Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


I saw a spirit of witchcraft coming against many believers with intensity this week.  It is leaving many feeling usually fatigued, drained, foggy (like their head is in a cloud), confused, and with a feeling of heavy pressure pushing against them to get them to 'retreat' and completely withdraw into a 'corner' and 'hide'. The attack of this spirit is throwing LIES like DARTS against the people of God that if not taken authority over 'head on', is leaving many feeling like the tasks before them that the Lord is asking them to do and circumstances before them is TOO OVERWHELMING. The influence and attack of this spirit is leaving many feeling like they have become 'powerless' to what is going on around them to see breakthrough, change or furtherance take place.
I felt the Lord wanted to encourage His people feeling this way, that the attack has increased this week because we are coming up to the threshold of crossing over into June, which is going to signal a whole new level of acceleration for the body of Christ that will see a tidal wave of momentous breakthrough flow out of June and into the rest of the year. 
In a way be encouraged by this attack that has come against you to attempt to hold you down, it has come because you are about to be PROPELLED INTO PROMOTION! There is a PROPELLING INTO PROMOTION that is going to happen from June onwards that will see the divine SET UP's of heaven manifested in SIGNIFICANT ways. 
One thing I noticed about the attack of this demonic spirit, it was going after the lives of God's people who's ground has been well tended and ploughed. There has been faithful stewardship, humility and surrender to His leading. There has been such a beautiful attending to all God has placed in their hands, such a precious cultivating of what He has released to them in the garden of intimacy, I could hear their hearts singing on song over and over in this season "Jesus, Jesus, all I want is YOU Jesus!!!". There single focus has attracted the focus of the enemy because he knows what is about to take place.
But the GREATER THING and the thing to FOCUS UPON is that it has attracted the FOCUS OF HEAVEN! It has attracted PAPA'S FOCUS!! The sacrifice and surrender has drawn His attention in deeper ways.
Where there has been so much JUNK that has come against God's people, the Lord is turning it and June will signal the beginning of greater revelation of the JOY OF THE LORD. Where the enemy has attempted to bring JUNK, the Lord is bringing JOY! 
I saw many affected by this demonic spirit in their dreams and many dreamers who the Lord speaks a lot to in dreams, have been having bizarre 'confused' dreams and wondering what is wrong. Many have been questioning whether what they FIRST HEARD from the Lord even IS the Lord anymore, because there is so much turbulence and confusion surrounding them. Many have been wondering what they have done wrong. Do NOT take this on! This is NOT you! This is a spirit coming against you. 
All year the Lord has been highlighting Jeremiah 33:3, this is a year of greater revelation and insight. 
 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ – Jeremiah 33:3 
There is such specific increase of specific insight, wisdom and clarity of the Word of God and what He is saying, that He is opening up at an even deeper level from the month of June and beyond. It's like the next level of an invitation. 
More is going to be revealed, understood and released in June AS the people of God ASK and CALL to Him. It's not PASSIVE, it's INTENTIONAL!!!! The attack of confusion and lack of clarity many have been feeling is just an indication of the breakthrough of clarity and revelation that is coming to you. You are 'coming up higher' as you accept His invitation. 
Because of this revelation of His wisdom, insight, clarity and revelation that is going to flood with greater increase into the lives of God's people that ASK from June and beyond, there will be a greater breakthrough of FRUIT and MOMENTUM in all you put your hands to from June and beyond. 
JUNE will see things go from "IT IS COMING SOON" to "BLOOM"
Many will see words from the Lord that have said "hold on it is coming soon" transition quickly to "BLOOM", things springing up suddenly. New life, vitality, refreshment and strength will come to God's people as they lean in from June and beyond. 
This attack against the people of God has been relentless. The spirit of witchcraft has been hitting hard, but the WISDOM of GOD and His WONDERS will overcome in your life. Keep WORSHIPPING!!!!
I felt the Lord saying that COMMUNION WILL BREAK THIS ATTACK! If you don't already do it, TAKE COMMUNION! Reflecting on His body broken and His blood shed is going to BREAK this attack in Jesus name. 
I had a vision of many taking communion and pleading the blood of Jesus over their lives and taking authority over this attack that has been given to them because of what Jesus has done, not only was there a BREAKING of this attack, I saw God's people in Papa God's bow and they were the arrow. As this attack was broken through communion, I saw God's people PROPELLED FORWARD with such acceleration and breakthrough anointing that will see a greater releasing of the heavenly domino affect come into the lives of God's people. 
I watched as God's people flew like arrows and they were flying with such acceleration towards a door and on the door in BIG letters written with the blood of Jesus was the words "AMOS 9:13-15"
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree.
“Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel:
“They’ll rebuild their ruined cities.
They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine.
They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables.
And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land.
They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them.”
God, your God, says so.
I am SURROUNDED by the words again "Moving from IT IS COMING SOON, to BLOOM". 
"Many of My people have been looking at My promise of Amos 9:13-15 and believing that it is coming soon. I have been moving My people towards the breakthrough of this promise. NOW in this greater acceleration My people are being propelled and the arrows of breakthrough released into their lives. They are BREAKING THROUGH the THRESHOLD of the MANIFESTATION of Amos 9:13-15."
Instantly, I saw God's people as arrows and arrows of heavenly breakthrough following them and they hit the door and there was a LOUD explosion and instantly they were on the other side of the door of Amos 9:13-15. 

Things LOOKED completely different in EVERY way possible. Divine set up's all around. Everything was COMPLETELY NEW!!! 
Don't be discouraged by the attack that has come against you so relentlessly by this spirit of witchcraft. Know that the enemy hitting you hard, is an indicator of what you are about to FLY into. The hand of God is PROPELLING YOU INTO PROMOTION!


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  • Connie

    I can’t even begin to tell you how right on you are Lana. All is exactly as you said. My husband and I are prophetic worshippers and on 5-15-16 we recorded a new song about flying to Him and that He is all we want – even though we are being blocked on every side and at every turn. Everytime we go to step forward its being opposed, and its hard to see where the punches come from because of the fog. God bless you for speaking a real word (many real words!!!) to the Bride, we are so grateful for your ministry!

  • David Shilton

    Have felt a crushing feeling in my chest for two days .Had heart attack 2 months ago and going through the fire at present .Have felt the shift in my spirit .

  • Susan M

    This is a powerful confirmation of battles going on in two churches and with friends and pastors I’ve been praying for…Praise the Lord for His decree of a supernatural turnaround. Bless, bless, BLESS you, Lana, for speaking forth His heart…

  • Paula J

    A timely word
    Over past day or so felt exactly what you described and wondered why
    Was even doubting my call my relationship …. I was ready to run and hide
    Thank you so much
    Anticipating June and acceleration

  • Elmarie Richards

    Thank you for this timely and long-awaited word. Receiving it with a thankful heart! God is amazing.

  • Freddy Nicholls

    Explains a lot of how I’m feeling with no sense of helpless, can’t hear God’s voice, my whole families has been attack by this spirit of witchcraft over our life’s. Lana when will there be a breakthrough in our life’s from this spirit?

    • Chris james

      You have the power and authority as a child of God so rise up and take authority over this Jezebellic spirit of witchcraft coming against you. It has to go. The enemy would have us believe it’s something within us and wrong with us. It’s not. It’s an assailing fir the outside spirit realm. Tell it to go. Declare God.s richest peace and healing over you.

  • Patricia Sperandio

    WOW! This word is so timely for me! Exactly what I have been going through! Thanks Lana!♡♡♡

  • Cyndi M Figueroa

    King Jesus !
    I have no words none !
    I can’t even explain how I am feeling right now ??
    This declaration along with the declaration on April 29th and May 3rd
    And the dream that I had in March 2016
    That I was pregnant and that my due date was in June !!!! Not. To mention all of the stuff that has been transpiring
    All I can say is that this is God is about to show off tremendously in my life especially against the will of the enemy

  • Karen Powers

    Thank you, Lana, for your servanthood!!! You are a true prophetess who speaks divine revelation from the Lord. The words that are spoken through you go forth and produce the fruit in which sent and bring forth the multiplication!!!
    I pray the fruit of multiplication upon your family, ministry, and finances!!!

  • Charlene Bontrager

    Right on, Lana. The witchcraft I became aware of yesterday with feeling and seeing of darkness pressing in on my head. I did begin to also wonder if what I heard originally from the Lord was really Him and that maybe I just didn’t hear so well. Thank you for listening to Holy Spirit. This one really encouraged me. I believe and receive this Good Word! We are pressing and loving HIM.

  • Mr J M Fiducia

    I am founder and chairman of CARDUK
    God sent me to Mozambique in 2010 Pastor Candido Mafumo who is director of African Leadership in Mozambique
    The Lord had us commission a church in Palmera all around were witch doctors it is thriving the darkness cannot stand the Light of the world Jesus

  • Margo

    Thank you for posting this!
    As I was reading this, I started looking at a book I have on taking Communion, as you said. In the book on Communion, it mentions how forgiveness is VERY important! (See 1 Corinthians 11:23-32)
    But this book also mentions Psalm 64. Check out verse 7! (Arrows)

  • Tai Ann McClendon

    So much of what you have written in here is timely for me. Thank you for your encouraging words. I have been hearing and feeling much of the same. In fact, I have been wearing an arrow necklace and arrow bracelet and have been proclaiming that I am being shot forward this year … that I will hit my target because the Lord is my archer. So so so good.

  • Jenna Biernesser

    The Lord woke me up about a week and a half ago with a word for trump. I have been already interceding..this is confirmation to continue praying for him.

  • Chris Wren James

    Thanks Lana yes we are certainly on the threshold of breakthrough. We host a prophetic gathering here on the Gold Coast in Australia and many have been stuck in the hallway between closed doors. God is about to spring open the doors and all will be revealed. I believe one of the greatest lies we can believe is that the attack is coming from within us. It is so not the case. There has been such an assailing spirit come against us and we need discernment as never before. Let’s rise up and boot it off. In Jesus name.

  • Deborah

    I receive this word in Jesus name!!! This morning when I woke up i was crying out to the Lord asking what is going on… and he spoke to me to read the word He gave you for today!!!

  • Rebecca

    Good morning Lana, thank you for your message today. Boy does this hit home for me. The enemy has been hitting me hard since November of last year with “everything is old, things are moving backwards, and everything is less not more.”I’ve gone through a great time of oppression by him. But now my life is ever more focused on God and His Word and what He wants me to do. Love, Rebecca

  • Donna

    I can’t tell you how many times your words, Lana, have been directly from the Lord for me. So thankful the Lord speaks through you this way. May God bless you and surround you with His angels.

  • Evangelist Cotia

    What we are dealing with is a modern day Jezebel, Ahab and Haman these are the spirits that are operating through these neighbors who has caused us so much wickedness and trouble.
    The neighbors are renters for 5 years the son and his older father rented the house and the girlfriend she stays there also when she is not with her 2 children every other two weeks ends even then on those days she leaves them and comes to be with the son Jeffrey who rents the house from his landlord who has 2 daughters by him.. Jeffrey is a convicted child molester he molested his ex-wife little boy and since he rented the house next door to us he has tried to get in touch with this little boy again which caused him to go to jail. He has violated his probation twice since living next door to us within 5 years. Jeffrey is diagnosed through court records as a sexual deviant he is ordered to see his sex therapist monthly. Jessica she was married for almost 20 years to a very loving husband she left her husband and two children to be with Jeffrey she divorced her husband so she could eventually marry Jeffrey. The two of them got caught having sexing vile messages to each other that his probation officer found out and he ordered that Jeffrey do more jail time he did.
    Jessica is a modern day Jezebel spirit she has such power, influence, and control over people (unsaved) she hates us with a passion she is the one who escalated more hatred, more wickedness, trouble and lies against us she is trying to drive us from our home of almost 30 years. Jessica has called my wife vile names and gives her the middle finger she thrives in being a troublemaker.. She is the one who has influenced Jeffrey the Ahab spirit along with her to file false allegations and charges against us. Jessica has gone around in our neighborhood spreading lies to neighbors to cause them to hate us and speak lies against us even though they know they are lying. We have a ministry she posted on it that Evangelist Cotia my wife was crazy and that she would not purchase our book and she would not even give the dirt from the sole of her feet.. Because the Lord is using us to minister to souls worldwide this Jezebel spirit has tried to discourage the hurting souls not to listen to us. This Jezebel spirit in her deeply hates us because of the ministry we do she hates my wife with a murderous hatred because my wife has the prophetic anointing. The Jezebel spirit is so strong in this woman that even the landlord cant do anything with her and she is not on the rental agreement because she has her own apartment where she has to keep because when she sees her two children they cannot come around Jeffrey.. My wife is greatly used by the Lord through several gifts of the spirit. This Jezebel Jessica runs outside when my wife and I are out in our yard she starts beating on anything that causes us disturbance.. She parades herself in front of our house she is bold, brazen, and she has planned that she will not stop at nothing..We are not afraid because God said that no weapon formed against us shall prosper..Jessica totally controls Jeffrey and his father, she is very wicked and she does everything that she can do to start trouble with us non stop. Jessica even went as far as checking through court records to see if we have any criminal records and since (we do not) she planned that she was going to fabricate lies along with Jeffrey in their successful attempts to get an anti harassment order against us even though we showed evidence in court that their lies were not true that we could prove it. Jessica put on such a pitiful deceitful performance in court in her attempts to sway the judge on her side and it worked! This is why we hired an attorney that we asked you to pray with us about..
    The elderly father 76 years old curses my wife vile names he also uses God’s name in vain constantly yelling loud by our house we cant get the peace he has done so much evil against us too many to name. He speaks vile sexual things that makes chills come on anybody to hear such filth. Richard is the modern day Haman always trying to destroy us at all cost. They hate us so much instead of them moving they think that they are going to run us out of our home that we own and lived in almost 30 years. The devil is defeated and the devil is a liar.
    I felt lead to have my wife share this with you so that you could join us in prayer about these demonic spirits by name.
    Thank you
    Evangelist Cotia & Minister Ford

  • Evangelist Cotia

    Dearest Lana
    Precious greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus. My husband and I thank you from the depths of our hearts for sharing this revelation regarding witchcraft coming against the church. Years ago a woman of God told us that we were being attacked by witchcraft My husband and I were told in the past that witchcraft was prayed against us she then said “No weapon formed against us shall prosper” I read it to my husband and we are so thankful to you for writing this message for the saints. When we pray daily the Lord would reveal by His Spirit that it is witchcraft coming against us very heavy attacks running rampant. I saw a tall dark demonic statue Dagon. We knew that God had sent more angels to surround us and our home he is protecting us from our enemies. Glory to God!
    We have never encountered such demonic attacks from every end like this in our lives.. We most certainly will continue pleading and praying the blood of Jesus upon us, our house and for protection we will stand on the word of God and continue to proclaim our victory through Christ yesterday after my husband and I finished eating lunch I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes I kept hearing these words in my spirit over and over.. “No weapons formed” “No weapons formed” “No weapons formed” Then I heard the whole scripture verse “No weapons formed against you shall prosper. I told my husband and we rejoiced. Today your email you have given us this same confirmation from the word of God..Thank you Jesus!!
    When I read the email regarding witchcraft when it speaks about how the enemy is attacking those who the Lord has gifted in dreams to attack. This is exactly what has been happening to me and I knew it was spiritual attacks. Another thing that I said to my husband for the first time ever I said to him I feel like I am in a fog, like we are going around in circles and going no where. It seemed like we were both in a bubble and could not break through although we have done all that we knew to do by standing on the word of God and pleading the blood of Jesus. We felt like God was so far away from us we felt helpless to a certain extent. But we kept pleading the blood of Jesus and trusting in the promises of God over our lives.
    We could not understand how when a judge in court had proof right before her that these neighbors had deliberately lied we had the proof but she ignored us. We paid our attorney a flat fee and she had this case since March this year she kept saying that she would be done with it and we would come to court she kept changing her mind over and over again even to the point that she would not respond to us the pressure upon us was way beyond belief. So after contacting her over and over her assistant set up and appointment to see her he said that the attorney wanted to go over the case with us
    My husband and I were happy thanking the Lord that finally we are closer to court date. When we sat at the attorney’s desk she said coldly to us these words. I have to apologized to you but your case is harder than I thought so since I have had this case so long I am offering to return your full amount so that you could find another attorney. I wanted to break down and cry I could not believe what she just said the attorney already knew that we could not find an attorney to represent us in this short amount of time and also she charged us a reasonable fee that we could afford because she knows us and our family her husband is our city councilman. Her husband in the past was my daughter’s campaign manager when she was running for City Council. I said sadly to her that we ask if she would continue with our case because we do not have that much time. She then said that she would stay on the case and then she made a couple phone calls to our defense witnesses. After this she said to me” Well I know you want to get this done sooner but it is now going to be in June sometime. I am wounded again because she is still putting this case off.
    I explained to the attorney again that it was too stressful by having this false anti harassment over my head that these neighbors who filed perjury in court in order to get this order against me they could make up a lie and say that I threatened them or I have a gun or knife etc and that the Jezebel spirit through Jessica would put on another deceitful performance and try to have me put falsely in Jail because of the anti harassment paper the police would believe them. The attorney showed no feelings at all she said oh well I will keep you in touch we have been sifted back and forth hurry up and wait syndrome going no where from every end we were dealing with attacks that is so unbelievable like being on a total different planet. So much powerful demonic spirits coming against us even through neighbors that we have done nothing but shown the love of Jesus too suddenly they turned against us as if they were starving wolves ready to rip us apart.
    We kept saying Lord we do not know why this has happened because you know the truth we felt alone as if we were the only couple in the world the enemy knows how to work against your thoughts especially when under such demonic attacks but the only peace and satisfaction was repeating the words of God that He promised us that He would never leave us or forsake us we will receive our breakthrough it is coming thank you for allowing me this time to share this with you but there was so much more in this email about witchcraft that has happened to us just goes to confirm that we are not the only ones going through these attacks.
    We claim our victory in the name of Jesus and from the month of June throughout we will see the hands of God move on behalf of His children worldwide great and Mighty things those demons will flee in terror seven ways..
    The Lord is on our side we have already the Victory in Jesus and all that we need.
    God bless you love always in Christ
    Evangelist Cotia & Minister Ford

  • Martha

    This is shared for those reading your word.
    So much of this applies to me. I was abused as a child by my neighbors who were generational satanists. The Lord healed me in a miraculous way from 1993-1995. I testified in an open assembly. Satan mounted an attack. A spiritual war targeting me, my husband and children ensued. In 2013 the Lord said He was removing a spirit of witchcraft off the family. This was declared prophetically in an open assembly. In 2014 a 12 year curse was broken off my son. In 2015 a murderous spirit was exposed and stripped of power. A trap that had been laid by satan in 2002 was pulled, but God meant it for good. He makes all things new and the bacterial infection I contracted in my gut that could have killed me led to a fecal transplant that has restored this area.
    I share these things to say that it can take time depending on what you’re dealing with. Press into the Lord.
    Here is the picture the Lord gave me in a dream June 10, 2011. A tornado was pursuing me. The tornado represents demonic attack particularly related to witchcraft and satanism. I entered a building. I began praying in tongues. The tornado was right outside my door. I thought it would go past me or disperse, but instead it picked me up. I continued to pray – we were spinning around slowly and even though I was in the tornado it felt controlled. I was singing “Hallelujah” and I could hear a chorus of angels in heaven at a distance singing, “Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah.” The tornado set us down and then it picked us up again. A woman asked me if I knew Jesus and I said that I did but now was not the time to tell me about Jesus, now was the time for love. While I was in the tornado praising God there was a sense that it could set me down anywhere in the world or I may die, but it didn’t matter. When it did set us down, it was on the second floor of the building we’d been in and it was a beautiful palatial room. People were cheering wildly because they had never seen anything like this.
    There were a few more things in the dream but that is the essence. I share this so you will be encouraged. God is in complete sovereign control. No weapon raised against you will prosper. He will bring beauty from ashes. It can take time. Persevere. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and we did not love our lives even unto death. This life is a training ground for the eternal kingdom. Stay the course. Pray in tongues. Acknowledge the Lord. The 23rd psalm, Psalm 91, Isaiah 43, and Proverbs 3:5-8 have been particularly powerful words for deliverance. Stay the course. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. He loves you with a passionate love we cannot fathom, exceedingly abundantly, He longs for you and your presence with Him. He misses you and needs you close. He did not come to condemn but to save. Hallelujah!