Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


As I was waking up to 2016 this morning, I heard the words in my spirit “Pioneers, new lands, areas and horizons await you.”
I then saw the Lord bringing wrapped gifts before many Pioneers. There was a rewarding that the Lord was releasing to the Pioneers as they had continued to seek Him, and continued to steward and ‘work the ground’ of what He had called them to do.
“He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) The Lord has seen the journey that many of the Pioneers have walked through in 2015,t he level of opposition, hardship, weariness and trials of 2015 amongst the amazing provisions, breakthrough’s and promotions. The Lord has seen how many Pioneers have continued to diligently seek Him when everything around them was going in an opposite direction or whirlwind opposition.
Pioneers, through 2015, amongst all the challenges, stretching and trial, the Lord has birthed a greater heart in you to know Him, and to see heaven come to earth. His Kingdom established. There has been a “strengthening” of foundation. Fire has burnt away much and brought a purification. Many of you have felt like they were ‘stripped back’, but the Lord was pruning foundations of many works that were being established so that it will be strong and secure. Do not believe the lie that the pruning is because you have done something wrong. The pruning is part of the process, it’s the step before promotion.
2016, will  MUCH promotion for many Pioneers who have partnered with the Lord and not fought the pruning. Have embraced the process, have walked in the fire, held His hand through the shaking and fire, and allowed Him to cut away and rearrange all He needed to.
2016 will see the Lord add to, build and increase that which the Pioneers put their hands to, directed by the Lord and have allowed fire to come upon their foundations and prepare the ground for the building.
Going back to the vision of the Father placing wrapped gifts before many Pioneers. I saw many of the Pioneers begin to open these gifts, these were rewards and symbols of increase, promotion, surprises and new directions.
For some, as they unwrapped their gifts, I saw “SIGN POSTS” and “RAILROAD SWITCHES”. I felt the Lord is going to unveil some new directions, and changes of directions in what the Lord has called these Pioneers to Pioneer. For many, you may not understand the ‘change of direction’ but these change of directions are leading the Pioneers to more prosperous ground breaking lands than they have known before.
These SIGN POSTS and RAILROAD SWITCHES even though the road before them looked ‘different’ and like nothing they had expected or envisaged, it was leading them to what looked like a higher realm of outpouring, revelation and increase. I saw what looked like a portal and it was at the destination of this ‘change of direction’ WITHIN what they were pioneering, and I saw heavenly rain falling. It was such heavy, thick, glorious gold rain. It was bringing increase, a sudden building, an acceleration, a breakthrough, provision, and ‘coming to life’ of the vision and turning the ground ‘fertile’ than they had ever seen. The glorious thing about it, was because of the ‘change of direction’ and ‘unexpected leading of the Spirit’ within what they were Pioneering, when the rain began to fell, the rain was singing and testifying to the favour and hand of God bringing radical long awaited breakthrough.
Pioneers began to dance and sing with great joy, tears streaming down their faces, the words flowing from their mouths “2016, the year we have been waiting for”.
The second type of gift I saw being unwrapped by the Pioneers were “tent pegs”. There were SO many tent pegs. Instantly 1 Chronicles 4:10 was all around me.
“Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!” And God granted him what he requested.” (1 Chronicles 4:10)
The Lord is extending tent pegs and enlarging borders. The Lord has heard all the prayers, all the cries in the faithful stewardship, for Him to extend, increase and add to, not for the glory of the Pioneers, but for greater impact of His Spirit across the earth.
“For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.” (Habbukuk 2:14)
Pioneers, are going to take new lands in 2016. Pioneers are going to be put in charge over much as they have continued to diligently seek and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. In the purity of heart and faithful stewardship, the Lord has prepared many Pioneers to take new lands in 2016, with networks, church plants, extensions of what they have Pioneered by direction of the Lord, and it spreading like wildfire across the earth.
In 2016, the Lord is going to do in an accelerated and bigger way through the Pioneers what only the Lord Almighty could do. In 2016, the Lord is going to provide what only Jehovah Jireh could provide. In 2016, the Lord is going to build on the foundations, what only Jehovah Nissi could build.
Pioneers, as I awoke this morning, my heart was full of anticipation, excitement at the promotion, increase and breakthrough that will be released in 2016. That 2016 is going to be a year that MANY Pioneers have been waiting for.
The vision the Lord has given you, what you are Pioneering in faithful stewardship, humility and purity, being led by His Spirit is going to see that vision expanded, increased and released further and wider than you could imagine. Pioneers, you are about to see a BIGGER picture than your BIGGEST picture, but that vision is going to extend into greater manifested reality.


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  • Phyllis J.

    Glory to God in the Highest!! It’s not quite midnight herected in the US but I am going to start praising God Almighty for what He is going to usher in this season of Harvest for His children.
    Many Blessings upon you and your family as the Lord extends your ministry worldwide. Praying for your travel mercies.


    Glory, Awesome, Thank You, Father, for the Gifts, for the release into 2016 as you have spoken it. I receive if. I take
    it, all you have for me, it’s been long waited years, to receive
    from your hands, what you promised to me to partake, for this is what I have been waiting for. Glory to God ! Thank
    you for my Breakthrough, the suddenlies, the increase, the
    abundance, the supernatural, the Rain, the former and the latter Rain, the Recompense,the greatest outpouring of
    your spirit, the wealth transfer coming in 2016, all and above you have spoken to me. I thank you. I thank you
    for Lana, for sharing your words of truth to the body of Christ, thank you for words of encouragement. Awesome.

  • Connie Jo

    Wow Lana! It’s like you are reading the chapters of my life!!! All you have said is confirmation of things that my friends and I are hearing and it’s so exciting to know that YES we are HEARING our Abba!!!! Thank you For being faithful to deliver the words as you hear them!❤️

  • Laura Beth Horstmann

    You do not realize how much you have helped me move forward through this most diffucult time!Thank you!Your words have been like water in a very dry land.THank you a thousand times!!!!Laura Beth Horstmann

  • John Bell

    Praise him, praise Him, Praise the everlasting King!!!
    Like many others 2015 has been the most challenging year ever, but this woulderful word is indeed confirmation that all the many years of waiting are finally leading to breakthrough! As pioneers we receive all of this. It resonates in our spirit! We look forward to partnering in the amazing and I miraculous the Lord is about to perform. Lana, thanks for being such a brilliant steward of all that Papa gives you!! We bless you. Victorious new year everyone! Love John and Fiona xxx

  • Eileen

    What a wonderful word from our Lord – very encouraging. Praying that you are awesomely blessed by it in the coming year. Thankyou for being faithful to listen to Him and to post for us

  • Linda

    Thank you so much for your love-filled ministry, Lana. You are such a blessing. Re: your picture of the tent pegs, I remember you getting something about this right after Rosh Hoshanah. I am sure you and many of your readers are already aware of this but I thought it was worth giving a shout out to the strong confirmation of your word in the prophetic significance of the year — 5776 on the Hebrew calendar and now 2016 on the Gregorian. The Hebrew letter associated with the #6 is Vav, and the pictograph of Vav is a tent peg. In addition to the symbolism of tents, land, etc., the Hebrew scholars also saw the Vav as representing encounter between the spiritual and the natural [INTIMACY], and connection between Heaven and earth.
    This seemed to add such strong confirmation to what you saw, I just had to share it. You can confirm for yourself at
    Bless you, Lana, and Happy New Year to you and your family,

  • Beverley Estes

    Thank you LORD for your faithfulness too. The days are 7 min. longer. I love the light as you did today in your above words and the LORD is also as always faithful.

  • Kim Duncan

    Could this be for me, I’m not a Ps, leader, I’m wanting something new, something fresh, I desire more of God. This has been a slow build up, but now I want more. And I want order, my life has been all over the place with no direction, could I possibly be a pioneer? Kim

  • Carolyn Watkins

    I absolutely receive this confirmation!
    I welcome 2016! To God be All the Glory for the things which He has Done ….and are doing.
    Still His very best is yet to manifest!
    A very Happy, Blessed& Prosperous New Year, Lana!!

  • Lorraine Nwaering

    Yes! This will be my Jubilee year! All things lost and stolen WILL be returned!!!!! In Jesus’ Name!! Amen!

  • Apostle Peggy Elliott

    I thank God for you, Lana, in your obedience as a prophet. I woke up this morning, my devotional being the prayer of Jabez. I live in Wichita, but the Lord has told me to pack up, sell everything, leave family and friends, going to Africa. Which country? I don’t know yet. What I do know is that God is in control.

  • Snoopy544

    Thank you for these words! I have been struggling through,y most difficult season yet but I have remained diligent in keeping my heart, thoughts, and actions on the Lord. You confirmed what has been in my heart….relief is near!

  • Kathryn Lacadie

    Lana, I am so thankful to the Lord in calling you to be His spokeswoman at the start of this new year. I have been crying out to Him regarding a clear direction and assignment. I was so encouraged by your blogs since I just was informed by a friend that I needed to read this morning. My first response was weeping before the Lord in thanksgiving. The past few years have been intense warfare. I came back to the states after many years as a “pioneer” and knew God brought me safely home in the midst of an intense war there. Home but not seemingly useful, has been most painful. I hung onto what I believed God said, new waited. Now I know I have not waited in vain. Hope has been fired up in me again, to hear His voice and be about My Father’s business and good pleasure. Again “Thank You” it is always wonderful to see the Army of God and what He is building. I look forward with anticipation.

  • Denise Edwards

    This is so spot on even to some of the very words the Holy Spirit placed in my heart.
    God bless you Lana.

  • Julie B

    This was wildly on target, both confirming and exciting. I have had the honor of praying with others for the people and our land. God is moving! This very description of Pioneer was shared with me several weeks ago. The Pioneers have been preparing, there are many Pioneers ready with wagons packed to move as the Master directs.