By Lana Vawser
I heard the Lord say today “Sing over the unrested parts of your heart”. I saw many in the body of Christ battling with “unrest” in their hearts for different reasons. These places of the heart were battling with fear, anxiety, doubt and many other things.
I watched as “hearts swirled” inside, but the “swirling” was not sent by the Lord. It was a swirling caused by issues of the past, areas the enemy was triggering, and places of “uncertainty”.
I heard the Holy Spirit whisper “Worship! Praise! Sing over the unrested parts of your heart!” – It was an invitation to lift eyes ABOVE the swirling and unrest in hearts and declare who He is, His kindness, love and nature in worship over these unrested parts of the heart.
I watched in this vision as His people lifted up the name of Jesus, glorifying who He is, above what was “swirling” in the heart, these unrested parts of the heart were being caressed by His love, His comfort, His encouragement, His words of truth and covered in the honey of His healing.
The Lord whispered again…. “The answer is the revelation of My love! The answer is the revelation of My love!”
I then saw those “unrested” parts of the hearts of His people covered by the broken, bruised body of Jesus. The sense so strong surrounding me of the healing, the forgiveness, the freedom that is brought to hearts and lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The atmosphere boomed and testified “I PAID FOR IT ALL! I PAID FOR IT ALL!” – the atmosphere filled with the glorious truth of His blood covers it all and His love demonstrated through His death on the Cross is bringing a SEALING of HEALING and rest to hearts.
Many have been battling with this “swirling” for decades, others in this season, others for years, others their whole life, but the revelation of His love through His death on the Cross, the beautiful demonstration of His love was bringing a DEEP REST of heart in these areas once and for all. A peace that surpasses all understanding. No matter the root of the “unrest” whether issues from the past, condemnation, shame, or situations now, the revelation of His love was bringing a deep quietness and peace of heart.
“Then by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, the RESTING PLACE of His love will become the very source and root of your life.” (Ephesians 3:17) – The Passion Translation
As God’s people raised their voices and sung over these unrested parts of the heart, singing with faith-filled hearts of His goodness and His nature, the rain of revelation of His love increased, more and more and more until the rain of revelation of His love was TORRENTIAL.
“Then, you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences, the great multitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding – this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:18-19) – The Passion Translation
The more this TORRENTIAL RAIN of the revelation of His love increased, the smaller and smaller these unrested parts of hearts became and covered in the honey of His healing, were then left MARKED and SEALED by the fiery flames of His love leaving the people of God with a peace and freedom they had not experienced before.
The Lord is going after the UNRESTED places of the heart with His UNRELENTING love and bringing a FINAL RESOLVE – a BREAKTHROUGH of peace!
I heard Him whisper:
“Out of the places of the heart were there was unrest, these places are now being turned to a place of great encounter with My love, bringing healing and sealing and from those places where UNREST once RESIDED, now rivers of living water and revelation will flow from these parts of the heart bringing life, refreshing and healing to many.”
“Where those “unrested” places of hearts were, they are now being reset by My love, and where there was swirling because of unrest, now there will be swirling in wonder and awe of My unconditional, passionate love.”
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Thank you Lana for your encouraging words! For 2 years I have believed God for a healing from chronic bronchitis. That’s where my unrest lies….in hope deferred, but I know my breakthrough is very near
. All praise and glory to this lamb who sits on the throne and rules and reigns in righteousness forever and ever ?
Amen dear heavenly Father, thank You Lord for Your love is wonderful, Amen!
Perfect timing. My heart was swirling up a storm just now as I prayed for help and here it is.
Oh how He loves…………no one……….is a Friend……….like Jesus…………….looking in my heart and massaging all the places of unrest………………..I love you Lord †
Derrick L
would you pray for those waiting, praising, singing while waiting for marriages? it has been over 20 years for most that i know. some have lost those 20 yrs of not having children…. it has been in the church that opposed the idea of praying for a godly mate… some church people have walked up and told these believers that ” don’t marry so and so, they are military or i know their family or it not God” . Then preachers get up and say” don’t marry just cause you are single”. Well, they all have marriages, homes, lots of money, cars, kids, and to not stand against curses for getting godly marriages is so limiting God. It has been all those years lost while waiting for even restored marriages…waiting, waiting, and mostly it has been to those single and low income, widowed, working for just enough to get buy people….
Susan M
I pray those chains are erased—I have experienced this, but we know our God delights in godly companionship and in the wellbeing of His servants and that no one should lack their mate. I speak to that lack to be REMOVED…NOW, and for many who are waiting on the Lord to see this dream and prayer of godly partnership fulfilled in this year of the Open Door and Bridal Portal (5778) Amen
Jacquie Moore
AMEN. Thankyou Daddy
Susan M
Torrential rains of His Love—-♥️
Amen, Alleluia!!!… I was just praying and thinking about how I would love to hear the sound of rain—-(by this time of year on the Canadian prairies, after 4 months of winter, there’s a deep longing that wells up for the spring rains—which remove all the debris and sludge of winter and awaken the earth with the wonders and fragrance of new life).
What a beautiful word and reminder you’ve shared that we have that new Life continually in Jesus. Shalom and blessings.
Hi Lana
Thank you so much for this timely word for me, I had been asking the Lord for answers and I read this at 3:30 this morning when I could not sleep.
I believe this word is a real key to my healing, and the answer to my prayers.
This word gives we hope, answers, instructions in what to do.
With my eyes fix on Jesus I am getting hope that I will come through.
I am not able to sing myself yet, but I have been listening to the lovely words on my CDs this morning and it is helping me.
Thank you so much Lana with great love and appreciation to you, and my Lord.
Love and blessings Gayle
william Robertson
Very Special Word ,will work at applying ,expecting great joy. The Lord himself Bless you and all of your family so much. Thank You for your Gift of Prophecy.Oh keep it up please, so needed in our land. William
Deborah Hunter
This post was very timely today. I have been feeling very dizzy since last Sunday. It’s been coming and going in waves. There has been much change in my life and today when I read this I realize that the dizziness was coming from the swirling of change but also from the past and everything/everyone that has left me and I had such major breakthrough with the Lord today as a result of this post. So I praise him and thank him for my healing today and the dizziness that is now gone gone praise God!
Lovely, lovely and the time is now! Fill us Lord Jesus – Your Love is what we long for.
Yesterday & today, God takes my prayer partner and I to this unrest places of our hearts. It has hurt and still hurts to face it. Difficult & tough to lose that we cheerish dearly mainly if they have been a companion in trial. My heart breaks and hurts but I know that God is dealing with both of us & asking of us like to Abraham to bring to his altar what us dear to us to test our commitment, obedience & devotion to him alone. This morning, I have seen a huge drop of water rolling from the sky to fall unto me…one single drop. It has been so when my heart was sinking much in despair…I was thinking that most probably Christ was crying too with both of us…but not I get to read your post Lana & it has brought a clearer interpretation to my heart and bring comfort to me.
May God hear my prayers for all those who are in same state than us but who have no access to his word through you Lana. May Jesus visit them individually to reveal his plan to each one of us. God bless your ministry Lane you are a refreshing breeze to us all sent by the Lord to earth.
I read this four times to digest it …I needed this word today, Lana. Thank you, Jesus…
Charlene from TN
I know what this feeling in the heart is, and I approached Abba about it. I could not sing to it at first because those parts were unacceptable and unapproved, but as I was made aware of this that I’ve never been aware of before, the sound began to break the places with LOVE. My husband came to the room and said that he thought there were angels singing because he heard more than one voice. I know this was the Word from the heart of God for me and for others today!
I am going through a really difficult season at the moment, and I really dont want to miss out on this – How do I pray for Father’s heart, how do I press in more? I read all these things then I feel like they dont apply to me – and then I worship and I feel like I cannot press through… What am I doing wrong?!
The lightning and the thunder,
First notes of heavens song,
That opens into breakthrough,
His endless passionate love.
The build-up in the Spirit, before torrential rain
Promised liberty from fear of man,
Release from weight and pain.
And we gaze in holy memory of the load that He took on,
Jesus awesome power at Calvary,
His love not stopped by death,
And we drink in revelation,
His healing love’s unbounded bliss.
And in the breakthrough intimation,
The deepest lovers kiss,
He shares His resurrection,
Our love song without end,
Transcends us from the place oppressed,
To the place of loving friends,
The place where we are marked and sealed,
The place of His caress,
Where his unrelenting passion,
Burning flow of golden light,
Calms all the swirling of the past,
Resolves our soul’s dark night.
And with gravity undone,
And flesh’s fetters gone,
Our deepest hopes are more than won,
We breakthrough in His peace,
His stream of beauty,
Deep in our heart,
Releases rest and ease.
And at His touch,
The waters part,
New vectors are released,
Flowing out his unconditional love,
To other folds,
To all that He holds dear.
And Holy Spirits virtue Truth,
Shining bright and clear,
Wraps them too in Jesus goodness,
Soaks through their walls of fear.