Prophetic Words,  Uncategorized


Last night I had a vision/dream as I was falling asleep. I saw myself standing on the edge of a cliff. As soon as I saw myself standing there, the words flooded my mind….
“Many of My people are standing on the edge of a cliff, and I asking them to jump, to free-fall, to take a leap of faith.”
As I was watching myself standing there I started to feel fear, uncertainly, worry, anxiety and doubt because they couldn’t see what was in front of them or where they would land. As I started to feel overcome by these emotions, suddenly the most BEAUTIFUL AROMA I have ever smelt surrounded me. As I took DEEP breaths this aroma was bringing me such peace, such joy, such contentment, such confidence, such calm, and even a ‘stirring expectancy’ of what was waiting for me “in my jump”.
He then spoke.. “I AM HERE AND I AM THERE!!!!!”
He is on the cliff and He is at the “landing point”. He was reminding me and His people that He is in the ‘lead up’ to the jump, He’s IN the jump and He is AT the landing point.
“The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)
I felt Him say that many are being led into a place of taking steps of faith right now that just feel radical. Whether the step of faith is big or small, it’s a call to trust.
As His people jump and take Him at His word not only will His presence and aroma be SO STRONG WITH His people on the cliff edge and AS they jump, but WHERE they land too, He is there.
Your step of faith will then become such a testimony and a HUGE fragrance of His goodness, love and provision WHEREVER you go. You are moving into knowing His presence and provision in a way you haven’t before.
Even though you can’t see what you are jumping into, how it’s going to work out, jump in obedience, because as you jump, you are jumping into Papa God’s arms. I saw person after person jumping and landing in His arms. As He laid them down, His hands were then FILLED to OVERFLOWING with provision, with strategies, wisdom, revelation and keys to moving forward through new doors in this new “jump”.
Don’t fear people of God. This may be the greatest “leap of faith” of your life thus far. It’s a call to radical trust. It’s a call to “even when I don’t understand, all you need to do is hold My hand” and some of the greatest life-changes, provisions, breakthroughs and revelations of His goodness as your GOOD GOOD FATHER to TAKE CARE OF YOU await you on the OTHER SIDE of your jump.
Let His words sink deep into your heart.. “I AM HERE AND I AM THERE!!!” God has got you! He’s got your back! Don’t align with worry, for you are jumping WITH HIM and INTO HIS ARMS…the SAFEST place to be!!
JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!! Jumping is releasing you into a new day, greater promotions, but best of all, the GREATEST levels of intimacy with Him and seeing His beautiful heart of goodness and love towards you like never before. Don’t worry about provision.. the vats of heaven are opening and it will RAIN RAIN RAIN provision like you have NEVER seen before. MORE than enough!!!!!!!!! Take Him at His Word!!!! It’s time to let your ‘feet’ follow the declaration of your mouth that you trust Him.
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  • Mike

    Amen! And wow! I just wanted to say thank you and God Bless for the confirmation about an evangelism ministry that I begin this week. I never thought I would do something like this but I believe it’s a part of God’s will for my life. Jumping into Papa’s arms takes away a lot of the butterflies. Thanks Lana

  • Tanya

    This vision you shared is almost identical to the dream I had Oct.12, 2013 where I was required to jump and take a leap of faith to a new place in another state. Well I did and completed that assignment and now 2years later I am required to take another leap of faith on a higher level. I’ve only shared that dream with a few people but felt such a release and confirmation from your post to encourage others in this next leap of faith! Thank you for sharing that because I now know this is the same thing I’m suppose to exhort others with in this season. This message is for many in the body of Christ.

  • Chris Kauffman

    Absolutely! Last night I saw a tree being “staked”.
    I landscaped and staked many trees over the years. We drove 2 stakes on either side of the tree deep into the ground with a special sledge and wrapped coated wire around the trunk to hold the tree upright in high winds until it’s roots were established.
    As I saw the image; I was shouting ~ “BY FAITH!” As we jump we need to keep ourselves grounded in faith; knowing the Lord is Here with us, He’s walking with us and waiting to catch us!

  • Jacqueline.

    Wow. I have had an almost exact image of this in my mind these last few weeks. And I am about to take one of the greatest leaps of faith in my life thus far. I needed this sooo much! Thank you for sharing. This is so very encouraging and confirming.

  • Brodie

    Thank you for sharing this. I was blown away as I had a very similar dream of jumping off the cliff into the terrifying unknown on the same night you did. It was so hard and I was so scared but halfway through the jump there was peace as I let fear go. Very encouraged God is so awesome! Thanks Lana.