Prophetic Words


By Lana Vawser
I prophesy over you this week will be a week of hearing the Lord with greater clarity. I prophesy that you will hear His heart with greater clarity and hear His voice in HIGHER DEFINITION.
I had a vision and saw those drawing close to Jesus, He was placing headphones on their head and there was a cancellation of other sounds and a greater focusing in on what He is saying.
The Lord showed me in this, that the “noise” that has tried to prevent you from hearing Him clearly, as you press in this week, will be FINALLY drowned out and there will be a greater focus upon Jesus and what He is saying come upon you by the empowerment of the Spirit this week.
This week will be a week of hearing NEW SOUNDS. You will hear new sounds of His heartbeat, you will hear new sounds of His revelation, you will hear new sounds of His freedom and direction.
And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.” – 1 Samuel 3:10
This Scripture has been on my heart… get ready to be surprised by the voice of God this week. Get ready to hear Him call out to you in a way you may not expect. Get ready to see Him speak to you in a way you may not have experienced before, but when it comes, lean in, “Is that you Lord?” and the position yourself to hear.
There has been great swirling in the spirit, confusion, distraction happening, the Lord showed me as you press in this week, there will be a great breakthrough of clarity of hearing His voice and empowerment of having your face towards Him as a FLINT.
Get ready to hear new sounds this week, greater accuracy in hearing His heartbeat and the rhythm of His heart.
I heard the Lord say:
“Get ready to step into Holy Spirit surround sound!!”
The Lord is about to increase what you hear and recalibrate and tune you in, in greater ways to the frequency of heaven and the rhythm of His heart. To hear more, greater increase of HEARING is available to you this week. Receive it!
There’s a great shift this week in HEARING. Be intentional to position yourself and get ready to step into “Holy Spirit surround sound” and greater clarity of hearing what is taking place in the Spirit and the sound of what He is birthing and is to come.
This week, for many of you, what you hear from the Lord, is going to see a lot of pieces of His divine puzzle come together, greater breakthrough… this week, things are going to make greater sense.
Get into the secret place and let Him place the “Holy Spirit headphones” upon your ears to hear with greater clarity!


  • Clara Mitchell

    Excellent message, love it..especially the “Holy Spirit surround sound”..Amen

  • Derrick L

    This is so prophetic!! Thankyou Lord! – I wonder if Lana knows the Lord gives her our conversations and thoughts, prayers , even attempts to do what the letters before instructed us of the Lord!!! Jesus thank you for eyes to see! And ears to hear, what your Spirit is saying to the church! There’s no missing God, when clearly hearing HIM!

  • A. S.

    Thank you Lord ! You know this is exactly what I need and have been praying for..clarity, direction, greater accuracy ! Thank you Lana, you are always right on point .

  • Annabell

    We needed this. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you and your family, Lana, with all that He has for you.

  • Debora

    Aleluia!!!!!! Alleluia!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Sweet Jesus I love you and I receive !!! Thank you
    (?May the Lord bless you Profhet Lana beyond your expectations always)

  • Nahomie Riche

    To have that meeting with The LORD like Samuel did that significantly changed his life, oh I can’t wait. Hope its my time to hear The Word of The LORD to come out of the Wilderness. I remember Satan used to make me feel so much I’m not good enough or spiritual enough to hear from GOD, to meet with HIM. But here’s a good example in The Word of the true nature of GOD, that HE meets with all HIS Creation, big or small.Satan lies alot about who The LORD really is! Thank you again Lana

  • Rozanne

    Thank you Lord for your servant Lana who handles your mail and mine and the encouragements to hang in with greater determination for hearing your voice with clarity.

  • Charlotte Northen

    WOWWW & WOW BACKWARDS!,Thank You! Holy Spirit for using ur daughter Lana in this word! Thank You! Lana for sharing it! Strengthening, Encouraging & can’t wait to hear what’s on PaPa God’s heart & agenda! Shalom ?

  • wanda

    Thank You Lana because I too needed to hear this word. The enemy has been attacking my emotions left and right using my narcissistic mother as a vessel that tries to drown out the voice of the lord and distract me. Yet, I still wait on the voice of the Lord to guide me out of the wilderness and into the light with a new assignment and free from bodage and captivity. Thank you Lord.

  • Charlene from TN

    I AM taking this, I am TAKING this, I am!! I’m taking it!! Two things: the “noise” that has tried to prevent you from hearing Him clearly, as you press in this week, will be FINALLY drowned out AND Get ready to see Him speak to you in a way you may not have experienced before, but when it comes, lean in, “Is that you Lord?” and the position yourself to hear–these two things make this very , very personal. I am TAKING THIS!!!

  • Connie

    I do want to hear the Lord with greater clarity ??????I have been through a very hard 2.5 years
    .Thank you Lana

  • Nancy

    Please pray for me I have been in so much pain and constantly crying out that all I hear is myself, I need to hear from Him so bad!!

  • Neville Sealy

    Truly Blessed by your ongoing Words of encouragement and direction As Led by the Holy Spirit. This Word being no different and if anything really on the proverbial “money” in my case. Attending a monthly Prophetic Gathering tonight so truly expectant based on this Word. I keep getting the fact that we must be “ON OUR MARKS” so we are ready for the “Get Set & Go!” Gun when God Pulls it as John 20:21&22 “Sent Ones” – Later will be toooo late!!!
    Been Prompted to Pray for you and the God Given Ministry through you, twice daily As Led (In Tongues) as one of your Exodus 17:12 “Arm Bearers” until the Son Sets on all you are Doing in this regard at this Time and the Battle is Won.
    Fondest Love in Christ Jesus.

  • Natalie

    The Lord absolutely made this word come to pass for me last week and into this week!! So thankful to hear Him more clearly and to see Him putting the pieces together! All glory to Jesus!!!