By Lana Vawser
“Prophets of My heart, now is the time to stand and stand strong. Do not move to the left or the right, keep standing in the place where I have told you to stand. Fear, intimidation and confusion has come against many of you like a cloud, to cause you to withdraw or move in a direction that I am not leading you into. Do not move! Keep standing upon what I am saying, for a great awakening and increase of revelation of your authority in Me is taking place. I am awakening you to the victory that you live in and walk in, in Me. I am increasing the anointing to prophesy over regions, cities and nations and see a whole atmospheric shift take place in significantly LOUD ways. Prophets of My heart, many of you are moving further into your governmental mantle and the enemy is raging mad, but TAKE HEART, you are gaining ground. Take HEART a promotion is upon you. TAKE HEART I am increasing favour upon you. TAKE HEART, I am increasing your influence for My Glory and to extend My Kingdom. Many of you are crossing over thresholds of destiny that will see you moved by My hand into the greatest promotions in the Spirit and the natural of your life. Doors, doors and more doors abound and will continue to abound as I send you forth with My Word in your mouth to proclaim and release and see some of the greatest shifts take place by the power of My Spirit.”
“The enemy has come against many of you with this cloud of fear, intimidation and confusion to cause you to run or to withdraw, and to cause you to doubt what you are seeing or hearing even though you know My voice well. There is a deception that is attempting to blind and silence many of the prophets but I say unto you, KEEP LEANING IN. Keep lifting up your praise, stay deep in the place of worship, for you a birthing and you are moving into a realm of understanding the spirit realm and the language of My Spirit in ways that you have never imagined.”
“There are new assignments upon many of you where I will send you forth with specific words into specific places and you will prophesy and not only will the hard grounds break open, but there will be DESTINY in these places suddenly awakened. The prophetic words sown into the grounds by My heart will SUDDENLY come to life as you prophesy. I am sending many of you forth as ACTIVATORS to prophesy what I am saying, to call forth the seeds of destiny sown into cities, regions and nations, in accelerated ways, that is going to active by the power of My Spirit the “tipping point DESTINY MOMEMNTUM for that place.”
“There will be a significant increase of angelic activity seen partnering with the words that I am releasing from your mouths. It has already begun but it is going to increase significantly in the coming months. Angelic activity will be seen as you prophesy in ways you have never seen. I am sending you forth as activators with an increase you have never carried and you will not only activate the destiny in people, people groups, in the marketplace and cities/nations, supernatural signs and wonders will follow your prophetic declarations in ways you have NEVER seen. You are birthing.. NEW! You are birthing…NEW! You are birthing the NEW THING I am doing!”
“Where the cloud of fear, confusion and intimidation has come against you, I am blowing the cloud away, and you are moving into seeing My Glory come in like a cloud, like you have never seen. You are moving into encounters with Me where you will see My Glory that is going to take you into depths of My heart that you have never been in. Secrets and revelations of My heart that you cannot even fathom await you, as you continue to press in. Don’t withdraw, lean in! Push through the confusion, fear and intimidation through your worship and praise and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not yet know (Jeremiah 33:3) I will release to you the blueprints and strategies for your assignments that will BREAK THE DAMS! Many of you shall now be known as those who are carrying the BREAKER ANOINTING in such powerful ways that wherever you go, where I am leading you, you will step in and the DAMS WILL BREAK. Generational DAMS will break and release the flood and tidal wave of My Spirit bringing healing, breakthrough and healing to people, places and areas that have been locked down for generations. These strategic breakthrough moments through My rhema word being declared are so important and strategic that they will be known as history making moments.”
“Many of you are stepping into your governmental anointing in double portions. What I am about to do and lead you into is completely new, but I have been preparing you and you are ready. You are crossing over and that’s why the enemy is raging mad. Rejoice! As you lean in, you are overcoming and are about to see Me move in a way that will leave you on your face before Me, undone by My power and My love like never before.”
“You will carry My fire like never before. The Elijah prophets are arising! It’s time! It’s time! It’s time! It’s time for fire! It’s time for My fire! It’s time for My fire! You are crossing over into another realm of the manifestation of My Spirit with you in signs and wonders to ignite, activate, heal and deliver people, cities, nations and regions. The DESTINY WINDS and the DESTINY MANTLE upon prophets is increasing SIGNIFICANTLY right now. Stand, stand, stand, a mighty move of My Spirit is at hand!”
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Alta Freeman
I hear God encouraging me in this hard place I’ve been in for the last 8 months fighting this very spirt
Of confusion, jealousy and manipulation to get me to walk away from this assignment.
This word hit me at the right time, I thank God for using you this day please continue to allow God to speak through you.
Karen Dow
This is definitely for me (as well)! I take I! And activate it, In Jesus Name! Thank you!
Susan M
Stand, stand, stand…and praise!! Alleluia! Lord, keep us standing firm, unmoved, on this higher ground, Lord and new realm of faith and destiny breakthrough. We give You GLORY!! We agree in faith for supernatural overflow, refreshing and strength, to surround Your blessed servant, Lana, Amen. Thank you, Warrior Lana, this is so SO incredibly fine-turned and timely in the Spirit— xo in Jesus & Shalom…
Kris Miller
Yes, yes, Amen. I believe and Receive.
The newness Christ has for me and for others. The enemy is furious! But my God is Greater than this! I lost ground, got thrown back, but will be moved forward and advance with the Angels and staying focused on Jesus and his word.
Thank you and God’s Blessings
Thank you Jesus ! Hallelujah !!! Rhema Word, Spoken, Glory
to God, thank you Jesus, this day for your Powerful Words.
Elsie Bouwmanm
Amen, amen, amen!
Claire merryman
Dear Lana
Your messages from the Lord are so
Encouraging . I’m a prophetic worshiper
Intercessor I’m 68 . Our team has always been struck with physical difficulties. Some so severe
It threaten to stop our mobility physically.
The team I’m in now some of have been togeather 17 yrs. we are so deeply in love with
The Lord . He is our breath our blood.
He is teaching us so many new facets of His Love
It’s been so precious . Pa pa has made it clear
That His love is our strongest weapon and our worship moves mountains .
The physical difficulties continue and
Become at times unbearable.
Do you have a word for me ? And our team?
Pls pray for us
And the Highest regards
Claire merryman
405 229 3956
Sheryl Ask
I have never thought of myself as a prophet but when reading this, I feel like God IS talking to me! Or is it just me wanting it to be for me!
Carmen Luz
You are a angel send by heaven before the foundation of the earth, for such a time is this.
May God keep blessing your life and relashionship with the amazing, “I AM”.
Warm Holy big hug by the Spirit of the Lord my sister.
Xzaviette Hill
Yes!!! I receive it in the Name Of JESUS!!!
Arvie Lish
Thank you I have been feeling this my self, once again. Thanks