His offspring are TWO Sons as the One in both the Spirit and Soul PRODUCING Freedom at Last from All your enemies Amen!

  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Wanted to add this but had to leave for work. After seeing 5757, looked up Isaiah 57, then looked up Isaiah 50:7. This Word of the LORD says, “Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting JOY will be yours.” – This confirms and brings revelation of Isaiah 50:7 , “The Almighty LORD helps me. That is why I will not be ashamed. I have set my face like a flint. I know that I will not be put to shame.” Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Thank You Father! Blessings & Love Ms Lana & Family <3

  • trevor

    what a word its so true what Lana is saying ,change, for a while I have being doing this you can see what the enemy doing in your life and the spirit is leading you to…

  • Luane Watkins

    How uplifting!! I really needed to hear this today. I am missing a lot of people that have been removed from my life by circumstances, but the Lord is always there to under gird me and show me that it is alright. He will bless me a hundred fold in any circumstance.