Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


There is a shifting of gears taking place right now. The Lord is changing things around, rearranging and adjusting “speeds”. This is a time to really stay flexible and surrendered to Him. What is before you may be unexpected and it may feel like a huge sifting is taking place, and there is, but as you stay close to Him, you will see the sifting lead you into your next demonstration of heavenly shifting. The change of gear may not be what you expect but it is going to lead you to an even greater blessing. 


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  • Herminia "Minnie" Arras

    Praise Be To Our Lord Yeshua, Papa, Father? your word of knowledge from our Yeshua has brought tears & Joy to our Hearts? I’ve had a great desier to stay put seeking Papa waiting on His Time & Alinement in all I do. My car has been taken away to be repaired with no finances to pay for work needed to be done. yet the man working on it feels lead to get repairs done. Praise God? We are awaiting out pour’s of Blessing’s & finances to be released. We have had a Shalom Peace through it all. We is my husband & I.. We Believe with all our Heart & Faith that surpasses all understanding for such a time as this.. Your word has given us a Tripple confirmation.. Thanks be to God?

  • Megan

    The Lord gives you such beautiful visions and words! He told me to encourage you by reminding you that His beauty is shining in your heart and through you, and you are an encouragement to others in these dark times!

  • Sheila

    having problems with my computer. Can you resend me emails for 10-14& 10-15? Thank you and God’s blessings to you and your family. Sheila

  • Joelle Rutledge

    I am always amazed how Abba confirms His words through you! I am one who acts it out …. many times – not understanding this weeping – this longing — this love sick etc… and He uses people to let me know what He is doing !!! thanks

  • Lyllie Hidalgo

    Amen, I am so happy and exited, I just moved into a new Apartment, which has being a real shift from the Lord God Almighty, I am not able to pay this Apartment in my own possibilities, but in the Lord’s, we have more than enough, Glory to God, Honor, and Praise all belong to Him…
    Father God, I have no eloquent words, nor a vocabulary, that can express exactly the gratitude from my heart to Yours, Thank You, “ABBA” For providing just on time, as You always do, Amen!!!