Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
There are about to be some dramatic, powerful, amazing demonstrations for many of the faithfulness of God.
I had a vision where I saw many lying facedown on the ground and they were SO tired of things being stolen, hindered, delayed and hard. I saw so many facedown in weariness, finding it hard to even believe again.
When suddenly I saw an angel appear and the angel was standing on the top of the mountain looking into the valley where all these people had fallen on their face in weariness. The angel blew a shofar and instantly I saw the valley go from NIGHT to DAY. It was an overnight shift in the Spirit. I then heard the sound of rain. First I heard the sound, then one drop, then a few drops, then a few more drops and the rain began to increase until it was POURING with rain.
I heard the angel decree "The season shift has taken place to go deeper in the revelation of His faithfulness and see it demonstrated in a completely new way."
I then heard the Spirit of God say:
"The valleys where many of My children have laid down, facedown in weariness because of the battle and contending, that WEARINESS is over and now those valleys will be FULL of the waters of My Spirit – where dryness and death seemed all around, now LIFE WILL ABOUND. Shoots of new life will spring up all around. There is going to be life, life and more life. Fruit is going to ABOUND."
I then heard the Spirit of God say:
"Where weariness has caused many to fall facedown, now there shall be a greater revelation and demonstration of MY FAITHFULNESS that will HEAL HEARTS and leave My people FACEDOWN in awe and wonder of who I am and My faithfulness."
Numbers 23:19 was all around….
"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
I saw encounters with the faithfulness of God and His extravagant kindness that was burning the truth in hearts of His faithfulness to what He had spoken. The demonstration of His goodness in the manifestation of the promises exploding all around. There were so many tears flowing from the eyes of God’s people, thankfulness exploding all around, as the revelation went deeper…
So many hearts were being healed of hopeless, disappointment, weariness and discouragement in the demonstration of His faithfulness and the reality of Proverbs 13:12:
"Where hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing, but when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul." (The Passion Translation)
I saw in the place of deeper encounter with the Lord and deeper revelation and demonstration of His faithfulness, suddenly those in the valley of weariness were suddenly transported back into the WONDER of the Garden, the WONDER of walking with Him in the garden. Where the dry valley of weariness left so many facedown, I saw these ones now walking with Him in the garden with a deeper level of intimacy with Him than they ever have had. Fear was being broken by the rivers of His love that flowed in the garden. The gentle wind of His Spirit was bringing the dry and hard parts of the heart, back to life and soft again. As they walked with Him in the garden, their wombs in the Spirit were being filled with more and more fruit and accelerated birthings were taking place in the garden of intimacy with Him. The deeper birthing of identity, destiny and sound contained within each one were suddenly bursting forth.
As I watched this vision, recompense, redemption, restoration was bursting forth all around and Song of Songs 2:11-13
resounded all around:
"The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whisper "There is change in the air." Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me." (The Passion Translation)


  • Robyn

    Oh, what a very welcome word from the Lord! Thank you Lana for your faithfulness – you are an incredible blessing! Thank you Jesus, your timing is impeccable as always!

  • Ashwen Gibson Blake

    I claim this word for Chris and the children and grandchildren to be refreshed and restored and to join The Lord and I as ONE SPIRIT, SOUL, MIND AND STRENGTH of ONE FAITH AND BAPTISM with One Father over all in all. Him drawing us as ONE into his heart where we are ALL put in memory of our eternal pre-destiny and there marveling at the increasing magnificence of it THEM in all- us as ONE enjoying as a HOUSEHOLD AND FAMILY, ONE PASSION for OUR GOD.Restore our family Lord better than before. Thanks Lord for your grace that has been sufficient and your power made perfect in my/our weaknesses. Do not bring me/us to the test but for your name sake and to magnify your WORD above all, let it be to and through us as you have spoken. Proving our circumstances and situations to be A LIE.. Thanks Lana. ABGB

  • Jackie Battle

    Lord I knew in my heart YOU had a word for me this morning as i laid in bed in my home.outside Washington DC. I Believe and Receive this word!!!!! Thank you Lana! May God Bless you with multiplied grace and favor!!
    Grateful for your faithfulness Lord!!!

  • Donna Valis

    Awesome. I cannot myself do anything but weep for the Goodness of God is coming to the land of the living….

  • mbostrom2

    Thank you for this timely word. Many of us that are trying to rebuild after Hurricane and TS Harvey in S Texas have been weary and disappointed. This was indeed a word in season!

  • Nahomie Riche

    Once again a on time Word…cant wait to spend special time with You, HOLY FATHER❤, HOLY SON- LORD JESUS❤, and HOLY SPIRIT❤ in the secret place…Love you much HOLY ONE,
    THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD ❤❤❤. Thank u again Lana..

  • patricia

    Beautiful encouraging word! Thank You! I needed to hear this today! Funny that I have been listening to the tape by Kari Jobe “The Garden” for the last month. Blessings to you!

  • Regina

    Such a beautiful and much needed word for me and my family today. So much my story and my prayer for recompense for so much that has been stolen from us with the death of my son and husband over the last 7 years. Redemption and restoration for these days.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful word. Blessings!

  • Nicole Randall

    Another Amazing Word! I was listening to worship when I saw your word arrive in my inbox. It took me about 45 minutes to read, because I couldn’t see I was crying so much! When I got to the end and your were talking about Song of Songs 2:11-13 I clicked back over to my worship music and the song I had been listening to was Arise from Heather Clark and the whole song is about those verses. Thank you soo much for the words that you share! I don’t think I would’ve made it this far through this season without them. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and your ministry to the Body! We need you!

  • Dorothy

    Thank you, this is a timely word for me in light of what I am dealing with now. I needed to read what you shared.

  • Carolyn Adam

    A poem the Lord gave me several years ago
    You are my garden, oh precious one
    Drink from refreshing Springs
    Where blossoming flowers, kissed by the Sun
    Give forth fragrant offerings
    Enter through the vine covered Gates
    Come sit and rest awhile
    My arms are opened as I wait
    To gaze upon your smile
    Your beauty is fairer than the rose
    That glistens with morning dew
    The Setting Sun that casts its glow
    Can’t compare its Radiance to you
    Rainbows arched across the sky
    The Starry hosts at night
    Eden’s Beauty, all please my eye
    But you are my constant Delight
    You are my garden, uniquely made
    A bouquet of colorful pleasure
    Your essence lingers where others fade
    An aroma to cherish and treasure
    Come to my garden, drink deep from my Springs
    To revive your spirit and soul
    Restoring Waters of abundance they bring
    To heal you and make you whole

  • Ford

    I believe and receive this Word deep into my spirit. God, you are so great! I love you! God Bless you, Lana.

  • JoAnn

    I rec this in Jesus Name and my heart is SHOUTING HALLELUJAH !!!! TY Lana 4 ur faithfulness to our LORD & His WORD !

  • Sharon Stark

    Lana, I just want to thank you with all of my heart for your faithfulness to release what God gives you, and especially for this particular word today. I needed it so desperately & it is reviving my heart! You are SUCH a blessing & gift from heaven!

  • Truette Lee Cliver

    May your ministry of encouragement and edification go forth permeating the listening hearts in the Lord’s Body. Your God-given gift is about to open new doors of several influential platforms. I see varied media and pulpits. In Jesus’ name I speak ‘God-speed Lana Vawser!’

  • derrickablog

    Yesterday i had a vision before waking up. A vision where rain was falling and there people holding their umbrellas hunched down like they were sad. I saw the number 17, which is a number the Lord uses with me to refer to unfeigned faith, at least i’m pretty sure. And i saw the word “Prevail”, which shocked me because at the time i received this vision i felt like i had only an ounce of hope in me. We will prevail over the enemy! Amen!

  • Elmarie Richards l

    Right on time, right on target. Thank You Jesus! God bless you Lana… this word is for now and we will rejoice in God Almighty who is true and faithful!!!!

  • Aundrea Hernandez

    Confirmation!! For 2 days Father God kept speaking to me “I will contend with those who contend with you” – I decreed it aloud constantly, agreeing with The Word of The Lord.
    After returning home from work, I was walking from the kitchen and said, ‘Father, You said, ‘I will contend with those who contend with you’” then sat down at my computer, opened email and saw a single message come into my Inbox. It was the Derek Prince weekly Devotional – it said, “Shielded: Psalm 35:1–3 Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and buckler; arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, “I am your salvation.”
    A couple days later, i stopped at the gas station and looked down to see 1,174 on miles and 1170.4 on distance miles at the very same time. As i drove home, the second time i glanced down i saw 1,184 on miles and 1180.4 on d-miles at the same time! I looked up scripture 1174 and 1184 … Psalm 117:4, “Let Them that fear the LORD now say, that His mercy endureth for ever.” … Psalm 118:4, “Let those who fear the LORD say, ‘His faithful love endures forever'”!! Hallelujah!! The Lord Bless You Ms Lana!

  • Christine Darwazeh

    Your encouragements have been so amazingly right on for my life and has given me what I needed to press through. I am amazed at the springing forth of the words you have given over the past two years. I stand in awe at God’s faithfulness. Get ready believers for those dreams to come true! Hold on tight and get launched!!

  • L.M.

    Thank you Lord for your Word, Your Promise to Me and for Your Harvest. I receive All . I Welcome The Full Restoration and Bounty in my Life. Look forward to Increase and the Return of ALL Stolen Goods in Jesus Name. Thank you for soothing my Heart. JOEL 2:25

  • Janet Brown

    Seeing the rain refresh my soul this week. I know there is more to come. We are being prepared for a great revival. For those who have been seeking to survive in this world of many troubles. Be encouraged. The Lord encouraged me with “you are not being prepared for survival but for revival”. There is always so much more to how it feels or appears with God. He is faithful and about to show his faithfulness. Praise God

  • Paul Svenkeson

    Lana, the timely gift of the Lord’s Word through you is speaking life into my soul in this very critical hour. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  • Frances Carter

    Thank you for outstanding words of encouragement and insight! One small request… My eyesight is not great and reading this print in a light grey color was pretty challenging. If you can publish in dark and/or heavier print, it would be SO helpful.

  • Luane Watkins

    Wow, I pray this will reach all around the world. We all need to be encouraged to be the best we can be in Christ.